Gimme's Grow

Summer is here or at least close enough. I have started putting plants outside now it’s warm. Both the revegged Money Makers are directly in the ground and I have 3 Super Dave’s and a Timewarp in pots to start.

Indoors I’ve flipped everything as of yesterday, I need to sex them, I’m out of space. There’s also some changes, I lost a NBC Skunk and gained 3 Yeti OG f2 x Sweet and Sour Cindy. Always an adventure.


I’ve started another 3 Super Dave’s in Solo cups, the others were doing so well. They developed super fast, they have a complex stench and they bleed blood red sap.


Quick update, We can expect Summer any day now I’m told. Everything looks great inside and out. 10 new male plants will be joining us, there’s a couple of stinkers in there. I’ll be keeping an eye on them.

There’s a nice assortment of females inside, we have Loud Skunk, Northern BC Skunk, Big Red x Proper Skunk, Mazar, Holy Mac and 2 Super Skunk x Big Bud Skunk. There are 4 Super Dave in smaller pots being prepped for the outdoors and 3 Yeti OG f2 x SS Cindy yet to mature. You can tell they’re going to be tall.

That’s all for now, enjoy the Summer if you can.


We’ve entered the overcrowded phase. Everything is sexed and well into flower.


Where did you manage to get the “Donkey Dick” from? :thinking:

I had my eyes on a pack from Hemp Depot, but looks like they got snagged before I could grab them. :sob:

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That’s where I got mine. I got none to germinate out of the pack I received and they replaced it. I tried another couple again with no success. That’s probably why it was removed. I’m running Super Skunk x Big Bud Skunk also from West Coast Seeds and they are very impressive.

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Damn that’s such a shame!
I was hoping to see another classic come back to life, but ah well. :woman_shrugging:

How’s the SS x BBS?

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Short plant, she has a nice coat of resin on a lot of the fan leaves, feels slippery. Smells just like old Super Skunk, lots of sour lemon and loud skunk funk.



Real weird leaves on that, but the smell sounds heavenly! :smiley:
If you end up making some seeds with her, I’d love to trade some of the cheese I’m making, if you are down.

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Short but mighty :sparkles:

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Came across something new and terrifying this morning, a male hermaphrodite. Previously I’ve only seen it in females. I had a lot of males this year and made a point of documenting them and harvesting their pollen. One of the plants came from a mystery seedling I discovered in one of the pots, it was the fastest to mature, had a frosty appearance and has been pumping out pollen for nearly a month. This morning all tops had turned to female flowers out of nowhere. It’s a little scary, most of the males I’ve used for breeding previously weren’t kept around long after they started producing pollen.


I think I’d like to take a moment to appreciate one of the new girls. Big Red x Proper Skunk, a freebie from Proper Seeds. Originally when I received it I was hoping it was a hybrid of an old Red Hair Skunk that disappeared called Big Red. I was wrong, Big Red is from Copycat, it’s a cross of Mr. Big Stuff and Red Popz. The smell is 100% red cream soda, like Crush or Fanta and it’s super loud. I am quickly falling in love with this plant.


Found nanners on both Super Skunk x BB Skunk plants. I was hoping it was my imagination but no such luck. Each had a few here and there. Shitty, I was looking forward to giving her a home. Here’s a quick look at the garden. I have 6 Super Dave and 1 Texada Timewarp female to work with. Money Maker is starting to fall apart. The bottom area is death, all the branches are rotted away to dust. It won’t last long.


I’m really disappointed with the Super Skunks, I was looking forward to finishing them. I took a closer look at the short plant. Completely different nanners than any I’d seen before, it looked totally female except there was the occasional pistil that was slightly thicker and slightly more yellow than the others. Upon closer inspection they were everywhere and I came across loads of fully mature seeds I couldn’t see.

There’s still six plants remaining. Loud Skunk, Northern BC Skunk, Big Red x Proper Skunk, Mazar, Holy Mac and Yeti OG f2 x Sour Cindy, I think I’ll start calling the last one Furry Animal. Loud Skunk is fat and smells like dumpster at a bottle bank with added camping fuel. Northern BC Skunk smells dank and fruity. Big Red x Proper Skunk is an odd mix, red cream soda slurpee with an aftertaste of piss and laundry. It started so nice, just delicious and drawn out followed by nastiness. Mazar is just flawless, pine, fuel, and burnt rubber; beautiful. Holy Mac is starting to smell like Kush, starting to mature around the top buds. Furry Animal is still young but looks interesting.


nice tops there,G5m :+1:

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Another one bites the dust, this time it was Northern BC Skunk with another case of unwanted nanners. I just finished giving them a quick trim, maybe use it for cooking or just for dabs. It really sucks, this was one of my favorites. On the bright side it means new seeds I get to try. I’ve already gone and started 3 new feminized seeds, Roadkill Skunk S1 from Copycat. I soaked them overnight and prepared to use the JP germination method but didn’t need it, they all popped long tails and were immediately placed in Solo cups.


Well the damage is done. I’ve had to chop the Loud Skunk due to a spot of mold on the main stem. I had a feeling the Super Skunk x BB Skunks managed to pollinate the other plants in the tent when they hermied. First thing I noticed was the smell died down then I found a few newly pollinated flowers. Not everything was hit, I think I contained it well. I’ve started chopping the large more mature top buds from Big Red x Proper Skunk. The Skunk part has really come out in the past few weeks, it’s actually more prominent than cream soda smell and it’s exactly like the description given. It’s a nice offensive old school Skunk, musky sweat, laundry, stale piss, even that sour stench of meat when it starts to turn bad. Holy Mac looks like it wasn’t hit with pollen. She’s become top heavy, the buds are fattening up everywhere still, covered in resin they’re very dense and almost solid. Her smell has progressed from something rather complex and pungent to a gentle OG Kush, soft and sweet. Mazar is Mazar, effortless perfection, best described as a flawless Afghan Kush without the OG. I’m giving serious thought to growing the other seeds out sometime soon. The Furry Animal (Yeti OG f2 x Sour Cindy) is beautiful, the buds are going to be huge. I would describe the smell as an overwhelming pure OG Kush. I’m looking forward to seeing everything finish soon, seeing what I’ll keep and such. I also have 4 Road Kill Skunk females from Copycat that have started their journey. I’m not the kind of person that usually keeps good notes, if it wasn’t for this journal I would have no idea how long they’ve been flowering or anything.


Well it’s all cut and dried. I lost a few skunks but the others made up for it. Loud Skunk became extremely pungent after it dried. Smells and tastes like a red table wine with a little hint of fuel in the background, dark grapes, plums and charcoal. It’s really interesting and very stinky. Holy Mac provided the heaviest buds, nice soft kushy scent and twice the yield of any other plant. It was so easy to grow, I’m looking forward to another round from her, veg a little longer this time. Mazar was just as perfect as last time, fat white kushy buds and plenty of them. Finally we have Big Red x Proper Skunk, an absolute gem. Her Skunk attributes didn’t show until her final weeks and really surfaced after she dried. I’d say the smell is 70% cream soda and 30% old Skunk. Lots of sweat y laundry, piss, bad meat kind of smell with an overbearing red cream soda slurpee topping. It’s crazy but I love it, the taste is good, different but good. It has the signature Skunk high, that little positive kick. It also has some noticeable Haze influence and it’s crazy potent too. A few puffs provides a nice motivational feeling but if I make it to the end of the joint I’ll be staring into space and tripping out. It’s nice to find a good Skunk. The harvested plants are revegging now, there’s also 4 RKS females in Autopots starting out, just been topped and one plant still budding. Yeti OG f2 x Sour Cindy has a delicious scent, lemon cream cookie with a dash of rich kushy terps. Hopefully she’ll finish soon and can fill my tent back up with green goodness.


you’ve got some interesting flavors and effects going on there.

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I’ve been hit with the worst thing ever for my garden. Worse than mites, mildew or hermies; I’ve got Crackheads. My neighbor had a couple of houseguests show up to watch his place, they were Crackheads, she’s in her 50s and he’s about 20 with a full meth goatee. There’s been a lot of things disappearing since their arrival and yesterday I came home to discover they cut the power after hallucinating a fire and flood. Chopped what was left, moved all my valuables to my girlfriend’s house. This morning I found one of them dismantling the washing machine in the backyard because he could hear clicks. I’m anticipating a break in any day now.

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