Going2fast does autoflowers

3-3 of the hot cakes came up…1-3 of poundcake,they are coming along pretty well,a touch slow maybe because there’s been so much rain recently



Only ghost train haze is left. She got relegated to the south facing window in a spare bedroom. Still at least two weeks out. Was going to put her outside but her colas are soda can thick and I’m afraid the breeze will be too much. Not near the frost as the sugar gals but hopefully get that old school sativa high.


Ok now that the photo run is done let’s get back to the roots. As in auto roots. Did enjoy my first indoor photo run but the returns weren’t there and I knew this going in. Sugarcane isn’t a big producer. Very runtzish looking buds. Frostiest buds I’ve ever grown for real. In House are legit. Of course had to do some pollen chucking on #1.
Anyhow back to the autos. I’m running all of my crosses this round. All but bloody sunset are the Cake family. Bloody is bloody skunk from Sweet Seeds x scarlet sunset. I put her on the back burner since I didn’t have enough beans to hand out. Super excited about her actually.
For the cake family I’ve got blue cakes, grape ice cream, pound cake, devils food cake and red velvet cake up as of yesterday. Missing is hot cakes because the Early results are she’s a big girl and needs room. As in 3x3 room. She is also going long to about 95 days. Definitely a 20/20 Mendocino trait. Their autos are known to be big.




Nice! :fist:t3: I’m happy to get to see you run them too! Yours are always gorgeous! :slightly_smiling_face:
Here’s where mine are at so far.

Scarlet Runtz

The one on the left has slightly wonky leaves and is starting to flower.

Grape Icecream

I think the one on the left is also just starting to flower.

Red Velvet Cake

The one on the left doesn’t appear to be flowering yet but is the largest of all 6.

All on the left are larger than their sisters on the right.
I was thinking something was up with my light. They were all on the right before this pic so I swapped sides! :joy: No apparent change just yet. :man_shrugging:t3: The light seems to be fine. I don’t know?? :joy: Tonight I’ll spread them out in the cabinet, give them each a drip tray and add bottom watering to their routine as they’ve been getting minimal water so far. I’m getting excited! Things are about to start happening quickly! :partying_face:
Thanks for the beans! @Going2fast :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3: 🪶🪶


You know I’ll be watching. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Sugar cane pheno 3 aka sideshow Bob. Some nice frosty donkey dicks ready for trimming.


Nice! So my first run is getting scrapped. Tried growing outside but not over water but with 90° temps I got heavy handed. So in few days will drop a few more testers.

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Day 7. Had to break out the humidifier. Been in the 50s which means the heater dries out the air. Two weeks ago I was worried about too much. All the ladies look exactly where they should be. Like to keep them at 75 degrees and 70% humidity during there first three weeks. Too dry and they struggle to get going. Too hot and they stunt.


I’m usually about 70° & 60%.

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Happy Friday!!!
Day 12 and everything going smoothly. They’re neck and neck. Bloody is a day late breaking ground so she’s just a tad smaller than the rest.


How often did you top these?

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He rarely ever tops.
It’s more of a bend-an-spread affair if I know G2F.


Never on autos. Too much risk for no reward.


Yes, there’s only benefits with synthetic ferts.
I’ve topped auto’s in organics and there is no benefit other than smaller buds being less prone to budrot, but the yield is the same.

Would love to see some pics of how you train them!

Just a beautiful plant there bud.

Keep following this grow. Just started lst yesterday. I’ve done numerous journals on other sites. Just Google my name and braapzai.

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Just wait until they’re healthy and vigorous enough. Then bend em over at about 90°. From there, just start spreading branches. :wink:


Alright so I’m embarrassed but here’s day 42
Scarlet galaxy

Devils food cross next 2

Sorry bud I got more will do them justice but will finish the ones growing so I can at least give smells, tastes, some structure lol.


It’s ok. @420noob I also had a mishap that stunted and almost killed the ones I started. Actually the tiny one on the bottom right didn’t make it. :pleading_face: RIP

It’s not the plant’s fault I screwed up and sometimes it’s not about yield as I’m not out of smoke just yet.:smirk: For me it’s about growing stuff cool people here have had the generosity to send me! :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks! @Going2fast I got ‘em back on their feet and I’m gonna let them run with the Scarlet Grapes coming up. I also dropped another Scarlet Runtz to replace the one that was lost. I’ll give them water this time, I swear! :joy:


Please, please, pretty please with sugar on top try planting them in there final pot. Looks like you transplanted that one twice. I promise you they will do 1000% better.