Getting my hands dirty again- 2023

This is my first grow in a long time. I used to grow back in Colorado and northern CA till about 2017. I had a series of bad luck that kinda put an end to grow for a bit. I had a house fire in 2018 that was a total loss. While getting screwed by the insurance, I started to move some flower around and got busted driving back home and had to sit for a bit. Got out, got shit straightened out and all was well serving my probation time killing time. I then hurt myself pretty seriously trying to fix an airplane hanger door on my barn. A pulley came loose while I was 18’ working on it. It hit me and knocked me right out. I fell and landed on the right side of my head. Fractured my eye socket and nose. Doctors were shocked I was walking or even making noise after a fall like that. Definitely rocked myself and noggin pretty good. I notice. Healed up from that and finished my probation bs this summer. I was smoking during probation and got some scoops of chem that had a few seeds in each ounce.

I popped 12 of them and hoped for the best on July 2nd… yeah i know super late start… Didn’t expect much to happen being bag seed. With in 24 hours they all cracked and within 48 hrs they had tails. I didn’t take nay pics as I wasn’t on this site then or had anyone to share pics with lol. I ended up popping another 12 right around July 15th also.

Here they are maybe a couple weeks old, guessing in age

Here is a pic of all the plants

about 2weeks old
Light is a 150w groplanner $50 off Amazon
Medium was an old bale of promix hp from 2015
Recycled pots from local nursery and old 5 gal buckets
Used a handful of locally sourced worm casting and mykos from extreme gardening.
Plain water given during veg as it was only about 2-6 weeks total. 1 worm tea brewed.


Getting ready to be transplanted


Please ignore that scappy pos clone in first post. She got tossed

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Here’s the 8 I kept for myself. I ended up giving the rest to 2 people that wanted to grow and have helped my family out in the past when I was gone. Needless to say, I didn’t hesitate on giving them away.

Plants are almost a month old in pics. All scoops of chem. Late July in pics. I had a boy early August 2nd so not many pics the next few weeks.

I did try to feed these hungry girls some 10+ yr old gh flora nova grow. It was all Chunky and any salts in it were all clumpy and hard as a rock. I shook the heck out of it and ended up using some very sparingly.


Well, maybe you’ve turned the corner on the bad luck, at least you found here. Bad string man, sorry to hear all that.

Need some more beans, known good un’s, just reach out … :sunglasses:

Plants look good. GLWG


Sept 3rd and hardly showing and flowers yet… I was getting worried. Huge fans leaves, some of the biggest I’ve ever seen. I have big hands a d they were bigger than them lol.

I started to feed the girls:
grow more 6-30-30 at 2 scoops per gallon
Calmag- 5 ml per gal
Mykos at a dash per gallon. I’d usually mix 5 gallons at a rip.
Total disclosure all these products i had before I was busted and are old. They seemed to work though. I plan on ordering the 321 jacks line up that seems to be standard around here. I was going to use @LD50 research and guide he put together for my indoor and future outdoor grows. Thanks for putting in the work @LD50


Thanks @Jetdro . Much appreciated man. Feels good to be here. Really appreciate the kind words on the grow. I really missed growing ad had to mess around this season while I still had a little time… tick tock. Have a great day man

Sept 29th

October 2nd
I ended up with 1 green pheno that is super frosty and 2 different purple phenos. 1 is Chunky the other is meh.


October 9th. They are definitely doing there thang. I feed daily until runoff. Bumped up growmore to 2.5 scoops per gallon. I didn’t have a ppm pr ph meter currently… I do now though lol



Top 3 are purple pheno

Green pheno
October 15th pics taken


October 25th- I have 6 plants left. 2 got chopped due to spot of mold setting in. I can’t blame the bag seed lol, the spot the plants were in wasn’t ideal. It didn’t get direct sunlight till about 11am and the morning dew took its toll on them. I’ve been moving the rest into my shop at night to keep warm and dry and back out in the am.

Top pics are super frosty green pheno

Purple Chunky pheno

These are getting the chop any day. Its cold, highs in the 30s here. Currently sitting in the dark for another day or 2 then :scissors:


If anyone is interested in that frosty pheno, I plan to reveg her and I’d be happy to give away cuts to anyone interested. I’ve never seen a plants fan leaves frost up like this before. She might be a good washer too. I don’t have the capability currently to try it out unfortunately. I’m sure she could do way better in someone’s else’s hands. I was just messing around with what I hand on hand.

Sorry about the crappy pics. I was using my cell phone and it doesn’t take the best pics. I did recently pick up a nikon d3400 dslr and macro lense to up my pictures quality. Learning curve ahead :laughing:


Damn man, serious shit went down☘️ glad you are back at it again💪

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I fucked up and deleted a bunch of pics off my phone. I hung my plants whole and dried at 60/60 for about 2 weeks…

3 obvious different pheno expressions. First was what I called the Chunky pheno. It grew super Chunky lol, hence the name. Smells killer and is covered in frost. Dark purple in color.

2nd pheno was the one I called spear pheno. It didn’t chunk up and grew long dark green and purple spears.

Last and my favorite, the green frosty pheno. This thing was dank green and crazy frosty. I’ve never seen a plant have frost on the fan/sucker leaves. Seriously, crazy frosty. I admit, I don’t have access to clones and seeds like some of you in legal states, but for me it was the frostiest plant I’ve ever seen or grown. Pretty cool though.

It’s got that chem funk with a hint of sweetness. The green frosty pheno and Chunky pheno smell the best. Only sampled one small bud and it still needed a cure. Effects were felt immediately by myself and another sampler. We waited till morning to give it a true test lol.

I’ve been burping jars 2x a day. I’ll keep doing it till it smells better. I might look into grove bags next harvest.

Green frosty pheno above pics

Chunky pheno above pics

Spear pheno above pics

All 3 phenos flash on camera

All 3 phenos with flash off

This wraps up the 2023 outdoor crop. Unfortunately, I’ll be hashing most of these out. I’ll keep the tops and thats about it. They didn’t bulk up like I’d had hoped for. They do smell great though! Grow on!