Going forward with forward growing!

Did you ever explain what forward growing is? Lol

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Its high yielding, smooth as hell to smoke, taste like sweet lemons, and my pics dont do it justice at all. Best so far of any $$$ seed packs i have grown of multiple.big name breeders. Best of 5 bodhi packs so far. The only thing that i liked better was MK Ultra from THSEEDS. Adam gets on my nerves though. Lol


Not completely! Will get to explaining it more when i start to flower. Doesnt really become forward growing until i hit flower. Jetdro and ifish are my mentors on this. Its really all about NPK ratios and moving the plants forward just like they would in mother nature.


Iā€™ll be sure to keep a watch for itā€¦

Man, if jet was here he would jump right in and tell you all about it. Hes passionate about it and its obvious once you see his grows. @ifish is very knowledgeable about the subject. Maybe he will chime in. I honestly, only have feed charts and detailed instructions provided by jet and ifish. Its all about pushing the correct ratios of NPK and not so much about PPMs. Mimicking what the plant would experience in nature and never taking a step back. Always forward. Just like the seasons of nature. High N in veg. Pushing p early in flower and pushing k late in flower. Low PPMs the whole time.


Heres the feed chart jetdro provided me with. Same feed he used on the crop hes chopping right now if i had to guess.


Works well good luck
Everything looks great nice and healthy

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Here it is. No supergelatosurfercookiescakepurplepunch but theres some ā€œokayā€ cuts in this tent. Probably gonna be larfy and not sticky once flowered. Blame that on jetdro. Lol.


Thatā€™s pretty much how I learned to grow in hydro , we always had to adjust the companies recommended feed schedules to achieve optimum results.


When did Jet get banned ? Iā€™m on here lots how did I miss that? When and is he coming back I sure hope so .


@ShiskaberrySavior heā€™s just chillin for a day or three : )


Hes banned until march something.

Yeah he emailed me last night said a month then not sure if heā€™s coming back.
Pretty pissed and upset.

What happened , I thought he was just chillin and it was his decision ?

Didnā€™t dive much into it, I still donā€™t know what entirely happened.
Just know what he said in my email

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12 posts were merged into an existing topic: Sh*t talking outside of the tank complaint

You grew Mk-ultra? Iā€™m growing some right now. About how long was the flower time? N how she stack? Just wondering mine is in end of first week of flower and throwing hairs like crazy. Mine is getting one hell of a stretch to her too.

Mine stretched quite a bit. Flowered her to 9 weeks. Shortest plant in the tent and quickly stretched to the largest. Still have a few seeds left. Did yours come from thseeds? Nice solid nugs. Minimal leaf. Easiest plant to trim i have ever grown. Nice yield. Solid nugs all down the plant. But, not a stacker. The buds were all seperate. But nice. Still one of my favorites to this day.


Space Monkey, Black Triangle and Cosmic Serpent on the way from glgā€¦Dazzleberry on the way from jbc! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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I knew a girl years ago who grew mk ultra very unique taste to it, very fresh and clean .I got some beans Iā€™ll have to pop at some donā€™t even remember from what company.

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