Gadarien tries again

I’ve never re-vegged a male but I’ve revegged females and It doesn’t look like a plant trying to re-veg to me.

Looks like a couple male pods might be close to dumping in that top right pic. From the pics, maybe 2-3 might be starting to open up? It’s hard to see for sure in the pic though.


The room is dark day and night. I spent a great deal of time finding stuff to block the windows :rofl:


Thanks for the reply. The pics aren’t great I snapped them in the dark this morning. I figured it should be close ish. I guess I’m just concerned it’ll decide to drop pollen while I’m away and I won’t get to catch any.


Watered them tonight. I was mad when I realized I left the light on 25% since I took pics last time I was in the tent. So I got down to give them water and I saw this on the lowers.

I don’t know enough to tell if this is foxtail or nanners forming. I don’t know if the light issue would stress her enough or not.


If I understand right you left the lights on a lower intensity? If so I don’t think that’s a problem. Like a cloudy day is how I think of it.
I could just be missing what you saw but I don’t see any nanners in the bud that’s in focus. If you see something you are really worried about you can pick off that little bit. Unless you get them all over the plant it’s not a big deal in a small grow.


Yes you have it correct. I was thinking the same after I posted last night. I just saw what I guess is swollen calyx and thought they might be nanners


Couple tent pics. The buds are stacking up. The pots are getting light already after 2 days so I’ll probably water again this evening before lights out.

I’ve got 4/5 above soil. Both of @Tracker dream bones fem popped so fast the tap roots were over an inch before I checked them after 24hrs. I was worried I might kill them getting them in my plugs. The 2 nirvana seeds green Crack popped and are doing well.

These plants are meant for an outdoor grow and a couple are being traded for a tent my buddy has but doesn’t use.

I’m super excited to get harvested and get to my next tent cycle. More on that later though.

Thank you for stopping by and visiting my little corner of the OG!

Edit: here’s the boy. Still going strong.

One more edit to say my wife is complaining of the smell emanating from the open tent. “It doesn’t even smell like weed. It smells like rotten corpse and swamp water.” Lmao.

My whole house reeks of weed. @JohnnyPotseed sells the dank!


Hi there, looking great in there. Just swinging by :minibus:


Looking good brother! Green crack is one of my favorites :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I got some popcorn off the last one I ran. I cooked it with full power lights at way too close running Temps 86f+ and it was amber at 5 weeks. So I’m hoping an outdoor run of it will provide some vindication lol.

I don’t have the original cut this is nirvana seeds attempt at it or at least whoever they white label their seeds from’s attempt.


I reset my phone the other day. It was lagging and overbloated. Now it takes pictures that OG doesn’t like. Does anyone know if there’s a setting I need to change?

I’ll crop them to fit and upload them below.

Well here we go. Starting with wee runty and ending with Ki catching a small salad. Enjoy!

Oh I don’t know which Pic (it’s pic 4) has a leaf in the bottom right corner that I diagnosed as magnesium deficiency. Anyone have a better idea?


You’ve got lots of good looking buds poppin’ in there, my friend! Very nice grow!

That male is really putting up a fight. Let’s hope we’ve turned the corner, weather wise, and he gets to thrive (perhaps revegging after dropping this round of pollen).


Looking great in there! Love the cat chowing down :laughing:


Wow looking good brother, got some great looking buds coming in :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

1 Like

Thank you all! I’m out of likes for 2 more hours so I’ll have to come back and like your comments when I get to my destination tonight. Heading to Poughkeepsie NY for a couple days. Does anyone here know if there are dispensaries in that area?


I don’t know, but I’ll look around for ya lol


Nice! Have a blast I’d imagine there are some around if not real close by. If not try and Google delivery services etc. you can usually get fire from them


I’ll definitely be trying. I’m dry af and can’t get it at home right now. I refuse to rush these plants though so I’ll run dry till finish if I must.

It’s a work trip, but I love what I do so it will be as much fun as I can make it.


Getting all caught up, so don’t mind the deluge of likes, @Gadarien . Looking good in here. Well manicured plants, and those flowers are looking happy. Sorry to hear about your troubles with running a bit dry, but glad to hear you don’t plan on rushing your girls after such great work and dedication. Keep it up.
…where’s that damned watching button?:laughing:
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


If only I weren’t across that imaginary line, I would certainly help bro. If you can’t find, hmu and I’ll see what I can do for ya , no problem at all