Genomics of Landraces


Ok Peoples
Ill list some Books that were adviced to me by a Heirloom Plant/Livestock Breeder.

  • Managing Breeds for a Secure Future: Strategies for Breeders and Breed Associations
    This Book is about Livestock, but can be applyed to Cannabis.
    One chapter is called “breeding for genetic longevity” probably interesting.?.

  • Plant Breeding and Cultivar Development
    This Book has alot good Techniques and how to implement and run a selective Breeding Program

  • The Cannabis Breeders Bible

Those were his Tips specifically to find tacticts for preservation. Have high hopes in those Books

I will add some principials: principially no Landrace is just wild, its always selected. So the idea that open pollination can be done multiple times in a row, without thre Landrace reverting back to a “wild” State is probably wishthinking.

Thats why i need to read lecture on Breeding strategies. Landrace are however not selected strongly (most people tell me that) . So not that you think we have to Bottleneck it down to one Peno… Soft selection-


A useful analogy. That flavor includes every aspect of the environment though. Quantity and quality of light, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity across the season, the word describes something that itself isn’t completely understood since we don’t really know everything the plant responds to.

As an example consider the increasingly popular timing of germination with lunar periods. Can I say it makes a difference? Not personally no I haven’t tested it in any real way. Could the gravitational influence of the moon influence seed behavior? I can’t prove it doesn’t so I must entertain the idea.


Not only can we not know everything the plant responds to, the vectors that make up the local environment are, in some cases dramatically, changing - eg climate change
Also, as an aside: I use Moon signs to determine some things, like when to harvest. I don’t even do it correctly as far as Biodynamics go, but I’ll wait for the Moon to be in an air sign before I harvest… Mostly because it lets me stave off harvesting some as it’s an area where i would otherwise harvest too soon. Now it’s broken up into more or less ten day increments… if not this air sign, then the next, or the one after that. I don’t have to think any more about it :slight_smile:


I’m sorry to be so pedantic @romanoweed I will try to stay on topic. :pray:

Can you explain “strongly”? Perhaps you mean like a pheno hunt and multiplication from few selections?

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How strong were Landraces Selected
on my long research about Tripweed, i often tried to find something Evidential if the Landr. were selected.

Found Anektotes from the 70s.

  • 1st Anektote: Thailand in the 70s: mostly you wouldnt find extreme cultivation. but once you entered certain Villages, everyone was growing it, nearly in every house was Cannabis, Armthick Buds everywhere. Well that just shows it was widespread , a big Thing.
  • 2nd Anektote: Vietnam, i believe in the 70s: Sometimes they used a lonely Hill to make Seedruns. Well that sounds pretty advanced, its imaginable they selected.
  • 3rd Anektote: Marocco: they selected theyr Landraces.
  • 4th Aektote: Afghanistan in the 70s i think: they selected, but rather a Field as a whole was selected.

So, how much they selected is up to speculation. Found interesting how in Thailand i could get the impression of like Wineregions, Also in Vietnam, that sounds kinda advanced.
So i would suggest they were confidently calling like 20 percent of plants shit and culled it? 80 Percent Keepers? Dunno

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I see what you mean. This speaks to the culture too I think. There are several peoples living close to each other there and not historically friendly. The weed was part of their lives maybe not for profit. So you get some selection by isolation maybe deliberate maybe not.

I think they must have traded seeds though at least.


If you visit Cultures where farming is most of the Days routine, those people speak about their Plants and Animals all the Time. And they smile while doing so.
Saw it from some African Tribes… Its their symbol of wealth.
imaginable they discovered what happens when they cull a few .


Can anyone clarify whether terroir = ingredients in a cake?

Or terroir = I dropped the cake in mud, and can taste the mud in the cake?

70s Landraces:


nep 124 (2)


Possibly Thai

OldtimerHaze possibly pure Middleamerican

ACE_Seeds_-_Oldtimers_Haze (2)

(pics not mine)



oh they say for Cannabis, Terroir was studied. where can i find it? Or any Plant, doesent matter


Thats awesome, now i have a Term for adaptation to google.

I mean if we place our Plants in different Climates… even if they are roundabout similar (warm and humid) there must be thousand differences in Soil, predators.

How Far and Rapid Seeds spread:
You asked if Thai People were exchanging and trading seeds alot.
I cant say anything about that. Imho, i found interesting that in Congo , some of the trippyest weed was found. Congo isnt that much of a Trading-corridor, so i thought also this points thowards the more isolated Places (trading-wise) beeing the best.
Im unshure about SE Asia, and not knowledgable in History, but i would tend to think the same. The thousand Hills, steep Hills, and the comparably lesser Trading notions in the past? (But thats better for @upstate to approve or debunk) lead me in the same direction: To think hybridisation isnt good. l mean rather far hybridisation.

My beloved Vietnam Landrace, trippyest ever, i think i tracked it down to Dalat Region in vietnam. Everyone tells about Dalat / Dalat hill mountains. Multiple sources…
There live the mountagnard Tribe, a very secluded Tribe, and exactly where mountagnards terretory was, there came the trippyest Vietnamese from. (. i think some killer Congolese weed came also from a tribe as a sidenote, but might be mistacken on this, but im firm for vietnam)

So, couple things point thowards seclusion. But no claiming, i have no idea how far and rapid things spread.


Neither, the cake or recipe is a poor analogy for terroir.

Terroir is simply the plant responding to its environment. The sum of everything that plant experiences, from its soil, to the climate and weather, to any pests or flora or fauna that many interact with the plant that causes it to express differently.

Some plants are more noticeable the alterations of the expression.

It is most commonly talked about with wine because it is a well documented and studied example of the same sports being grown different places and expressing differently, and the people that work with it do a ton of sensory analysis, both out of due diligence and love of their craft.


I forgot: The Location where the famous Thaistick came from , there we have tthe opposite, it was rather a trading route.
im really open for honest representations if hybridisation was a thing in Landraces, and the patterns that suggest that (accumulation of evidence)

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I think you are most likely to find the trip weed in secluded places as well. My feeling is that whatever caused the trip effects has been bred out in the Quest for bigger thicker buds. Anytime I’ve read about trip weed it was awful looking pot that resembled grass or hay, potentially even male plants
Sumatra is also very very isolated in places but like you said , only one report from here but I think there would be more if we had access to the strain.
In Peru the trip weed came from an isolated jungle tribe.
In Africa the pygmies are known to have crazy weed and they inhabit the least populated places.
As far as Central Mexico goes, I would imagine the mountain ranges Inland along the western coast are very isolated as well.
Perhaps the more primitive approach to farming in these regions allows for feral genetics to exist? It also seems that tribes that have interacted the least with modern people still hold on to the spiritual.
The exception is that thai stick region along the Thailand/ laos border you mentioned. Having a brain fart at the moment but it is a plateau that started with a k( khorat) It’s quite possible that the trip weed from this region was imported from a neighboring country or Vietnam too.


This right here. This makes sense to me. To be honest I couldn’t smoke lysergic weed all the time at least not and be of use to my wife and bairns.

Everything you said makes sense, that point in particular.


Great conversation y’all. My landrace growing experience is somewhat limited and tbh I’m not sure how much selection went into the land races I grew as seeds came thru friends and family, mostly stored for many years before finding their way to my hands. History mostly lost during the years. I will say it is my observation that of the 2 I’ve grown 1 was prone to herm. Late flowering nanners likely thrown out by the plant as a survival mechanism. It also makes sense that the most stand out landrace strains come from isolated regions. Less people, less farmers, less selection thru breeding. All of this is anecdotal and experiential. Although isolated farmers may have their reasons for selecting a certain way as well.
As far as not being able to smoke the trippiest strains all the time, this only makes sense. And is also why I thank the universe that we have strains with differing effects for different times. I love psychedelics, like really really love them. But I’m not gobbling up L every day. 1: it would lose its desired effect with over use and 2: not all situations everyday are the easiest to deal with when you’re giggling, having far out deep revelations or full on occupying a different space than you’re physical body, ask me how I know… :joy: They have their time and place as with anything, moderation is also logical for this reason


Adaptation / Terroir.

The Problem is: if we select our Landraces, (and we must do that in order to preserve), if we select Landraces the Terroir may importently change each Phenotypes apperance/or in other words it may influence wich Traits or genetic Componet “shines more” and wich “shine less”. And hence we will change our Selection .
Cause each Genetic Components expresses diferently optimal in different Terroirs.


If you take a mid Indian Genetic, and grow it in America where its less hot. You will Select automatically for more “northern genetic Components” ,cause they “shine more” . They shine more in the colder America. (you select unconsciously for Northern Indian heritage)
This is just a simple Example, and applyes to all Variables such as Soil, Lightquality, predators…