Gamestonk WSB

AMC and GME actually making a comeback today, yesterday was tough but steady…AMC Up almost 4$ from yesterdays open though, GME up a bit but I didn’t invest there

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Still holding!
My dogecoin investment is banging it out today… Feels good to be up 20$ from fractions of pennies


I think it’s another ladder. As one WSBer put it, when everybody is holding, the hedges are free to set the price. I don’t think the squeeze is even close. Probably at least 2 weeks out still.

I’m just riding it out anyway. The news is going ballistic about people just holding. Nothing but a full on panic of negative press. I think that means we’re doing something right. :joy:


If they paid any attention they’d figure out that’s the damn point lol

But they’ll keep trading amungst themselves and drive the price down further and further intil another bubble starts to form… They’ll get theirs soon… Well… lose theirs lol


Yea, price means nothing right now. You only lose when you sell. It’s just funny to watch the machine go nuts over us dummies who just bought some stock and tucked it away.


I think we’re at least a month from a squeeze maybe longer


Hold DOGE!!! Hold GME!! Hold AMC!!


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Any short course a guy could learn how to do this stuff easy? I have 3G sitting in a TD broker acct that I haven’t even tried to buy any stock with as I know nothing about this stuff. Can I do this stuff right out of that acct?

Joined up at Reddit wallstreetbets but they’re all talking Greek to me.



GME/AMC aren’t really traditional investing by any stretch. I wouldn’t consider what’s going on at WSB a normal investment strategy, but more like a collective war on hedge funds.

Hedge funds took out huge short positions. It’s essentially a position where they make money if the stock goes down. If you are holding a stock worth $10, I borrow it from you and promise to give it back to you with interest. Then I sell that stock to someone else for $10 that same day. Tomorrow, the stock goes down to $9, so I buy it and then give the stock back to you. I have made $1 on the stock dropping in value.

Like bullies, hedge funds take huge short positions and then scare everyone away from the stock, causing it to drop. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy, because these hedge funds come in with a massive amount of capital, scare investors into selling, and then scooping up their losses. It’s like slamming the accelerator on the car and ramming it into the tree, accelerating crashes and collecting all the money that everyone who owned stock lost.

This whole GME & AMC thing is people fighting back. Hedge funds took out a huge short position, equal to something like a 112% short position on GME (yes, 12% more than the total number of shares). WSB is giving them the finger and buying all the stock and holding it, costing them tons of money in interest, while they try to crash the stock to make money. If nobody is willing to sell their stock, then they can’t cover their short positions, so they can’t return the stocks back to their original owners. All they can do is either wait and get killed by interest, start trying to buy stock from people – causing the price to go up even more, or start manipulating the market to try and scare people into selling. There’s no limit to how much they can lose on a short position.

This only works as long as people stick together and refuse to sell their stocks. It’s called a “short squeeze”.

That’s as much as I really understand – so don’t take any of this as advice for what you should do.


Sounds like I need to read the book I bought about investing and/or spend more time online watching all the videos the bank has to teach this stuff. I’ve never been good with money or learned how all this stuff works. This stuff just does not mesh with my head at all and puts me to sleep. Should be classes for this stuff in junior high or something.




This isn’t investing friend. This is gambling. Don’t fall for the wsb fancy lingo. @LabRat


I’m aware of that and mainly planning on looking into real investments in hemp, renewables etc but wouldn’t mind mind playing around with a few hun once I start getting my feet wet.



@lefthandseeds Ya nailed it bro. Bang on…

In a nut shell the people are fighting back at Wallstreet, hedges, invest platforms that restrict buying “Robinhood” comes to mind …

ITS OUR MONEY AND WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE WHAT WE DO WITH IT… I don’t want to be told what “I’m allowed” to do because some bank, hedge fund or platform ect dictates for me.

I’m so PROUD to know that you guys/gals or :unicorn: unicorns here are in with GME, AMC, NOK & SNDL tickers and WSB sparked revolution…

" I like this Stonk " the movie coming to an AMC theater near you 2022… Actually Hollywood has talks of two movies in the work about this…

Lov you all… now let’s make some hedge funds cry…

You guys are allow correct, this WSB is not about investing :roll_eyes: its about making a statement :wink: don’t put in what you can’t afford to loose. However IF everyone involved stays true and works together as one. The advantage is on our side for sure.


Not investment advise, just a starting point.

Google “Jared Wesley” from live traders on YouTube & watch all his videos, he doesn’t lie… Specifically start with the one called “3 Bar play”…

Also on YouTube “Cheapest options strategy starting at $5” Easy, cheap and works.

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What was your most recent investment into DOGE and on what date, if you do not mind the inquiry? Positive vibes…


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My last purchase was around 2500 so altogether 5000doge… Invested 170$ into it last week and as of a minute ago, again gains by fractions of pennies alone…

Seems to have stabilized around .03 so for now the little climbs and dips are easy riding… Popularity is growing with it and it seems to be getting a push, trying to bring the “meme coin” to the mainstream and make it usable

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Respectable gains for sure, especially for a cryptocurrency that began as a joke. Now let’s see where you would be had you invested that same $170 into BTC or ETH one week ago:

BTC @~$30,000 on 1/27/21 ($170= 0.00566667 BTC)
BTC @~$38,000 on 2/3/21 (0.00566667 BTC= $215)

ETH @~$1241 on 1/27/21 ($170= 0.1369863 ETH)
ETH @~$1688 on 2/3/21 (0.1369863 ETH= $231)

All approximate and just to roughly compare. Just for shits and giggles really. Positive vibes…



I could watch this all night lol I also could sit and sell a few at .038 and buy a few more than I sold at .036 but an even 5k is good for me

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Then I woke up