General use Gardening thread

Reading through the laws on it, Canada is the one spot that doesn’t seem to care too much. Haha Branches seemed more like shipping clones, which everyone is doing these days, so I’m not too worried. Like I said, I’ll just use a fake return address and pay cash.


I’m still outta likes :+1: thanks to this thread lol


I don’t know jack about smuggling citrus, but this was a pretty entertaining book about a marijuana smuggler!


Picked this bag of blackberries today. This bowl yesterday.

love my yard!


@PatHealy your awesome bud. Wow


Hell yeah man. :sunglasses: do you know type of blackberry? Mine I really don’t know, it came with the house 22yrs. Just this year we cut it down to the roots and it’s growing strong in a 5agl pale now.


Nah I don’t know. Just pick them everytime they pop out. I have a good 2 week window. They are along all roads and everywhere here. So when we moved I knocked them back to the trees and stumps. And now they’re in full bloom and almost all berries. Starting to ripen every day, tomorrow is another full round of picking.


This is gonna be a cool thread to follow. I enjoyed reading through it all so far.

My favorite things are the giant stuff like sunflowers, pumpkins, and gourds. I don’t think it’s gonna happen this year because the oppressive heat (near 100F consistently) has done a number on my beautiful leafy monster that was growing so well and made pollination near impossible but my conservative goal for next year is to grow a 100+ lb Atlantic Giant pumpkin. It’s not a huge goal considering the record is over 2500 lbs but I haven’t come close yet lol.

I tried last year for the first time and topped out at 53 lbs by the time borers got it then used the seeds from that pumpkin this year not realizing the original cheapy seeds were pretty crappy genetics from the start on top of my own errors. I finally got a couple pollinated last week with a break in the heat but the heat came right back and I lost 1 of the 2 already and I wouldn’t be shocked if the other one died as well although we’re finally in for a stretch of decent temperatures so maybe I can still get something going. I’m gonna find some better genetics for next season and give it the best attempt yet. I haven’t quite given up this season, I just don’t expect much.

Anybody here ever grown giant pumpkins?


I’ve been watching @RainToday grow one!


paging @FieldEffect


My buddy grows some big ones. All organic compost manure and soil. He had an 1140 lb. One and a 200 lb Watermelon last year. He heaps soil on the vines so they root all over and thins the fruit to one “superbloom” He calls it. The Watermelon pictured was his 2nd biggest.


Those are awesome!
I’m not going all-in like that :rofl: but I bought a little pot with 3 Atlantic Giant pumpkin seedlings. It’s a good local seedling place, but I don’t know exactly how good the genes are. It was really just be fulfilling a long time dream on a whim. :green_heart:

I buried a 5-gallon bucket of aged chicken poo glop and built a mound of used cannabis soil over it. Planted them there, mulched deeply with peat moss. A couple weeks ago I dumped a bunch of used cannabis soil over parts of the vines. They’ve taken over the entire front bed, about 30’ x 6’. It was hard to get successful pollination at first, but it’s going fine now. I’ve got at least 6 growing I think. I would like to have more seeds to share and grow in the future, so I left all 3 plants, and will keep at least 2 pumpkins per plant.

It’s been really fun to watch them grow. Lots of folks like to walk the neighborhood in a “loop” that passes our house, so it’s fun to grow showy things and hear them exclaiming. :slight_smile:


Watching this thread, my girlfriend and I would love to start a mini garden for fresh fruits and veggies.


Even in very small spaces you can have a garden full of vegetables, fruits & of course Cannabis :yum:
Look up container gardens for ideas if you have a balcony or rooftops patio ect. If you got 1 sqft you can grow something :wink:


That’s what I was telling my girlfriend! We can grow delicious fresh food on our small balcony. What can I trade for some fruit seeds @CADMAN :grin:


I’d recommend this, measuring your balcony size.
Then buy/build a wood raised bed like this, or go a simple route and use plastic storage bins, the hard type.

You only need the growing container, the soil, the Fertilizer & then seeds or plants.

Also lookup ( square foot gardening method )

Just exceed the load capacity of the balcony, no idea how you would find this out.


I think the storage bins would be better in our case, our balcony isn’t tiny but it isn’t massive. Soil and fert I gotta research, thanks for the tips!


Hp promix all purpose soil & Jack’s 20-20-20 fertilizer will do very well for you. Try growing things you actually already eat, like lettuce, tomatoes ect. Look for the (days to maturity) on the seeds packs. This tells you how long its gonna grow before you can harvest the food.


Definitely lettuce, tomatoes and maybe some peppers. I got to see where I can get some promix and jacks fert.


A few of my outdoor plants