Gadarien tries again

I had him outside because of the concerns. I didn’t want to pollinate this grow. I have it in a closet with no airflow so I’m hoping I’ll mitigate the free pollen in the air. If they do get pollinated I’ll just pick seeds but I doubt at this point they would even be mature enough to call them seeds.


Not too much to report. Trichomes are still mostly clear. The girls are looking good still. Only one Bud is leaning the branch over on Luke’s Force 4 but it isn’t smashed against the side of the tent so I’m gonna let her hang.

I tried to catch the saplings. They are doing ok for the less than prime scenario. Im thinking i might be able to move them to the tom of the water heater and suspend a small light from the ceiling. Then they’d have warm feet and proper light. Idk yet but considering it.


Plants look great. Bending branches is a good thing, may want to tie it off preemptively. Better safe than sorry.
How much longer will they be in 12/12 if you don’t move them? Sounds like a good move to me if you have a light & space

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I figure I’ve got at least a week more likely 2 weeks before I chop. I typically dry in my tent so I will most likely make the move and let them really gear up.


Do you still have the dude up?


He’s alive but I have failed at all attempts to actually gather pollen. I think I’m going to have to just cut him down and do it the more natural way. He dumped so much pollen but I half-assed it. I thought it would fall on this parchment paper and I would be able to scrape it up. It just absorbed into the paper and turned it yellow.


I will remember this and appreciate you sharing it!

The only way I recall another person doing it was with a really large metal bowl (the sort people mix bread dough in) and it might be self-evident as to why they made that choice. I think that they just shook the branches while the bowl was below the stems.

EDIT: Oh yeah, just remembered that pollen once almost killed me. I was driving in Louisiana and came upon a Magnolia tree on curve near the blacktop road I was on. I was amazed to see that the blacktop was almost yellow with pollen. I then discovered that so much pollen was a very real driving hazard as I almost went off of the road.


Geez! I’ve seen grass clippings and leaves be a hazard on the road but I can’t even imagine that much pollen!

I metal mixing bowl is a good idea! I don’t know if he has any pollen left to drop but I will try a shake when I get home this evening!


I haven’t had a chance to try to collect pollen yet, although I want to soon. I found a video a while back from Khalifa Genetics that explains it pretty well. Mind if I link it?


Please do! I’m all about learning and if I don’t have to search it up even better! :joy:


absolutely. I hope it helps. I can’t wait to collect some as well :slight_smile:


I’ve been slapping this Motorbreath clone and Acapulco mist male together ,hoping for my first spring seeds.


I’m out of likes! That is awesome! I love your motorbreath. That Acapulco will add to it to be sure!


My friend had to cull the male, it smelled so fantastic I had to try for pollen.


I gave him a good shake over my wife’s favorite cake pan. Aside from all the flower pieces and bugs I got a little tiny bit of pollen.

If I can reveg Luke’s Force 1 I’m gonna hit a flower with it and see if it works.


Might leave that bag open a bit for it to dry out, moisture will make it go bad.


Good call. I opened it and put inside a closed bag with rice. Hopefully this works.


Incase any of you don’t follow @JustANobody has a sweet wiki for some great strains going.


I got home last night and checked in on the girls. I watered on Monday and last night they were dried down pretty good. The girls are thirsty.

The og kush is showing some deficiency or senescence. The rest are mostly just thirsty. I think they are in swell mode. The trichomes are getting pretty close. Still more clear than I want so they’re gonna go a little longer. I’m thinking a week from Saturday. I’ll be traveling for work for the next 3 weeks or so so updates will be on weekends only.

Here’s some trichome pics. I harvested at this point on my first grow. I feel it was a little too early. Any input is always welcome though.

The saplings are all sending up second true leaves. I didn’t get them moved yet. There seems to be less hours in the day anymore I swear. Ki snuck a bite of the amnesia haze while I was focused on trichome shots. It should be ok but definitely a stress test.

And I’ll add some tent pics here. They look pretty good to me. I’m hoping to see a little more swell but honestly these buds are fairly dense feeling so if they stop now I won’t be mad.


Those are looking awesome!

Do you use a USB microscope? Those images are top notch