Getting ready for OD

I figgered that. My Cindy 99 is this far along.

My Ice Cream Cake is just barely starting to show budsites.


They are looking nice and healthy, A few bug bites which is to be expected OD. We are still at 15 hours of daylight so can’t expect much yet. In a month you will see some changes for sure……… if not a little sooner!
Let’s hope for a fairly dry fall, last year was 3 weeks of rain at just the wrong time.


Yes those bug bites are from early on. They are pretty bug free at this point. That I can see. New growth looks good. But I hafta be careful. My indoor moms and the new starts are bug free at this point.
Fighting the heat again this week. They get good afternoon shade but when its 90 degrees at 10 a.m. thats some hot sun for a few hours.


Looking great!

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Unless the Polar Shift finishes up.

I was thinking this morning. You think its hot now? Wait until all our cities are like 7000 degrees with Chinese Nuclear Fallout.

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I won’t like that. And now I need a toke. And I just put one down.

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Me too. Heres to a virtual bong rip.

Sorry for the hijack @Oldjoints

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Can’t hijack this thread, open to all chatter……

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Also. Some of those white dots you see is Diatomaceous Earth that has been dusted on these girls.
Some folks think its shit. But I have been using it for years. It always appears to help with some bugs. It certainly does not harm my plants in any way.


I am not a fan of D.E. because once it gets wet it is useless. I use sprays instead, I use a combo of soap and cayenne pepper. But if it works for you then that’s a good thing. Certainly won’t hurt your plants in any way.


I did create a bunch of cayenne juice last year. I forgot about it. I did so because i noticed bugs were attacking outher plants right next to my cayenne plant. NOTHING attacked her. So i got abot 10 peppers or so and a bit of water and blended. Then i mixed about a teaspoon of that in a gallon of water with a bit of dawn dish soap. Seemed to work well.


Yep that’s essentially what I have used for over 30 years and have had little problems. Guerrilla grows are a whole different kettle of fish though.

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I bet you could run the pepper plant leaves through a juicer and apply that onto something and it would work too.


I am sure it would, as long as you could get it to stick to the plant. The soap helps in that and acts a a sticker for the cayenne.


We use soaps for tree’s in my profession such as Safer for many pests………

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Yeah, a lot of folks found out that soap is very, oddly, useful in growing during water shortage / rationing… when they started having to use dishwater for their plants. At least that’s what I heard. lol
It kinda made sense.


Never heard that one but I can see how it might help with things attacking the root systems. Makes perfect sense. Only works for certain pests but pretty cheap and effective!

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A quick update on my outside girls. The 3 have a long way to go and the one is in full flower:


What does Mikey say?
Mikey says, “That there ‘Privacy Screen’ ain’t giving you a Dam bit of Privacy” haha.
Always good to see your girls. Great job, brother.


Ok fine let’s just call it a windscreen then……. :joy::joy::joy::joy: