Going forward with forward growing!

Right now its about 28 inches above the canopy. I dimmed the light down last night to about 300 watts. Maybe i will dim it down to 250? I know the lamp should be set closer eventually too. Never flowered under these kind of leds before. So, its a big learning curve for me.


Just re-read, 300W should be fine at 28". Just keep an eye on them. As they get bigger they can handle more light. It’s a 4’x4’ tent right?


I only water to runoff once the plants are established in their pots. Im seeing really fast root development with this soil mix combined with the TVF. So, up pots are happening quick and often. But, when i do water to runoff its about 20 percent runoff.


Yes sir. Its a 4x4 tent. No CO2 added. My exhaust runs 15 mins every hour and my intake is just a passive intake plumbed to the room the tent is in.


So unless you up the CO2, food, and water, the plants cant use the extra light yet. Give them a few days to adjust, it was quite a sudden change for them.

Again, bigger plants have more leaves; more leaves means they can use more light.


Good luck with my strawberry! Bog :sunglasses::v:


Im gutted right now. Opened up the flower tent to no light. Thought my timer went bad. Nope. Plugged it into a known working outlet and no light. Thing is not even a week old. This is fucked up.


Oh, wow. What the heck. That’s completely messed up!

Think they’ll replace it for you?

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It has a warranty. But , shit man. This is a major inconvenience for me. Kicking myself in the ass right now for being cheap. Another 200 bucks i could of had a hlg 600h.

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Bummer. Hopefully it’s just the driver, and not the entire unit.

What sucks is it states in the warranty that it wont be honored if the unit has been tampered with. So im afraid to take his connections apart and start testing.

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I would contact them and explain , due to the present situation and with everything that’s going on , maybe they will help you trouble shoot the unit and if Its found to be unfixable ( not just loose wire ) ,still honour the warranty : ) no harm in askin : )


Just spoke with him. He said im okay to remove the potentiometer and confirm that is not the issue. Then, I will follow up with him from there.


Sounds like you have a good rapport with them already
A good sign of great customer service : )


Ask builder what to do with the pent wires, do not guess!

The pot is working correctly. Disconnected it and tested it with a dmm. Its working as it should. The driver must have went bad. This totally sucks.


Sorry to hear that man, hope seller makes it right ASAP for you! Guess your old ones have to go back up or are you using them elsewhere too???

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Brutal. No words.

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One of them is tore apart while im waiting on kind to send my driver to me. They are in california so im sure that has something to do with the hold up. So i only have one of them in there until this light gets fixed. Shit happens. Oh well. I got a few beers in me and im feeling better. Lol.


Light is boxed up. Got a shipping label from ebay to return the light back to seller for repair. I have looked over all the wiring and it looks good. The potentiometer is working correctly. Pretty damn sure the driver took a crap after less then a week of use. I hope hes quick getting it fixed and sent back to me.