Girl Friend’s bitchin’ man it sucks!

@Gpaw yeah the I know whats in my gear, i used that for the outside veggie garden . (just under a acre )
So she brought it up when i let her talk me into growin again


I have an 18 ft Lund pro v for sale if she wants you to go with the fishing boat . :smiley:


Well, that is why I have one ex-wife, and a current wife, who is from Jamaica. She is a keeper.


Yeah. My ex wife did that shit. I had smoke with her for over a decade. When we adopted our kid, she totally flipped out over weed. She made me get rid of all my glass, quit smoking, and even went as far as trying to tell my dad he couldn’t grow it.

After the adoption was final, I started smoking again, but she was all bitchy about it. Fast forward 10 years later, we are divorced and she is smoking again (got her MMJ card during COVID).

As soon as we got divorced, I setup my first grow. :fu:


When my first wife left after enjoying the fruits of my labor for a few years . She said she would never cause me any problems . Good thing I didn’t believe her and shut it down . She sent cops to my house more than once . I never let them in even though nothing was going on . No warrant , fuck off .But they were very well informed about where they wanted to look . What a bitch . New wife is a gem .


they got a friend of mine that way ,no warrant scared him and he didnt know,it stuck in court too, justice didnt care there was no warrant.


Yep that’s what they do . Cant get a warrant based on a vindictive ex wife bullshit . So they show up Sunday at dinner time . Say well no we don’t have a warrant but you don’t want us showing in the middle of the night breaking your door down you know . So let us look around now . Fuck off ! Gurrrrrr !


he didnt know the law or about warrants, he thought they could search,it sucked to be him, time property…

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wife and i started smoking at the same time over 45 years ago, i always smoked more than her and it was never a problem, she was never happy about me growing indoors but she put up with it so long as i never talked about it to her, then the menapause started she stopped smoking and hated the sight of me for 15 years thank goodness for cannabis. nowaday we both vape she more than me. in our 53rd year of marriage now and man its been a long hard road.


Congrats man! you put in some work! @hash74 were on 36 but we got married late ,my second


53 years married wow ! That’s is something . What age did you get married if you don’t mind me asking .

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The second best day of a man’s life is when he buys a boat…the first best day is when he sells it…lol
Heard that saying on the radio…lol


I have three partners for coming up on four years (my ex wife talks to me and, prior to Covid, many of my ex-partners danced with me… They still do, but not as close).
I live alone. That is a significant but not essential advantage. This is how I manage:


I take bitching to mean she thinks she can do better, probably has a candidate lined up, has leeway to start acting up.
Well, she can shut it, that shrill tone of voice will not be tolerated.


Ahh, yes, the grass is always greener, right.


There should be a rule that all X-wives have to change their given names to Karen.

You know… truth in advertising… :call_me_hand:



Peace @HolyAngel LOL​:rofl::rofl::rofl:same…same …Be well…:pray:t6:



My grow is more for my lady than it is for me.
She is very appreciative and doesn’t give me any shit.

That being said, you knew who I was when you married me.

All the best


I like that . I thought we would want to fish a lot now that we have the time . Didn’t even take it out this year . Once last year My street runs straight into the lake . Two minute walk . When there is ice you just drive straight out . Too much trouble to hook up put it in the water , bring it back and park it , and so on . I’m lazy I guess . I would rather jump on my bike and go for a cruise , come back and hang around our pool .


Holy shit. Thats pure evil man!!

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