Gadarien tries again

Beautiful sight to see!


Thank you!

I haven’t figured the male out yet. I don’t want my outdoor to be seeded this run as I’m trying to maximize bud. But I also really love this male. It may just have to stay alive and I’ll find a way to isolate him. I really want him to pollinate the Luke’s Force 1. I may try to reveg both.


Looking great in there keep up the good work


I think you are just across the state from me. Just dm me


That’s incredible! I’ll send a dm. I’ve got another 2.5 hours drive yet tonight so it’ll probably be tomorrow


I honestly thought I killed my saplings for this outdoor run so I panicked and dropped 2 more dream bones and 2 more green Crack. Now I have 8 saplings. Not a big problem I’m going to keep 2. The others I’ll pass along.

My sapling spot got claimed so they are currently living the 12/12 lifestyle under the canopy in the tent. Not ideal but it’s what I can do. Gonna have to get my hands on some of @JustANobody 's solocup holders lol. They shouldn’t be in there too much longer but we will see.


Plants are looking good. The two Walkenstein in the center are looking a little worse for wear. I think it is a combination of several issues. Lock out of magnesium I believe is part, but more than just that.

The seedlings are all in their own cups now. The 3 newer ones just got cupped today and I dropped them into the cups to account for the fact they were over 5 inches tall. :joy:

Edit forgot pics. Gonna grab some trichomes later.


Side note. The males flowers are starting to open! If I cut him down and hang it will he drop the Pollen through the course of drying or will I be able to dry then shake the Pollen out?


I think your plants look really nice.
I ran out of likes before I got to the end, lol.
So here are some more…:heart::heart::heart:.


Thank you @Flower I saw the notes it’s cool you joined us. Please feel free to hang around and make yourself at home!

I am also out of likes for a couple hours! Oh the squanderings I regret!!


Don’t cut and dry, keep it alive to collect pollen. If you have cut , you can put it in a glass of water over a dish to wait for it to open.


Well, today is 6 weeks since I flipped the light schedule, so I took some trichome shots.

Walkenstein number 1

Og Kush

Walkenstein 2 and 3

Luke’s Force 4

Luke’s Force 3 (runt)

Luke’s Force 1

And finally some tent shots.


I’ve left him standing. I’m going to have to see if I can get it inside somewhere so I can actually get any of the Pollen. The wind is making my hope very dim for collecting any outdoors.


I have a male outdoors with the moms. I don’t expect him to drop much pollen as it is. I keep having the idea of pollination of early flowering clones which produce seeds and then reveg and flower normally in fall. There are a few pistils there and lots of pollen sacks.


That’s a cool idea! I am playing the idea of keeping him alive and after I harvest the tent. Reveg him and Luke’s Force 1 to create seeds. Maybe throw a couple other plants in for extra seeds. A true chuck.


Your grow looks real nice. Good job on those.


Thank you brother!


Cats and Hockey! Now we’re talkin’

Awesome progression you’ve made!

1 Like

So work got in the way of my hobby the last couple days. Got home last night and got to play with the girls this evening for a bit. Snapped lots of pics.

The male opened most of his flowers while I was on the road too and with the wind and all I fear I missed out on pollen collection. I moved him to a closet and put him on a pan hopefully I can collect something.

The trichomes are still pretty clear yet. The runt is the most advanced but she’s only partly cloudy herself.

The saplings are all doing OK. I knocked over a dream bones this evening and bent the stem over. I’ve got it propped up for now. Hoping it doesn’t die off. There’s 4 dream bones, 3 green Crack, and 1 amnesia haze.


Dude, huge update! Loving all these pics, the plants look like they’re going to give you some great buds with a strong buzzzz
:v: :sunglasses: :+1:

I see you’re using the clear cups inside the solo cups for easy root peeking :eyes:
Gonna set myself up with something similar.

You’re making great use of the space in this tent.

For the male, is there any worry about pollen moving through the air in the house? Wouldn’t want any getting into the tent but I’m a worrywart