Getting ready for OD

Good old Jorge Cervantes ,or should I say George Cervantes or maybe George Van Patten.All the same guy lol.George Van Patten had one of the first grow shops in the states back in the day.The Feds busted his and 4 other grow stores all the same time same day.Good old George Van Patton jumped ship and got his ass out of town.He later then proceeded to follow statute of limitations and came back to town 7 years later as George Cervantes later to pen himself Jorge Cervantes to sell his grow books and promote high times gear and grow stores.He got a lot from the kickbacks of promoting Chemical in a bottle grow stores and perpetuated a lot of the bullshit bro science shit he stole off other growers or stuff that seems like a kid made it up.It caused a lot of misinformation that to this day we still have to sift through.Between him and Mr Kushman there’s a lot of bullshit.Tread carefully on thier words.

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All of this is going to be bubblehash:


So here we are at another year! Last year I saw mold on my plants so this year am making a concentrated effort to avoid that. So this year I picked Sour Diesel courtesy of
@JohnnyPotseed and Northern Lights courtesy of Corey. Here is a pic of my starts:

And once again will be growing in my enclosed in area directly behind my house:


I will grow these indoor until the middle of May and then put them outside.
I will be posting my efforts in this thread and welcome all to comment and participate.


Good luck, not that you need any! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Outdoor as you know is up to Mother Nature. Last year we had a really rainy spring and summer. So I will take all the luck I can get and hope for a good season. If not I will chalk it up with the other bad seasons I have had over the years.
Ya roll the dice and deal with what pops up……


Didn’t you have that huge blueberry plant in your yard last year?


Yes I did. Scroll up a little on this thread and you can see it.


I’m having to put it off yet again. One of these years though.

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Outdoors can be very rewarding in quality and yield and can also be very frustrating and a total loss. But it’s where I started growing and it’s hard to beat not paying that electric bill every month. And there is something about bud that has been grown in the sun that just can’t be duplicated. I will always have an OD grow of some type………


My germination of the Sour Diesel and Northern Lights went very well. All but one of each have popped up:

I probably planted way to many but I wanted to make sure I had replacements in case things didn’t go smoothly on my plantings. I also will dedicate some of these to making seed

And here is my female Blue Tara, I have a male in isolation for pollen, she is about 5 ft so far and hasn’t started it’s stretch yet:


Jumping on board at the beginning of the SD and NL run! This should be legit.
I bless this grow with the headiest of Heady Bear vibes!


I will be trying my hand at some guerilla growing again this year. Been about 14 years since I’ve done anything guerilla but my new place (2 months) just isn’t pheasible to grow safe OD. So I’m going back to my roots in a way, and kind of looking forward to it tbh. Looking forward to seeing the fruits of your labour and the journey along the way.


Just a quick update:
Here are the plants I have picked for my outdoor grow. It will be about a month yet until I take them outside. If I dont see pre-flowers in the next couple of weeks I will flip the lights long enough to show sex and then flip them back before putting them OD:


So you go to 12/12? And for approximately how long?

For about a week just to tell sex. I am not into wasting my time planting male plants……


Are you putting them in the ground or leaving them in the buckets?

I am putting them straight into the ground with amended soil……….

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These plants are now ready to go outside. Now to just dig more holes… :face_vomiting::sleepy::sleepy::sleepy::woozy_face:
Here is what i am about to put out minus one or two that will get culled:


LOL, I know exactly how you feel… :+1: :dizzy_face:

I’d be thinking about mechanical post hole digger for starters…



It’s the mechanical part that’s the problem, it runs on bengay.