Going forward with forward growing!

I water slowly until water comes out of the drainage holes… all of them, so I know the water has penetrated the entire root zone. Watering slowly allows the soil to absorb it’s fill of water, creating less dry spots.

If you get dry spots anyway, put a saucer under your container and water from the bottom to help the soil absorb water/O2 more evenly by capillary action.


Ready for the fireworks?
With that new light those ‘wee darlings’ are set to explode!
:firecracker: :fireworks: :man_firefighter: :grin:



found some ugly looking leaves on my gg4 and ohga mom plant. Thinking its just a deficiency of some sort. They have been underwatered a few times here recently. Any opinions?


did that leaf come from top or bottom of the plant :grin: :sunglasses:

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Up towards the top

A potassium deficiency in cannabis causes burnt leaf tips and edges, as well as yellowing between the margins

Potassium Deficiency

The lower and older leaves start turning yellow between the veins when a cannabis plant gets a magnesium deficiency

Magnesium Deficiency

not sure if this helps


Cleaned up the bottoms of all the plants in the flower tent.


cherry queens are very vigorous.


3 days after flip


I have been bottom feeding since up pot. Cherry queens are starting to get out of hand. Their trays are not large enough for their water needs. Thinking real hard about getting a 6 pack of octos.


Do it! That would be sweet

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Hey man…quick question for you (and @Jetdro and @ifish ). I’m half-assed using your soil mix. I’m using gh maxibloom and ProTek silica. I’m not doing a flush at the end of flowering , but rather adding extra K the last 2 weeks.
The question is this, what makes the soil reusable? Is it a good water only flush the very last watering to get rid of any salts/excess nutes and then reuse soil? Just want to be sure I’m not putting seedlings into a hot soil mix with dried nutes already in there.
I’m rushed and probably not explaining myself well…but any light shed on this would be great.
Many thanks.

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When I was recycling, it just went into the pool and got refortified and off and running.
I f you’re doing it right the nutes from previous batch should be gone.

Never let mine set and cook either, just mix and repeat.


Fuck bro that new light is killing it! Glad you got it fixed and back on track!!


Wwll looks like the plants are enjoying the new light even if at just 295w, but hey if there happy they’re happy


Hi Tappy , I am Mapito flood and drain , I must rinse my mapito after every grow as I get a tide line kind of , running through my crate of mapito horizontally which has a very high ec But I am unsure about octo in soil that’s @Jetdro department : )
I would give the soil of one octo a rinse and collect runoff and check ppm and take it from there : )


determined the suspected cherry queen males were in fact males. Pulled them out along with the runt cherry queen. No space for it and i dont think it was gonna do much anyways. Its sex was undetermined.


Tappy I also reuse my soil I have tow bins one stores the soil from the previous grow one empty one for the current grow
I just re mix and add some perlite some mycorrhizae

All good
@Grohio make the move to Octopots your love how things grow themselves
Your plants look great


Thanks @Papalag. Im heavily considering getting some before my next run.

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Sorry for not answering @Tappy. As @OleReynard stated your plants should be depleting all or most of whats left in the soil. @Jetdro told me to re amend my recycled soil with more EWC every couple of grows. And add perlite when it needs it.