Grease_monkeys garbage can

Lol maybe they needed to age awhile


Update on my garden everything is surprisingly alive. Including the wedding cake autoflower. The potatoes are thriving! One pepper plant is forming its first pepper… I think its a nadapeno like what I’ve got in my tent. We have also been eating quite a bit of the komatsuna mustard spinnach. It grows fast and constant and is awesome in stirfries… supposidly its considered a super food, so thats pretty sweet seeing as it was a freebie pack in a seed order!
The totes of corn are also growing well, so far only 1 seed out of 51 hasn’t sprouted.



I checked my spuds yesterday, they are all about 12 to 18 inches tall and doing well so I put 6 small ones in a 10 gal pot and more next to my first 6 in the ground. They really jumped up with all the rain we got last week.

I see your top dressing with your grass clippings same as me, it really helps keep moisture in the ground and mulches down quickly :+1:

Car passed its MVI with flying colors, and the wheel alignment is within parameters lol. Feels like driving a new car with the new tires on and no clunking or whining noises now.


The grass in the totes was a byproduct of mowing beside them lol worked out though! . I did use it for mulch around the peppers and potatoes tho. I should probably hill the taters again soon.

So do you have yearly inspections where your at? Or did the cops hit you with a VI


It’s by yearly here for an MVI.

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Morning Folks Gardens looking fantastic as always
Wish my back felt good enough to do this year.

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Thats nuts lol. Im on the fence on government Inspections… the number of god awful vehicles ive come across thst shouldn’t be on the road say its a good idea… the shit that I do to my own vehicles that is safe yet wouldn’t pass inspection say its a bad one lol


Yeah I am with you on those thoughts, there needs to be a check to stop idiots from from causing serious accidents with cars that are barely safe to drive and the stupid rules like putting different size wheels or performance exhausts and stuff like that on your vehicle. At least here it’s just the basics your lights work and are pointing in the right direction, brakes, steering, tires sealt belts work. It’s the little things like a tiny crack on your windshield, or rust on the rotors or sub frame that I disagree with.

Do they do air tests too?

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Do you mean in the tires🤔

If you mean exhaust emissions then no, but they are trying to bring it in asap, but the garages don’t want to know as they only make 30$ for the inspection and don’t want to spend a load of money on testing equipment.

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Some garden pics…


My potatoes and garlic are doing well atm but we have had 12 days of rain and another 14 to come with just a couple of nice ones in-between :disappointed: so not sure how they will turn out.

I even have around 6 more growing out of the compost heap I saw yesterday when I went to add some more veggy scraps to it.

Your autos are now taller than they got previously at 8 inches, no sign of going into flower yet so that’s good :+1:


Lol thats so strange. I’d given up all hope on them!

My taters are out of control as you can see lol everyday I gotta move them away from the peanut plants so they get sun too… hopefully I get a good harvest of both.

What kind if garlic are you growing? I think im going to overwinter garlic in my 3 corn totes once the corn finishes…

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I don’t know what type, I discovered it in April in a flower bed. There is a meter and a half square patch of them. Pulled some out retrieving the dogs ball and smelt the garlic, just started taking a few scrapes of them but tge rain has flattened them now. Hoping they will stand back up and keep growing. I am going to harvest as much as I can, and put some further up with my potatoes for next year, the honey suckle growing next to them is starting to choke them out.

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My wedding cakes just giving er… it seems to be happy hiding in the corn… it has probably been the lowest maintenance, least issue having plant ive grown yet… a few shots of 20-20-20 miracle grow, and some water. No topping, no plucking, no fancy fertilizer, no deficiencies… nothing


Some pics of your purple kush doing great and stacking up nicely. There about 24 inches or more now and climbing.

I told you they just needed to have their roots free from restrictions. Obviously organic makes a difference as well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I think thats the biggest one ever grown from the seeds I made lol. I wonder if it will have the same racy high


Nice and fat. I’m sure it has a funky smell.,


These kush are definitely stanky like your feet as well :wink:, you can smell them 6 ft away.


We got our first downpour in months while I was at school (and still happening) I got home, shook the plant off and put a garbage can lid over the tomatoe cage that is around it. Hopefully it doesn’t mold… like every outdoor plant I’ve grown before