Going2fast does autoflowers

Got a little heavy handed on the lst with devils food cake. Broke her main stem but didn’t even notice. She was holding on by skin but managed to bounce back.


Sure that it’s not the first time, & likely not the last.

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On ure autos do u ever top them…

Scroll up bud. :wink:

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Besides by accident…

Further! :yum:

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im getting warmer… :face_with_head_bandage:

I never top autos. No reward for too much risk. Just lst. I’ve had many people tell me I’m wrong but nobody has proved it to me. Random pics don’t cut it. I wanna see a journal. Some big growing autos like anything from Mendocino 20/20 may do well if timed perfectly but why risk it?


Gonna eat em in front of them and feed the scraps to their kids.


Omg…so jealous…
What’s in the glass?

London pub malt vinegar.


Oh. Eww, lol.
You drown them babies in Old Bay, didn’t ya?

J.O. is for steaming. Old bay is for dippin. Malt vinegar goes good with fish too.

Yeah, I’m anti-vinegar on anything. People put that melt shit on french fries around here too. Gross.

Oh boy, you shoulda tasted the pork chops from my pig the other night! I doused them bad boys in OB before pan frying. So good. :drooling_face:

Once u finish eating them, then grinds the shells to dust and fed ure girls after…

They get thrown in the compost bin in my garden. Plan on pollinating a few of these. Their kids will feast on the natural cal mag.

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Thanks. Not a sticker. Cut out of 1/2" plywood and painted by my dear mother.


You’ve got a very cool Mom. :+1:

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Alright I’m looking for three growmies that would like to test my blue cakes fem auto. I need you to be able to start them within a month. This is Blueberry Slushy auto from Rocbud x Bessie Cake auto from Gas reaper. She is showing surprising potential. And you can’t have won beans from me before. C’mon pop some of those girls.


Yes she is. She’s down in outer Banks N.C. doing the retirement thing

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