General use Gardening thread

These were from the trees you just planted, well done! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I have to do this tomorrow with my apple and pear. Nice haul.


Lmao i wish brother!

Thanks man!

Edit. I meant i wish from my orchard. They are from the property.

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Those are from wild trees , i guess.

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Nope. They are from our property. Family planted them years ago.


Heck yes you are…mmmmmmmm….:yum:

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100% agree. They’re fantastic for pizza and pasta sauces.

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A damn deer ate all my tomatoes on one plant left the one alone next to it. Ate
Em all but the one ripe one. Wtf. Im pissed. Ehh. My fault shoudve caged em. Now they are fortified with fencing lmao. I have one plant full of romas left. But got darnit


I tried doing a potted tomato plant here last year and the deer just destroyed it. I need strong fencing if I try again.

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What kinda pears you growing?

We just picked up a Plum combination tree (we actually wanted pear, but the trees looked like crap)

Combination Plum Tree:
#1) Prunus domestica “Italian” (Purple plum)
#2) Prunus americana x prunus salicina “toka”
#3) Prunus domestica “Stanley”


The established 30 year olds are a small pear variety. And the other is an asian pear.

I planted a bartlet, and an asian pear as well in the orchard.

We also have 2 80 foot cherry trees. That produce pie cherries. Then all them blackberries. And hopefully in the future a Blueberry spot.


Dammm you. Im jealous :sleepy: :tired_face:

Although I did just get (Thornless)

And my cherry trees grown from seed.

ill have to wait 30 yrs for these cherrys to grow up lol we also have 1 ft small cherry bush in the backyard also.

Ps. What do Asian pears taste like? Better then European pears?


Thats awesome thornless. I no nothing but pokes. Haha been picking my whole life. The state is over run. You cant go hungry if you know what to eat. Onions grow wild :rofl: cat tails. Pine cones if desperate


I love onions. Gotta get my onion bulbs and garlic in the ground before frost, so when spring comes they grow automatically


Sounds the like a good trick man.

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I usuallly plant them after last frost.

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Thats a cool combination

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Fall is a great time to plant Strawberries if you can get plants. Especially June bearers. In cold climates they will need to be mulched heavily to prevent frost heaving. Dont fertilize them until they start growing in spring to prevent tender growth in winter.


They taste like a sugary apple pear maybe. They are good.

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Nope not bettet at all.


Whats not better?