Grease_monkeys garbage can

How is the learning going, my daughter’s boyfriend is looking to start a driving course on the huge dump trucks, they are going to move from Kelowna to Calgary once he gets a job.

We had nearly 8 inches of rain Friday, some areas in NS got close to 12 inches or 300 mil. Our little brook turned into the Nile Delta

This our shared driveway with our neighbour. His garage and workshop were 3ft under water.

Our back yard under water. We ended up with a ft of water in the basement. We were lucky compared to others.


Its alright… the instruction level leaves a bit to be desired… but like any school, some people are teachers, some get jobs as teachers


I should have harvested wedding cake yesterday… now its sprinkling and tommorows supposed to be rain. You guys figure i should chop now, or let it tough it out while still alive before bringing it in to dry


Unless you’re the type to enjoy piña coladas and getting caught in the rain.

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Snagged these out of the garden the other day! Not as many taters as I hoped but damn theyre tasty fresh. More corn and more peppers to come!


Looks Great Ho Ho Ho


Your spuds look good, I dug up one of my spud plants as it had died, and got 9 decent orange sized ones from it. They do taste different straight out of the ground, really nice, next year I am doubling up on the plants now I know they like the soil where I am growing them.

Your PK are doing well, one looks like it’s nearly done, it’s eaten all of its fan leaves now, the other one is still putting on weight.


Thats sweet, are the purple kush growing a normal size plant?


Not sure what is normal for autos, but they are about 24 inches tall, I will take some pics today.

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Heres some pics.

This one is going well buds are about 2 and half inches across.

This one has been attacked by some kind of bug larvae that has burrowed up the stem and every branch ffs. I thought it was getting close to finishing. I am going to have to chop it and save what I can :confounded::cry:


2 ft is pretty good seeing as most of the purple kush have been 8" runts lol


GM you are speaking of Autos correct?

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Yea autos lol


Been a while, I’m going to start some new plants, ive got 1 fastbudz gorilla glue germinating for some quick smoke and 3 of the UFS18 germinating aswell.

Has anyone tried the ufs18 ? I forget who I got it from but it’s either from overgrow or sebringseeds … so still most likley overgrow lol


They were 50states seeds that he sent to me to add to the co-op boxes. I haven’t tried growing mine yet either. I have only seen a couple of grows on the forum with them, I think Tappy was one member that did.


So I been completely ignoring the seeds I started. They popped above ground somewhere in the last week of October and I finally gave them some food like a week ago.

Theyre neglected but alive. The auto is tiny but looks like it wants to start flowering so I guess its time to get them in the tent lol.

Doing a bit of clean up and cleaning my fan, hopefully I pay enough attention to them to make it worth it haha. I’m hoping the skunks show sex soon so I can toss any males and start training. Its getting hard to justify growing now that 50$ ounces are so plentiful but to this point I havnt bought weed since I’ve started growing so I may aswell carry on


Surprised they are still alive lol, I don’t know how they can sell weed so cheap for the costs of growing it, I wouldn’t think it would be very good at that price.

How’s things on the job front, did you get the course finished🤔 My daughter’s boyfriend starts his in mid January, they moved to Fort McMurray a month ago. Once he finishesthe course he starts work at the beginning of March.


Lol I just bought some weed for the first time in years 100$ got me an oz of rainbow sherbert and a half ounce of some deadly sounding sativa strain. Their refer a friend link is pretty good to, once my buddy got 40$ off his order and once his goes through ill get 40$ credit.

Yea I finished up the course, ive been working for a local company that’s only 2 minutes from my house. Mostly laboring but some machine time aswell. Is he taking the machine operator course? One warning i have is theyll sell that course as if its the ticket everyone wants and like you’ll instantly be full time in a machine. After its too late for a refund they change their tune and say you’ll probably be laboring for a year … as in you should have just got a laboring position instead lol.

I learned a bunch though, and you come away with an understanding on how to operate them. He will definetly benefit from living in fort mac. They heavily favor locals over fly in guys in the big operations


It’s for driving the huge dumper trucks, he has to do 2 years of this before being able to take the huge excavator course. His uncle just qualified for the excavator course, he has been doing the dump trucks for about 10 years with the same company, showed my daughter’s boyfriend the quickest way to get started, so he has a guaranteed job, all he needs is to pass the course. He seems very confident he will.

Happy Christmas man, I hope its great for you and the misses. Hoping next year brings a lot more of what you want. I just stuffed my face, we have crimmy dinner on Christmas eve. My stomach is aching lol.


That’s awesome, I wouldn’t mind driving one of those bad boys! I really want to operate the giant shovels one day lol.

Merry Christmas to you aswell!