God Bud(JOTI)

Howdy, I can’t post my photo from my cell phone, but here is the link: Night Ize Gear Ties, in different colors and lengths and groups from Amazon. Hope it will be helpful. https://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=nite-ize+gear+tie&index=aps&tag=hydsma-20&ref=pd_sl_8vkk0o7bs6_e&adgrpid=51549561970&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=409958455389&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16304674757883397375&hvqmt=e&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027978&hvtargid=kwd-332284024743&hydadcr=12188_11119220&gclid=CjwKCAjw2dD7BRASEiwAWCtCbwQGDORcsjMRxv8b0daoA9e23HjR8q1eUpHQBXKwQyONArme_uPD5BoCqGwQAvD_BwE

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I took most advice and didn’t know anything about LITFA but I did a lot of that. Lol. Also I live right next to a creek that ocassionally comes out so my thought is it’s kinda like growing crops in a flood plain. Maybe that explains the weight and height. I’ve some is still drying but I will have over 3/4 of a lb from that god bud plant. Tickled pink, here’s a pic from trimming yesterday.


Nice looking plant! I have a few god bud seeds gifted to me, though the person who sent them to me says they came from mark on strainly, so I’ll have to pop them soon and see how they compare.


I haven’t ever directly interacted with him but I grew all seeds from him this year for my first grow. @Guitarzan thinks highly of him and had purchased a boat load of seeds there. In fact it’s the one place he tells me to go. The GB seeds are apparently from JOTI. The one thing with the GB seeds I had is I thought I ruined 26 of 28 that I germinated(boy am I glad I didn’t have that in my hands) but then I gave 5 to a buddy and he couldn’t get any of them to germinate so not sure what’s up there. I think @Guitarzan said he was gonna try and germinate a few and see what his results were. Incredible weed tho. It’s a smell I’ll never forget bc We had a buddy who was growing it heavily from at least 08-11 and I smoke so much of it. Unforgettable buzz too lol


Are you saying the god bud seeds you got came from mark too? I have heard that maybe Mark sends out seeds he didn’t make himself, as he gets seeds from Other breeders too. So if he sent out seeds from JOTI, then maybe they were either very old seeds, or maybe they got the radiation treatment in the mail.


Those God Bud seeds were from Mark.

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ALL seeds PURCHASED are grown by mark himself!!! He may OCASSIONALLY throw some “free packs” of other Breeders work to customers. I’m sure many of the RESELLERS he supplies send him MANY free packs of other’s work in their inventory. I can assure you with COMPLETE certainty he “hand-selects” all beans in the “small orders”, thus maintaining his impeccable integrity. Have a GREAT week, be safe/be well, ALL!!! :honeybee:


I did smoke some of the GB already, but the official weigh in today after all trimming was 326g. :exploding_head:


That’s a hell of a lot more than the 3oz I was expecting lol.


That Mark guy is a stand up dude…he send me free seeds one time just cause…mad respect!!!

still have those plants going now…sent me 3 strains Gods and OG18

nothing but good things to say…his motives are pure to me anyway…honest feed back


I agree I’ve only heard good things, and @Guitarzan says he’s extremely affordable. I grew some autos from him as well this year and the most recent one I got yielded 130g. By saying I had an issue with the GB seeds germinating wasn’t in anyway trying to bad mouth or talk shit, I hope no one took it that way. Much love to all of you guys.


i can total relate…i got some seeds and almost killed them with damping off…my problem and was corrected before i lost all the seeds.


That Godbud pheno looks quite different from what I am used to growing, although my packs were bought about 5 years ago from JOTI. Every one of those seeds grew max 3’ more close to 2’ indoors, but with a squat structure, with side branching upright and tight to the main stalk thick buds without much internode spacing at all. Resulted in large long buds, that weren’t rocks, but not airy either. Characteristic piney aroma, good smooth Indica buzz, really smooth and smokeable when cured. The males are good for breeding with as they impart a nice tight structure to the offspring. That is some crazy pheno ya got there!


It is very smooth and a great indica. I couldn’t believe how hard it hit, from my head to my toes too. Very nice. I had to indulge it’s now getting to be the smell I know as godbud jars are all stable and staying shut for as long as I can take it. I had a great friend (@Guitarzan knows who I’m talking about) that grew godbud for years. It’s a smell, taste and buzz that I’ll always remember. This plant would’ve purpled up a little more but the rain had different plans. The trichomes were cloudy and starting to show lots of amber especially on leaves. Excited to roll a joint once I can’t resist any longer. Smoking on some GMO and Purple Punch so it’s a bit easier to resist lol


Damn nice haul there! Does it have that distinctive flowery godbud taste? Good godbud is some of the tastiest weed I’ve ever smoked. I ran BC bud depot godbud a while ago and it totally SUCKED haha


Yes it def does! I especially smelled it after drying now it’s all curing but the jars I am still burping are starting to smell amazing. I first had god bud in 2009, and smoked it regularly as a close friend grew it until 2011.


These were from mark mentioned above but according to @Guitarzan they are JOTI genetics. Even the make was 4’ by the time it showed being a male. Could have something to do with my soil, I’m having it tested next year, as mentioned above I live next to a creek that does come out of the banks from time to time and can hit the part of the yard my grow area is in. Rare but that creek and my yard have been here a long long time. Lol. Black soil rich with worms.


Well now I’m really eager to grow out my god bud seeds! I need to up pot and flower my first plants still :stuck_out_tongue:


Sweet deal, I’m sure the creek is depositing all kinds of nutrients and minerals up there enriching the soil.


Wait, I’m just realizing you were talking about your batch of god bud seeds being duds. Did you ever hear back about that? I sure hope the ones I have are good, I only have 5 or 6 seeds. I plan on soaking them once my current plants are a month into flower. At least that’ll give me a little time to sprout something else in case they fail.