General use Gardening thread

Anyone have any tricks for keeping aphids off chilies? I got hit hard this year on my chilli plants. So bad I ended up ripping out and tossing 20 plus chilli plants in the garden beds. I had a few wasp nesting trying to help but they couldn’t keep up.

To be honest I think one of my neighbors must have an infestation of aphids in their backyard cause every year it seems to be a problem but never this bad were my plants were pretty much dead within a week.


Garden hose , do you have well or city water?


Yeah I tired washing them off with the garden hose and it did work but it seemed a week later the population was doubled.

I’m on city water but use boogie brew carbon filter on all my drip lines for chlorine.

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Seems like they were young plants, maybe start them inside and set them out after the onslaught. Peppers do thier best work in fall.

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I found a hack for saving tomato seeds. Put a bucket in the sink and cut the tomato horizontally. using the faucet and your fingers , wash the seed pockets out into the bucket . Set the bucket in the sun for a day and then pour off the water a bit at a time. The jelly around the seeds will be gone and they will sink . Spread them on parchment paper to dry.


If you have more flips, I’d love one :grin:


Of course. Dm me buddy.i will send tomorrow. I love this place


I do too! :grin:. DM I coming :metal:


I’ll give them a shot in next spring, if ya still have any left. Nice looking maters ya got there.


Any left? Look like some fire strains bruh :grin:

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Yes , all packs have been given out. Thanks.

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I grow roses.


I have the aphids on my tomatoes and peppers every year… and damn near any other plant aphids like. They fly in from satans butthole and set up shop. I use safer brand insecticidal soap. It works pretty good. I spray every few days for a week or two in the evening when the sun is low until they’re gone. They pop up a couple of times during the season. Might not be the best way, but its been working here.


Didnt get much out of the garden this year but i Did manage to land this lovely Tasmanian Chocolate specimen :heart_eyes:

Edit: just devoured it on a bacon+egg sandwich :sandwich: (it was the star of the show :star_struck:)


Out here, certain types of ants will collect aphids and carry them them onto the plants. You can actually watch them carrying the aphids in their mandibles and installing them onto the leaves.

The ants will later collect the honeydew that the aphids produce. They’re literally farming aphids. How cool is that? Eventually the aphids multiply and end up everywhere.

If you notice ants meandering around on the plants, control the ants. Fipronil gel bait works well though be aware of toxicity to bees and amphibians. Others have noted good results with sugar + borax.


I have a lot of success knocking back afids with safers bug spray. Although if you dont repeat the aplication a few times they will come back. Afids love my peppers


Does anyone have an avocado tree cutting for trade I’ll pay for shipping. I’m a month away from being able to receive plant material due to heat constraints thank you :metal:t2:

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Got these romas some super chilis as well as a cayenne and some cherry tomatoes.


Nice one brother :smiley: :smiley:


Would love some of those seeds - have heirloom Black Brandywine if you would like to trade