What is a strain?

I’m my opinion a strain is a cultivar that comes from at least 3 generations of the same breeding. Without another strains influence.

Now we come to the hybrid. That’s 2 strains being breed together.
Here is a better look at the hybrid. You can see the influence of the 2 different strains.
The only way to get another strain from this is to combine the f1 hybrid offsprings. Into a gen 1 strain.
From there the process is repeated until the new strain is created.
Now what to do with the new strain??? Duh… use it as a back cross to the original. And I should have to tell you why.
Now we take the new cross and turn it into a strain again. . Im a purple short but you get it.
Instead of buying strains such as on the left, people are buying “poly hybrids” like the representation on the right
Then you take the stuff home and breed it together and make more “poly…??” Like so. the next guy grabs it and those this to it.
The cycle continues on and on. The just lazy because no one want to take the time and do this.
The messed up part is people are still buying it. And still trying to pass it off on the next man. “Hey bro grow this and see what you come up with”. What the…? If we were real bros, you would ask me to grow something worth growing. And not some thrown together mess.
The one I really like is, “don’t buy that poly hybrid, buy mine.” The cannabis word is crazy. Breeders aren’t taking your money, you are giving it away.
I know I’m gonna take a lot of heat for saying this because there are so many doing it, that it is accepted as the norm.
If you are going to breed, at Least start with a strain… if not… create a strain. Then go from there.
Any body can cross 2 plants… that doesn’t make you a breeder. And it definitely doesn’t make it a strain.
I know the old heads already know this. I just want to help the noobs out. Peace.


I’m still confused because I couldn’t stop thinking how good those things look,… :relieved:yum. But I don’t see your point? Are you trying to point out that most stuff out there is hype? And people just throw money away on it. or are you calling people lazy for pollen chucking? This was a wierd post imo. It’s always good to read a post and correct your errors before posting as to not confuse said reader. :wink:


I have to go to the gas station now. Next time you gotta have not safe for munchies warning when you do this kinda stuff.


Same already in the car lmao. Those are effing dank!


Whoa free candy!

The American Kennel Club doesn’t recognize my dog as a distinct breed and I’m not bothered by that.

Mountains molehills grow what you like. Lots of gems to be found either way.


Excellent presentation!!
:sunglasses: :+1:

And anybody thinks @Blu-Tri is overstating the case, just look at the genealogy of MAC BX1 at seedfinder.

So, how are you dicing up those lifesavers? …jeweler’s saw?



You can cross random dank plant with random dank plant and still get amazing weed. There’s something nice usually in every pack. Some of the best things we have are literal bagseeds.

Breeding in a book sense applies to Cannabis but with some nuance, IMO. It’s one of the most polymorphic plants I can think of. Obligate outcrosser, yet can self. Rapidly becomes feral. But we’re talking about growers wanting different things. If you have to plant an entire field with something, you want uniformity, disease resistance, etc…if you just want a really dank example of your favorite plants to run in a home grow, you don’t need that stuff.

If you’ve grown a lot of IBL lines (which probably aren’t even true textbook IBL which requires 20 generations) you’d see how quickly inbreeding depression and deleterious mutations kicks in. No one uses filial generations correctly and “S1” isn’t a real term, but we have our own jargon. Yeah, a lot of the market is hype nonsense, and pretty much everyone is overpaying, but plenty of people doing honest work and churning out dank. We live in a weed Renaissance and all people can see is the hype nonsense aspect.

How long did the life savers thing take?


I agree 100% Its because we dont have pros breeding cannabis yet.

Im not trying to be condescending saying that. I can buy 100s of types of heirloom tomatoes , and f1 hybrids (that duh everyone knows you dont breed together to f2 because its not stable :slight_smile: ). Every pack of tomato seeds I buy, they pop phenotypically stable, so far without exception.

Cannabis is not unique, the culture of breeding cannabis is unique (and… infantile)


Visual aids help but I’m getting hungry maaaan!


yall ever wonder how vege f1s are so stable in the f1 gen? im guessing stable parent lines? as opposed to rando f1 poly hybrid parents


You would believe how many lifesavers I ate while making this. Of course it’s the “sweeten & condensed” version. But I’m sure everyone gets it.
I don’t get mad because I purchased a hybrid. I do it to have part of the genetics that I’m looking for. I’ll rather it not be a heavily breed, because I really don’t want it’s influence as a strain, I just want that part of the genetics as a tool.
Just me, I’ll take it a few generations to get the best out of it, then make my cross. That way the resulting strain will be more uniformed and not all over the place. We all know this. I don’t even know why I’m saying it. There are a lot of new guys getting into breeding, so I’ll rather them start on the right foot.
To each his/her own. Just know everyone doesn’t do the same way.


Thanks for the information :+1:


I don’t think everyone knows. I think its worth talking about, personally. But whether we talk about it or not, this is the writing on the wall I see:

With fed legalization in the US , the floodgates open to universities and research arms of huge American corporations to go balls deep on cannabis breeding research and development. It will be a revolution. We will have 100s of cheap, stable, distinct strains. The commercial stuff will NOT be the best because it will be bred to be productive and profitable first most. This will give rise to/replace a cottage industry selling dank strains to homegrowers/more upscale brands. Like a blend between craft beer vs rice beer and heirloom veges at the store vs mass produced.


The legal market will be a replicate of the tobacco market. It’ll be cheap pre rolls made exactly how cigarettes are made. The plants will be mass harvested, the cannabinoids will be extracted and homogenized, the plant material will be made into a pulp that they will form sheets out of that they can reapply the extract to in a controlled manner and then shred the sheets to make up the filler for their cannabis cigarettes. It’ll give them a consistent product that will be cheap and easy to do since the entire system already exists for tobacco.

As for breeding it will all be GMO of some sort since it will allow them to reach their goals much quicker. The only traditional plant breeding will be carried out by “craft” producers and the bulk of the seed market will continue to just be mashing the same polys to the next hyped one.


Is this how cigarettes are made? That actually makes sense from a corporate standpoint, you guarantee uniformity for years and years that way. I hate it, but it makes sense.


tobacco isnt really desirable to grow at home, but there are rarer cultivars one could plsnt. its a terrible comparison with regards to varieties imo. the part about mass production i agree with wholeheartedly.

interpolate the availability of tomato seed variety, stable heirloom types and stable f1 hybrids are available. hundreds if not thousands… cannabis has the same potential. are commercial tomatos good compared to homegrown? can you grow insanely dank tomatoes that youd never see at a store? litterslly 100s and 100s of types…

cannabis breeding is in for a huge shake up when universities/research facilities get in the game.

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Sorry for the confusion. But I didn’t mention anything about pollen chucking or hyped strains.
You may be too advanced to relate to my post. I did say “to his/her own in the manner that they do things.”
Brother I’m not targeting anyone. Hopefully I’m helping a new guy out that’s interested in breeding.
When the market is filled with a product that’s clearly not working, it just might be time for a change. And yes it does a good job at bring in the cash flow… however you referred to chucking pollen. Correct me if I’m wrong in assuming you are pollen chucking for a reason.
May I ask what that reason is?


Not to take away from what the OP said, but a strain refers to a virus. I hate the misuse of “strain”, the proper term when referring to plants is a variety. Sorry, its a pet peeve of mine.


I am with @ReikoX , I can’t stand that with all the information available out there, that the cannabis community is still using the word strain.
A strain refers to a micro organism such as a bacteria or fungus. The plants we grow are not micro organisms.
Varietal, Cultivar, etc are correct nomenclature. Strain is not.
Not trying to sound all high and mighty, or shit on the OP’s thread, but this is a pet peeve of mine as well.



Varietal or cultivar I prefer. Although most cannabis varietals wouldn’t pass international standards to qualify as such.

When you consider say og Kush or Chem dog are nothing more then happy accident bag seed and those genetics make up a lot of modern cannabis. Anyways just my thoughts. :relaxed: