Got Acapulco Gold seeds from the yucatan peninsula

So as the title describes, I acquired a decent amount of seeds from an Acapulco Gold plant and am currently still here in Tulum. Will be heading back to the states on Saturday. How should I carry the seeds back? Should I mail them or just bring them home.

Update. Nobody cared about the seeds lol just as suspected!


gel pen in pocket, used to stitch them into my backpack if i had a lot.
also have no idea what they do locally there in terms of scanning packages sent so no way to determine safety for that.

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I would split the odds: mail half, carry half.

mail in corrugated plastic “cardboard” or something to prevent crushing.

open a hem/seam of clothing & feed them in & mend/plug hole.

:evergreen_tree: and please share on OG! :joy:


I’ve had good luck with putting seeds in a pocket in a pair of dirty pants and stuffing the pants in my dirty clothes bag. I’ve never had an issue, and if i did, i would say it was a mistake and forgot about them.


This this is so simple it’s fool proof


I had a friend who use to go to Jamaica and smuggle a substance back and he would seal one end of a straw fill straw melt other end and stick into toothpaste tube he could fit quite a few straws in a tube. A thick substance that is in a foil lined container and he had to worry about dogs non-issue. I agree with the 50/50 sentiment ups yourself a package and put half in however you are going to mail and half with you. Don’t out all your eggs in one basket. I happen to know someone you could send them to if needed.:wink::joy::joy:. The dirty clothes does seem like a no brainer. If you were tighty whities or boxer briefs they come with a storage compartment. The little flap meant for easier access well that double layer of cloth isn’t sewn together until way bottom of underware. If dirty I’d bet no one is digging around in your dirty drawers.:rofl::face_vomiting::rofl:


Any pics of the mum?


don’t bet on it, they wear gloves and like to dig through shit if they think you’re carrying anything. i’ve also seen them dump toothpaste tubes and all sorts of things in customs coming into the us. they are underpaid and mostly incompetent in some areas though. if it were me i’d mail half and put the other half into a toothpaste tube, but make absolutely sure there are no fingerprints on it and it is in an outside pocket of a backpack or bag. that allows an out when in court, someone planted it there. with a good lawyer in the us anyway.

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forget carrying them !!! break you seeds into 3 packs and mail them


a few years ago i would have agreed. now that it’s mostly legal i don’t know. i mean coming into the us if you had them packaged and with the customs declaration form filled out you’d be good but that may not fly getting them out from there. i used to do some shady things like taking things from place to place but it’s been a while and never from there.

Hmmm, clever clever smugglers. I like this idea.

I’d just carry them back.

I’d just put a few dozen in a shirt pocket in my luggage. Or in a clothing seam. Or under an insole in a pair of shoes in your luggage. Really a million ways to smuggle a gram of seeds. No one’s looking for a few dozen seeds.


I would put the half you carry in your toiletry bag

you could spread them out really well and get them all through. one in each pocket of everything and several in the bottom of the bag, and shaving kit, and shoe and sock, etc.

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I used the deodorant stick trick with success before. This was all pre 9/11 much more relaxed then.

I agree with splitting it up, def mail some and carry some

Don’t take a chance carrying them

Do 3 or 4 separate packages and send them to yourself


If it looks like you’re trying to smuggle them it could be worse than having a few in different pockets. The multiple freight idea sounds good :slight_smile:

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No unfortunately I didn’t want to offend or upset anyone by taking pics

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Man don’t spend a bunch of money at a Mexican post office mailing seeds I’m telling you nobody really cares. They aren’t even actually illegal…technically yes due to agricultural law reasons but neither side is gonna care enough either way to actually do a full search of your belongings. They literally care more about fruit than they do a few seeds in your luggage.

Do a half ass decent job of concealing and just walk through like you aren’t doing anything wrong. Which you aren’t.

Honestly mail is sketchier than just walking through with a gram of loose seeds in your pocket. Won’t even be detected on body scans or a pat-down.

Might as well put it up your ass way these guys are talking lol.


If you’re happy depending on law enforcement not to search you when they have the legal right to and not to do anything if they find it, then carry them on you. If you’re happier with the post office being legally required not to interfere with your mail, and no possibility of law enforcement being involved, mail them. Seems like a simple choice to me. Both have the possibility of not getting the seeds back here. One has a small possibility of terrible consequences, and one has no possibility of terrible consequences. So yeah, definitely choose the one with a small possibility of terrible consequences rather than no possibility. :roll_eyes: