Glassjoe's Summer Grow 2021 (HSC)

Howdy, Overgrowers!

My outdoor summer grow is at hobbyist scale at the moment, but I have some plants that I’m really excited about that I think will turn out amazingly.

First off is the 5x5’ area I stretched a trellis net over. Underneath I am growing two plants; a Garlic Budder from seed, and a Blueberry muffin I cloned from earlier in the summer when some of my plants went into flower early so I finished them in a light deprivation tent.

Here are the two plants in question on the 7th of June:

On the 29th of June:

On the 8th of July:

On the 18th of July, around the time that they started showing signs of flowering, which is early for our area. First picture garlic Budder, second Blueberry Muffin.

Garlic Budder preflower July 18th:

On the 1st of August:

And on the 21st of August, around the time the plants began showing serious bud development.

Garlic Budder buds Aug. 18:

Blueberry Muffin buds Aug. 25:

I Also have an area with 3 Jelly Rancher and a blueberry muffin on the other side of the cactus, and a clone of the Garlic Budder and 2 more jelly rancher near the trellised 5x5’ area. more to come.


Nice outdoor grow @GlassJoeGrows! I like the cactus in the background.


Thanks! I have to wait until after harvest to cut it back some because it’s about twelve feet tall and eventually it’ll break and come down on something.

On the other side of that cactus is this area, where I put a Jelly Rancher from seed (in the back) two clones of that plant (left and right), and an apple blossom (front) from seed into the ground on July 8th. The JR clone on the left is topped and the one on the right is not, see below:

Here they are on the 24th. I left the mother plant from seed in its pot for too long, and it stunted it a bit, but the clones of it spread out.

Here they are on the 8th of August. I germinated the apple blossom around the 27th of may and cut the clones around the 30th. I germinated the Jelly Rancher at the beginning of April

And here they are on the 22nd. The Apple blossom is described as having “above average” growth. No kidding! :rofl: I need to run some full summer next year.


So, I also have a clone of the big Garlic Budder under the trellis Netting, which I cut some time in mid-late May. I put it in the ground in the alley by the greenhouse from its 2-gallon plastic grow bag when it looked like this, on July 18th:

Here it is 20 days later on August 8th:

And here’s its progress, week by week, starting August 15th:

August 21st:

August 28th:

The smell is very much what you would expect from a GMO x cookie cross to be so far, a nice spicy peppery garlic but also the rich cookie smell. Not bad for 41 days!


That apple blossom really did go from the smallest, to the biggest, lol. Above average indeed.

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Checking back in at the beginning of September with the Garlic budder and blueberry muffin:

Some Blueberry muffin colas:

Garlic budder colas:

The apple blossom completely obscures the jelly rancher in the back from this angle:

And the AB buds are putting some nice trichomes on!

Here is the topped JR:

And the untopped JR:

As well as the mom they were cut from. The colas are nice and dense but the plant is shorter than it should be; I should not have allowed to get rootbound before transplant:

And the garlic budder by the greenhouse:


So, I never really followed up on this grow, but it went really well. The best performers were the garlic budder and apple blossom. Everything was a solid yielder. The Jelly Rancher (now rebranded as hella jelly due to legal threats lol) was fine but we didn’t love the terps as much as the other two. It made some nice light tan ice water hash, though.

The Garlic Budder was our largest individual plant, and was a good representation of the GMO/Chem Cookies genre. It stacked up nicely, had a classic spicy garlicky chem-y smell, and a potent, sedative kind of smoke.

The Apple Blossom finished up like a nice big Christmas tree, with thick colas, and was a favorite of ours. It had a sweet smell, but more nectary/floral/honey than fruit. I thought the high was well balanced.

The Jelly Rancher was a pleasant smoke and yielded well, but I didn’t fall in love with it, although I’d try it again to see if there are better phenos and it has some practical properties. It washed well for a nice light colored hash, the photo below is just after washing and initially freezing, before grating into powder to freeze dry.

The last photo I could find of the blueberry muffin is the one I posted in the bud shots thread way back, it was it’s usual self, very terpy and true to its name but more of a mellow than Stony high. It’s too hot outdoors in our summers for it to get really purple, but I’ve had it show more color indoors.


Hey @GlassJoeGrows, how did the garlic budder end up for you? i was looking at this one, but didn’t know if I should go with an in-house genetics garlic instead. I figure it has the right terps, but was it very potent/frosty? how was the bag appeal?

the garlic sherb and other premium garlic offerings seem very frosty. most of the hsc garlic budder i have seen looked like mids, but it’s hard to tell sometimes.

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I felt like it was a good representation of the GMO/Chem cookies “family”, with spicy garlicky terps. The potency was strong, it was a dopey “indica” smoke. It wasn’t unusually colorful or anything so I don’t know how it’d shake out in terms of bag appeal. It’s been a while since I grew it, but I was happy with it and so were the family members that tried it out (who were generally stoners themselves, not lightweights).

My 2c regarding IHG: The seeds are too expensive for what they are. Generally they’re going to just be selected F1s crossed against other F1s; you’re buying into a pheno hunt. If you want to run a pack, make your selection and operate from clone that’s fine, but I don’t love the sticker price of ~$12-$20/seed to then have to do that work. I know some folks who’ve been growing for a long time may disagree and like their work, but it’s too premium a price for my blood.

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thanks for the info. was it frosty and dense? i guess that is what i mean by bag appeal. i actually dislike purple, so that is a plus with the garlic budder.

It’s been a while since I grew it so the appearance stuff is a little harder to remember and since I only grow for myself I’m not super concerned with the looks. The density, stickiness, and potency on smoke were all there, and we liked it enough as buds that we didn’t bother washing any, although we did press a small amount direct from flower for rosin and it was absolutely sedative stuff, very strong. If you like GMO it’s a solid relative. I have also heard good things about Mosca’s Super petrol (GMO x GMO/Rocket Fuel) from Corgi on the discord but haven’t grown it.