Crickets and Cicades Og Kush x Puck grow

Plants are several weeks old now. Been growing good since the start. I opened what was suppose to be a 12 pack and it had 14 beans in it. I soaked 8 of those beans and gifted the other half pack to a friend down south. From those 8 seeds 7 germinated and 5 of those 7 turned out to be female. I kept the nicer of the the two males not sure if I’ll use a bit of pollen yet or not. These guys are in a mix of pro mix hp, worm casing, extra coats perlite. I add Gaia Green Bloom, Glacial Rock Dust, D.E I use Botanicare liquid nutes Bloom soil, Compost Tea, cal mag, homemade fish emulsion. They are kept at 16 hrs on and 8 off for the duration of veg. Well that’s about it in a nut shell. I’ll update weekly or so until late flowering. These guys are just waiting for me to pull what I have flowering now to get put into the tent which will be a 4’ x 8’ with a Geak Beast Pro 630 on one side and Mars Hydro 680 commercial LED on the other.


Lookin nice and healthy man! That puck bx male should bring some :fire:. Im looking forward to trying the red leb x puck I got.


Those look really nice . Always wanted to try they’re work

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@ramblinrose if you pop those and journal them please let me know I’ll definitely follow along.

@Reznfingeez33 ive only seen good things from the pics I’ve found or seen so I’m pretty stoked to get them into flower.


Looking good! That’s one nice setup you got there.

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Thank you! Small homemade space under my front entrance. Only has 40” of head space so have to crawl around but I make it work with having few options.

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So these guys are about 3 weeks from going into the tent. My girls flowering right now are moving a little slower than I thought they would, or I’m ahead myself which happens as well. I gave them all one last clean up and topping a couple days ago so hopefully I’ll be able to switch to flower as soon as they adjust to the increase in light and get their roots pushing into the new soil. I usually water at 1/2 strength every watering. I tend to keep my plants of the dry side of damp never liking to have them with wet feet. I have to still take clones off each prior to flowering which I’ll get to this week coming maybe next week. They have been growing deficiency free, and at a good rate of growth


Those are very nice looking!

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Finally got these guys into the flower tent about 8 days ago now. The Og Kush x Puck are the four across the front and one in the back right. The other three are a few Relentless Genetics clones that will be tagging along since it’s a kush cross they should all finish up close enough to each other for me to be happy with the end product.p of all. I’ll be taking clones one day this week off then and planning to flip to 11 on and 13 off this coming weekend sometime. I’ll be busy until late December so updates will still be sporadic. Temps inside during lights on are around 27-28 Celsius and humidity at 70% until 5 week of flowering then I will drop the humidity and slowly lower my temps. Very pleased with their first week of growth in there. This is the first time growing in this 4’ x 8’ I just put it up in place of my 4’ x 4’ to give myself a little more room.


Day 22 of flowering. Stripped them yesterday. All are looking good and have nice shape to them. Feeding them at 75% strength of Botanicare flowering soil, cal mag, compost tea, liquid karma, Real Growers Recharge. I’m a little behind with top dressing so it will be done next watering and it will be a final one. Temps range from 26-28 with lights on and rh about 60-70%


So at week 6 flowering 11 hours on and 13 off. Being fed Botanicare liquid nutes flowering soil, cal mag, liquid karma, and compost tea. I top dressed around day 21 with Gaia Green flowering. I stopped feeding microbes at the end of week 5. These guys were given 90% strength fertilizer weeks 4-6 and will be slowly tapered back starting at their next feeding.


Very nice grow @Player0685 !

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Thank u kindly!

What a huge difference 26 days makes. They are looking so good! :star_struck:

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Definitely when things are on track can see some huge gains over a few weeks especially outdoors with the sun.

Today is day 49 on the button after going and counting days. All five seeds have different looks to them all sharing a few similarities but all very much individual expressions of the cross. I’d assume the shortest is a puck dominate plant and there is only one that is pretty squat but with extremely thick stalk flowers are rock hard and smaller than the rest of them. The next three plants are all very close in height but very different in bud structure with two being a little fluffier looking, and slower to have calyx begin swelling so I’d assume these more Og dominant and the third being a close mix of both parents. The last plant in the back right corner is tallest plant thinnest stems and big buds that are the slowest to mature visually at this point. All our hungry plants that I’ve fed every feeding between 50 -100% strength of Botanicare liquid nutes and Gaia Green dry ferts. Smells as of right now are burnt rubber and tennis ball for four of them and one has a different smell and it’s my favourite I just can’t nail down how to really describe the terps but one really stands out so far. Temps range 27-28 c when lights are on and around 20-21 c when they are off. Humidity is around 75% when they are first watered and that’s drops over the first 24 to around 65% and I find that pretty manageable. I chose not to spray for bugs at all this time from the time I put them in the tent I just wouldn’t open the tent unless I had showered and put new clothes on and I haven’t seen an issue yet so I’ll stay with that for now.


Looks dank @Player0685! Thanks for sharing your grow. I’m looking forward to seeing which plant you like the most. I would love to see a picture of the male you held onto.


I ended up killing the male off. Crickets and Cicadas dropped the bx3 line and there are lots to them available so I decided not to make seeds and just buy again.

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These guys are on their last 7 days maybe a couple extra for the few plants that seem slow to swell all the way. I’m looking for these girls to be couch lock and heavy narcotic effect for night time use really only so I’d prefer not take them without at least 20% amber. They are still being given liquid karma at 4 ml per gallon, compost tea at 5ml per gallon, flower food at 25% strength. Temps have been lowered by opening an extra bottom vent and that keeps it around 25 Celsius with lights on RH is around 60-65% on average. Lights are 11 on 13 off. Pretty happy all the way around with this run. Would definitely say grow these beans if u have them. I’ll post an update after I get them harvested.