Going2fast does autoflowers

Pound cake auto day 60ish outdoors. No lst just au natural. Not the biggest but this thing stinks sooooo good.

My dog broke the cola off the other one this morning so it’s hanging. At about 60 days the trichomes look mostly cloudy with maybe 20% clear. I freakin love the smell on this. Can’t wait to try it. Grew these two outdoors for an experiment but plan on doing an all auto run this winter and still have a few of these. Thanks for the killer beans @Going2fast :+1:


Seed run #2 is going along nicely. I’m a little worried about the sts solution. When I mixed it it turned a cloudy slight brown color. Granted this a b solution is over two years old but has been kept in the fridge. Last batch worked great. Mango smile got her third hit today.


Sts solution seems to be ok. We have boy parts. This Scarlet Grapes is the craziest thing. Showing her photo heritage big time. Stretchy as hell but super thick branching. Gonna let her go a bit more for the hell of it but she’s probably a c



Culled Scarlet Grapes. Didn’t like this ones attitude at all. The rest are doing great. My girl blue cakes has the sweetest scent. Like raspberry bubble gum and dank. Showing off to.
Banana daddy has a unique tropical smell to her. Like bananas and mango maybe but with a piney twist.
Gammathon smells like strawberry and diesel. Very aggressive plant.
Hot cakes smells like vanilla and coffee. Kinda different but nice.
These girls are going outside tomorrow for the remainder of there cycle then to start the first big run of the fall/winter season.


Damn you sure grow some big ass autos indoors!


I have the last two of your scarlet grapes blooming right now- will post a pic- I think these two are sativa leaners? Also- do you have any known indica leaning beans?looking for something for pain managment. Lookin good amigo!

The scarlet grapes are the two big plants in back- monsters- but all my others had fat leaves-- these seem sativa-ish…

The two done plants are @RainToday pinapple crosses-- one is a chunky mini monster-dead center.


Very nice!! Do they smell good? Don’t suppose you remember any specific notes on which pineapple cross those were? I’ve got to start writing down what experimental blend I send to whom :laughing:


Here is the pack they came in and your notes.


Totally awesome, thank you!! Sorry to off-topic your thread @Going2fast


Wow, that is an amazing garden!!

So you mind me asking what light you’re using?

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It’s funny you should ask about the light… Its just started acting funny… Its a Phlizon quantum board- 450 watt, full spectrum. I just ordered a new 500 watt light.

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You’re pretty happy with the brand??

I have 2 lights in my 4x4 right now and need 2 more of the same to have even coverage above 150par (each is “supposed” to cover a 4x4 alone :person_facepalming:).

So, at some point I either buying 2 more of these lights, or I’m buying a big light bar system.

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The phlizon has been great until this week-- and I think the blame may actually be with the controller (Vivo Sun)-- and I almost bought another phlizon-- but instead I cheaped out and got this :wink:

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You think the vivosun controller cooked your light?? Uhh… I just ordered their controller last night… Uhmm


No ,I’ve had both working about a year. No problem… but then I changed the program and everything fucked up… can’t tell which thing.?!


Just a heads up my xs1500 pro viparspectra wouldnt work with the vivosun controller because it has no off setting or doesnt link up.


Thanks man… Luckily, this is going into the main zone, my xs1500 is in the auto zone. Hopefully my lights in there work with it! :crossed_fingers:


Yes she has a sativa leaning pheno that usually is heavy citrus and gas.

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So full disclosure I was trying to grow Mandela and super orange haze. Both heavy sativa strains but they failed to sprout so I had to replace them with faster maturing ones to keep the schedule on point
Five of these are mine. Two of the five are untested.
Back row left to right. Hot cakes, Black and Blue and Banana Daddy.
Front row left to right. Scarlet Grapes, Blue Razzberry and Razzpergers.
Scarlet Grapes hasn’t pooped yet but she’s only been underground for a day. Threw a dozen in there. Day 14 for the back three. Razzpergers is day 9. think.


I just dropped the 3 of your Bloody Razz beans the other day. 2 are up and the third looks to be on the way! :partying_face: