Getting ready for OD

I found a similar list from Sensi Seeds recently. My gut feeling was sex would already be determined in the seed, but actually I don’t know. Would be interesting to see actual studies on the topic. Does the book come with references?

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I planted 30 seeds for my OD run. The TDxC99 have 9 of 10 up. The Killer Queen have 9 of 10 up and the Mango Dream have 7 of 10 up. Not fantastic but I will take it. Hopefully I will get a few more up in the next few days.


I’d take those numbers all day


“You may be interested to know that the breeder/seed bank Dutch Passion released a statement of male and female ratios. This was because Dutch Passion were among the first breeders to release feminized seeds onto the market. Here is what they had to say:
Feminized Cannabis Seeds Courtesy of Dutch Passion
In November 1998 we introduced our “Female Cannabis Seed.” We did this after our own experiments showed that from female seed, we acquired almost 100 % female offspring.

In the meantime we are six months further on. We have received a lot of feedback from our customers. The reactions are mostly positive, from clients who have successfully produced almost 100 % female offspring. However there have been reactions from customers who found a few hermaphrodites or males plants. Apparently environmental influences affect the sex of the female seeds as well. Because of the fact that female seeds do not grow into female plants under all circumstances, we changed the name from “Female Cannabis Seeds” to “Feminized Cannabis Seeds.”

From literature and from our own findings it appears that the growth of a male or a female plant from seed, except for the predisposition in the gender chromosomes, also depends[…]”

Passi di: Greg Green. “The Cannabis Breeder’s Bible”. Apple Books.


both parts of you are right !


From literature and from our own findings it appears that the growth of a male or a female plant from seed, except for the predisposition in the gender chromosomes, also depends on various environmental factors. Not only the origination of entirely male or female plants is partly affected by these environmental factors, the number of male and female flowers on a hermaphrodite plant is affected as well. The environmental factors that influence the sex of the plant (or the flower in the case of hermaphrodites), are, among other things:
• the quantity of nitrogen and potassium of the seedbed
• humidity and moistness of the seedbed
• level of temperatures
• color of the light used
• length of daylight
Stress, any form of stress, causes more male individuals to originate from seed.

Even the taking of cuttings from female plants may produce male or hermaphrodite cuttings.


Ok so after 6 days I have 27 of 30 that have popped. I got 9 of 10 of each strain. I could possibly get another or two to pop but odds are against it. I am happy with that ratio and gives me something to work with:


So I ended up with 29 of 30 germ rate. Have to make room in the flower room so I can make room in the veg room.
Just a quick pic:


Sorry folks but I am not going to be able to finish this thread. The spots I picked are going to be in the path of a new interstate going through. I never guessed they would have destroyed those beautiful woods but saw the plans online and they have already surveyed the path and it is to close to where I was going to plant. I will still have an outdoor grow but it won’t be guerrilla where I can show those methods…


Well that’s no fun. I guess on the bright side atleast you shall the plans for it before you started!


sorry to hear that. My suggestion-


Ok so I lost my guerrilla spots for growing but I WILL NOT BE DENIED.
I am going to have some plants behind my house, I will be building a windscreen/privacy fence so all is legal. The only access will be from inside the house when I am finished.

And so it begins:


When finished there will be 7 plants in this area…
Much more to come…


Sad to not see the guerrilla grow.

Always love a good construction project though!


This is really cool @Oldjoints! I will definitely be following. Your plants are gonna yield like crazy.
Love the water diversion.


This was fun to watch.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


nice effort! So does the wall effect your sun hours or is that strip of land aside your place facing the sun?

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Yes the window for sunlight will be narrowed, but I had no other options that would afford privacy and security on this property.


May i have your permission dear @Oldjoints

Green houses are better in the EAST WEST direction … South facing >>>

To get the MOST from 6 plants … Some Yoda Overlords … plugs a Dial in other Dial … :mage:

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I’m sorry but I don’t see the relevance in your post to what I am doing. Please enlighten me to your meaning…

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