Gimme's Grow

Looks like I’m in the process of moving elsewhere, somewhere without crackheads. It’s a shame, I was happy here. All my outdoor plants have started budding, same with the RKS in the tent.

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It’s been almost two weeks, Summer is over and things change. I decided to pollinate most of the outdoor plants with Super Dave pollen, make some seeds. Some indoor plants didn’t reveg, I lost Mazar, Red Skunk and Holy Mac. RKS are a handful, 5 to 6 x stretch, if I didn’t strap on that trellis I’d be screwed. They’re still stretching and I keep weaving them. Starting to smell like oranges.


I have to admit, my outdoor plants look like crap. My Timewarp has at best an ounce, most of the Super Dave even less. I’ve seen mold already, doesn’t look good. The RKS indoors looks great, nice resinous buds and an scent that keeps changing. Started at oranges, moved to tangerine and peach and now it’s almost a boozy mango, looks promising too.


,you a lady your g…like lady Jane old school gi goe …stay hard.

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