Garden-Buddy's Basement

Oh there are a few of us in the neighborhood here:)


So, I’ve been getting much better germination from these old seeds by:

scuffing with sand paper

place inside fresh aloe slice overnight

*Crucial step I forgot about last couple batches is to soak in tap water for about 12-24 hours after the aloe treatment.

then paper towel in a Ziploc baggy placed on top my growlight heatsink that stays about 80F

Wait for tails then plant in root riot cubes.


Ok, I got a blackberry Spacewreck and a quicksilver from Snowhigh to sprout and grow.

Gonna put those aside for a bit and do a round of seeds that I’m sure will just jump out of their shells and hit the soil running, got to get more plants going before they are all out of step with each other.


Gran Pur Pur




Sour Bluetooth


Spirit Train F2


Lebowski from Veedub


Also spent 81$ on a 5pack of OregonCBDseeds triploid “sour special sauce” CBD. Had to talk myself out of buying their whole line up, I’ll try these first and then go for the CBGs and CBDV later. Most I’ve ever spent on any seeds, here’s to hoping all the science in em is worth it. I want to make some super tasty CBD hash rosin.

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Lovin the grow! I too grow with the coots mix. Been about 7 years of using it. Easily the most amazing grow style ive tried. Also thc/cbd hash is the bomb. My fave is 2:1 thc dom. I always find i get much MUCH more medicated off the 2:1 cultivars. It lasts longer too!


Thanks for following along. This grow style has worked out really well for me so far. I’m thinking I’ll need to get some soil testing going on before too long though. Ive just been pulling a couple harvests and then reamending with stuff I have around, letting the plants tell me if things are in balance, which has worked well so far, except for some autos I ran, everything else has been very healthy and vigorous.

With the CBD plants my hope is to blend hash and rosin after post processing at different ratios for dabs and tincture. Looking forward to document ing here too.

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Put everybody in their places to veg out for awhile before I cull males and take clones. I’m sure they will appreciate the rich living organic soil with blumat at their service to quench their thirst. Put DE around their bases and on their stems to protect them from the isopods that have set up shop, they don’t seem to cause much damage, but I have seen them kill small seedlings. These guys should be ok with the DE and their stem starting to thicken up.


The seedless triploid Sour Special Sauce CBD came today! Probably gonna be a minute before they start popping though. Very excited about seeing if they live up to the hype.

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Isopods can be assholes. I removed them and reapplied DE. The plant will probably be ok. Anyone got any tips for controlling these little bastards? They don’t really bother larger plants but they do go after my seedlings sometimes.


Like I wrote in the thread you made, gotta feed them!

Thanks for growing with living soil! :smiley: :green_heart: :+1:


Thought I’d try some air layering on this quicksilver from seed that I’m pretty sure is female. I just used stuff I have around; root riot cubes, cling wrap, floral tape, roottone IBA.


This is my first real hash squish. It looks pretty but this forum stomper auto has a weird not good cat litter citrus thing going on. That being said, the high is really great though, and it’s pretty.


Everything is entering beast mode. Top dressed with malted barley and watered it in with rootwise microbe complete and coconut.

snowhigh quicksilver.


Veedub Lebowski