Glass Mystery Haze

Be careful microwaving that ISO. It’ll fill with vapor when it starts boiling and could be explosive if the microwave sparks.


yeah, thanks for the reminder. Sometimes I get a little careless with my monkeying around.

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Didn’t even occur to me just because I assumed it was a given. It’s an assumed risk.

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Try 99% iso alcohol with white vinegar and lemon lime juice

Shit, forgot the vinegar didn’t help either. That was my Hail Mary; I retch at the smell of vinegar. I’ll pick up some ISO here soon, will see if that helps. Probably some salt too.

Anyone have preference on salts? I’ve been using regular sodium chloride, but I’ve realized maybe some other salts (or abrasives for that matter) may work better. I for sure wish I got the coarse the first time. But I’ve heard epsom salt also used.

Sea salt or epsom as the are more coarse.

Hey CD you gotta mix the iso alcohol with the vinegar and lemon/lime juice throw in sea or epsom salt to.shake up for a few minutes then let it steep for awhile.then shake it up again and let it steep.


Nice piece , I always love the look of the tree perc , but I never have the confidence to pull the trigger , do you find that the hardest part to clean in general ?

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Not at all, since it’s the last spot the smoke hits the only mess usually there is residue or dog hair (dog owners know what I mean). The ash catcher gets mad nasty with tar, but it does it’s job. Residue and the mystery haze are the only mess that makes it past the ash catcher. I absolutely adore this piece, I was skeptical about the perc at the time but glad I got it. I use it for vape pens too, and I can chose where in the normal three perc chain it goes. I pull the down stem out so it’s only the tree perc and ice catcher, perfect.

Have you tried a carbon filter ? Keeps the glass way cleaner , way longer , the hits great and noticeably cleaner easier on the lungs

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I’ve thought about it. Short on cash, so I tried to DIY it… I could’ve made better choices and maybe got a good result, lol. I have use cloth patches in the glass joints, it screens most of the large goo. After 4-5 bowls it gets clogged and you replace it. Also cotton packed lightly in the joint of the bowl. If I get some spare cash sometime I’ll try one out. The cost to keep replacing the filter media kinda sucks, and it adds complexity to my routine. I smoke all day, cleaning once a day. I’ve got it all down to a daily routine (important for my sanity) and is worry keeping track of when to replace media is t worth it.

I NEED to stop smoking, a good vaporizer is in my to do list, so hopefully smoking will be a thing of the past, will still use this piece though, you bet your ass.


I hear ya, and I would have done the same thing long ago if vaping and smoking are equivalent, and to me they aren’t. Vaping gives me a lightweight top of my head buzz that fades quickly


I don’t know, I’ve never used a GOOD one. I’m hoping (maybe vainly) that it’ll be better. The one I have makes everything taste like warm plastic- cause you know it’s made of mostly plastic. I’ve been tempted to just figure out which has the best chamber and make my own using its oven. But it cost just as much as buying one plus more. I tried getting by myself on live resin carts and dabs but I always come back to the flower… which thread is this? I think I wrote a post about that just a day or two ago, lol.

You should check out the newvape. Basically, all you need is a bowl, head and coil and you can vape out of your glass. I’ve been using one for the past few years, and can’t imagine being without. Those little handheld ones just can’t output enough.


Edit- didn’t actually look into the product before replying. My bad… which are you talking about, the flower pot?

Yea, the flower pot was their v1. The “weed eater” is a head specific for just vaping flower, and the vrod can do flower and has a silicon carbide dish for rosin. Both the flower pot and vrod will do rosin and I have owned both. I like the flower pot a little better for flower, and the vrod a lot better for rosin. But I pretty much only use the vrod.

It’s quality stuff. Machined in FL using titanium for a lot of their parts. It’ll also get hot enough to burn if you really wanted to crank it up.


I’m skeptical of most chamber systems for reloading. I don’t want to spend 20 minutes screwing and unscrewing this and then hearing that… it’s easier to deal with the smoke. I’ve been considering lately something; car cigarette lighter. Now operating it at 12v might prove difficult if you took the same idea and made a version that used a power controller rather than a car dashboard… one of those ideas you have but doesn’t seem worth doing.

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If you can find 420 cleaner for glass works wonders

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The flowerpot isn’t a chamber system. It’s the same as smoking a bong, just instead of a lighter, you pull air through a hot element. Pack a bowl, put it in your bong, put the flowerpot over top and drag. It’s a pretty simple vaporizer.


I used this and found straight ethanol better… or maybe I didn’t. Maybe worth a try if the ISO doesn’t do it.