Gpaw's New grow (#5),CBD photoperiod (CLOSED)

I spotted suspicious swelling in several buds, I have been checking daily the branches for 'naners and nothing. So everybody got the 3rd degree.

Everybody’s branches are clear only female flowers to be found.
but… Check out the main stem of Doc 2
Nodes 7, 8 and 9 had weird 'naners. I wasn’t sure until I pulled them apart and found traces of pollen.

You got me good - you rat! Talk about looking for hidden secrets and missing the obvious… nOOb…

So here is a question; “are any of the seeds worth collecting”?

I expect that any selfd seed from Doc 2 is a ‘waste of space’ because they are guaranteed to be herms. But Doc 1 & 3?

What is your thoughts and recommendations?


I’ve never really had success with hermied seeds, although i’ve only tried a couple times. I believe for the most part, the recessive genome(s) that caused the plant to stress under trivial conditions (if you can rule out light leaks and such) get passed on. This is different than inducing herming with colloidal silver etc. I could be wrong, though.


I would say it depends on the amount of stress the plants had to make them hermi.

I just had a couple of plants hermi and pollinate each other, I am going to grow them out because it was some severe stress, that they really won’t experience again hopefully, unless the timer dies for 4 weeks halfway through flowering again.

One was a feminised Big Bang, and the other was a regular Big Nosed Kate, so I will call it Banging Big Nosed Kate :rofl:


Not really, that is probably the least desirable trait anyone would want passed along to future generations. Makes for good bird seed though. Plants look good and healthy, not seeing any deficiencies. But, like @7lpdwcaw mentioned check for light leaks, you would be surprised how little light it takes to trigger that.


any seed caused by an unexpected herm will also have those genetics in it, now whether they express or not is a different manner, but likely hood is they will express easier or in a more frequent percentage.


Thanks folks, I’m about 80% sure it is genetic. This was the plant that lives at the back of the tent but to be sure, I’ll do a proper light test on the tent right after this grow. Near as I can figure any stray pollen in the tent should be non-viable in a week. Does that sound right?

I was initially thinking that the hermaphrodite trait was a classic double recessive but the more I thought about it - I came to think that it is one of those switched genes that can be passed down.
Does anyone have an understanding how these genes eventually switched off or reset?
It might be interesting to grow these out sometime to see the herm. Rates. That might give a clue.

Thanks and Cheers


Apr 24 (38 days of flower)

Getting a little frost

Growth has slowed to millimeters per day but the structure is developing

Apr 26 (40 days of flower)

This is the frost development on Doc 1, the Mirkwood pheno

Doc 2 bud showing swelling lady bits

Side branches showing slow, ancient looking growth

Apr 28 (42 days of flower, 2 weeks left according to Seedsman)

The obligatory bud shot

This is the “How many Seeds can you See” game

I am inclined to think they are following the schedule, but we shall see


I have grown seeds coming from female that reversed with a few viable male flowers. I ended with only male or hermies but maybe that was due to my skills

I experienced a few lines that had a very bad ratio pure males / hermie / pure female. Especially pure sativas like thaï. I have seen some thaï lines having different hermaphrodism, from all female but a few branches that are male flowers only to full intricated male female flowers on the same bud.

The most exotic thing I have seen was from a friend that took a cut from a very good Sri Lanka female he liked. Put it in the rooting area, it works, make it veg again, it works, then he goes to flower and it flowers like a pure male. Go figure !

My preferred hermies are those that produce only few pure males, some males that turn females and pure females. :slight_smile:


Thanks GR, those are some interesting observations, especially the Sri Lankan clone, that is wild!
I had forgotten about the hermaphroditic tendencies of the Thailand sativa; the alternate name of this plant is Asia CBD. The plants appear to be hybrids so I wouldn’t be surprised if there is some Thai genetics lurking in its background.
I am also suspicious of the 30:1 CBD:THC trait and plan to keep the harvest of each plant separate until I convince myself that it is breeding true.
I suspect that some of the issues I have had might corrolate to the cheaper price of these beans…
I can live with the issues so long as they deliver 30:1.

Thanks and Cheers


Did you see this thread?

Your babies are looking good!


Hey Larry! I was thinking of you yesterday (I was doing a stripping run).
:tropical_drink: :sunglasses:
I followed your Dragons Tongue CBD thread with great interest. There was some seriously high-grade input in there.
These girls are (to varying degrees) now frosting up so my anxiety index is back to low now I have trichs to observe.

I’m still envious of those great closeups you were shooting - great pics man!

Thanks and Cheers


Apr 30 (44 days of flower)

Time to play with the ‘difficult’ camera

LOL Totally shuffled the deck! :laughing:


Its really hard to tell from looking at those pics, but they look mostly clear?

Nice and frosty though :slight_smile:


Yes, exactly. I figured about 80 ~ 90% clear. Probably 2 weeks to go.

I got bored and haven’t played with that camera setup in a while. So that was basically a shakeout drill for practice.
You would laugh if you saw how I ‘fine adjust’ the focus… by moving slightly the legs of the tripod.
:joy: :nerd_face:



LOL!!! You should see the Rube Goldberg contraptions Ive made trying to get those stupid scopes to hold still and be in focus! Drives me nuts! :smiley:


Getting trichome pics is so hard. I use this on my phone and then press the lens right up against the bud, seems to work fairly well. Helps to turn off fans and to hold the bud by one of the fan leaves as well


You are right, even a Neo-lithic luddite like me can see it is time to up my game. What I’m using was cool 17 years ago. :older_man: :mag_right:
Only target dates coming up are anniversary and Christmas… :thinking: better go with Christmas.

Thanks & Cheers


Another update
Apr 30 (day 44 of flower)

May 1 (day 45)
you can see that the trichomes on the sugar leaves developed late.

May 3 (day 47)
checkout the trichome density on the new growth

May 4 (day 47) group shot


They are coming along nicely, that’s quite a difference in the trichs for just 2 days.


Exactly! The trichs were late starting but they are sure piling on now!
These plants have been full of little surprises - just what I needed so I wouldn’t get complacent…
