Greasy's Journal

Oh no! Sorry to see you dealing with that! I’ve actually never dealt with PM in veg or flower, but I do regularly spray all my mom’s and stuff in veg with a water/sulfur mix. I think Schmarmpit’s advice is sound though. Remove as much plant material as possible, spray everything, clean your fans, tents, etc. Then stay on top of the sprays, repeat until you’re sure.

You may want to look into hypochlorous acid as well as the Sulfur. I haven’t had time to research if there’s any interactions between sulfur and HOCI, but I would check into that. Hypochlorous acid basically forms chlorine that can kill mold and mildew.


Thanks for the feedback guys. I am going to sit with this for a day, but most likely will just cull the plants. I am not having very much fun growing with all these problems. A break might be in order. I was hoping I could just spray em down and be done with it, but if there isn’t any easy solution, I think I am beat.


I hear you, if you’re not having fun growing… and it’s causing stress, do what is gonna make you feel better. I know you’re on a time schedule too, so it’s probably impossible to invest a bunch of time to get them back to 100%. Seeds and plants will always be around to grow again, though I may be letting some of those clones go as I can’t keep 'em all and have some new ones coming in :slight_smile:

One suggestion that I’d make in your setup going forward is to maybe increase the airflow in your tent, a fan under the canopy or something that. I only see the one stationary fan in there, unless there’s another tucked underneath somewhere? I usually have an oscillating fan above the canopy and a stationary one underneath (though I didn’t do that this last round) to keep those leaves from sitting atop one another and letting them breathe a little more. There’s mold and mildew spores everywhere, and there’s no stopping that, it’s just a matter of not giving them a suitable environment to thrive.

Sucks that your facing issues, but I know you’ll come out on top no matter what you choose to do.


Yeah, this should be enjoyable. Start over and pop some seeds! The mildew needs its host to survive. I don’t bother with deep cleaning all the equipment. If you don’t feel like cleaning them up, then just get rid of the host and the parasite all together and be done with it. It’s not like lurking on the walls and filters. Environment is not even that important. My tents are overcrowded and humid all the time. The parasite is either present or not. You got them infected outside then brought it in. So don’t do that again.


Thanks @schmarmpit and @iamyou_youareme for the feedback. I’m trying to move this spring, so really needed to get all my plants flowered now, in order to have the grows done before having to have my place seen again by my landlord. Whole plan was to basically flower everything I have going ASAP, and then take a break until the dust settles on my move, as I really don’t want to have to cull a bunch of plants mid cycle. It’s too heart breaking. As scharm said, this is my fault, I put plants outside that got PM, and then brought them back in. To my credit, my bedroom flooded a few months back, which is why I had to take down my tents, and put them outside in the first place. Basic rule that I broke and now I’m paying for it. First the Sun Ra’s and now these clones.

I really hate admitting defeat and giving up on these clones as I’ve been excited about them for months. I feel like the options that I have based on my timeline are just to spray them down as much as I can and hope for the best, and see if they can flower without showing more PM, or just cut my losses. I swear if I could just buy organic weed from a dispensary, sure would be a lot easier and less time consuming than all the energy I put into growing. Hopefully that day will come in the future, and I can leave it the pros and just focus on smoking weed! Either way, enough whining on my end, just gotta make a decision and move forward. This could be the end of Greasy’s journal for the foreseeable future if I go the cull direction.


Is the PM on every plant? I mean, I realize that yeah, it probably is, just because they’re all in the same tent close together, but were those leaves in the pics taken from every plant or just one or two of them? If it’s just one or two, I’d trash those plants but leave the others in there and maybe add an oscillating fan like Iamyou suggested. A fan will increase airflow, obviously, but so will getting rid of a plant or two.

As far as the whole moving thing is concerned, I’ve moved a grow from one house to another mid-grow before haha! The plants weren’t flowering, though, it was just like ten or so 90-day-vegged ones because we went into escrow right when I was planning on flipping, like around day 60 haha. My girl hired movers for the “official house stuff,” but we got a U-Haul for all of the grow stuff: a few soil bins, lights, tents, fans etc etc etc. And the plants, too, obviously. I think we actually moved some of the plants in my girl’s old Audi four-door hatchback station wagon-type car. I remember I topped the fuck out of some of them because they wouldn’t fit in there otherwise. Anybody sitting next to us at a stop light or whatever could definitely still see them, though haha.

Anyway, that sucks about the PM, but don’t do anything rash haha. I know I have a tendency to get super-aggro sometimes when grow problems arise and then I regret it later. Or I’ll want to get aggro, think about it for a day or two and then decide that whatever my initial inclination was woulda been the wrong decision and I’m glad I didn’t do what I was thinking I’d do haha.


Bummer on the PM man. Idk about sulfur but you could spray some lighter stuff like plant therapy - alcohol and essential oil basically. They arent too far in flower? Strip some lowers and lower humidity. Might be able to make it to finish that way.


I hate to see that PM bro. Tag me in to your next grow if it’s on another thread. If you continue this one, of course, I’ll see that. lol


Well that changes a bit knowing the timing of situation. In that case you could do a bunch of stripping, spray them totally with sulfur, then rinse them off before flowers start to form. The sulfur kills on contact and doesn’t need to stay on for any length of time.

But yeah, it’s on all those plants in that tent now. Some may not show visible infestation but could be spreading it. Don’t even bother worrying about ventilation and humidity and all that. The PM will spread no matter what the conditions. I mean, you had these same conditions before and didn’t have PM.

I’d probably go for it myself. Clean them up, spray them REALLY GOOD. I’d just hate to say go for it and then your last grow before a new move is riddled with frustration. Do you need the extra bud? I’m sure you can get the clones again. No worries there.


This sucks man, feel your pain.
Do you have any LABs handy?


That’s pretty awesome your plants made the move. I’m a renter, so I don’t have quite as much flexibility there. My landlord will have to show my place off the month before I move, and I can’t imagine her being comfortable touring potential new tenants in an apartment full of weed tents. She is pretty damn cool, and I’m sure knows that I’m up to more than the yard, but no need to rub her face in it. Pretty sweet that you guys own your home in Southern California. Being a surfer, I can’t but help live as close as I can to the beach, which means I’ll be a life long renter here. Gotta be able to ride my bike to surf! Run down two bedroom homes on half a parcel of land are going for $1.3M on my street, and then being turned into airbnbs. Thankfully they put in some regulations this past year to limit airbnbs and create a lottery system, so us non tourists can continue to live by the beach!

Sounds like we are similar there. I know that I can’t ever go by my first reactions, and have to give things a day or two before I can make a decision with a clear head.

They are in their first week of flower, so very early. Outside I use potassium bicarbonate to treat PM and that works pretty well, but it’s just way easier to get rid of PM outdoors it seems like.

Appreciate it man. I just figure if I don’t have any plants going, how am I going to keep a journal, but I think I’m going to push on and see if I can beat this thing.

I think I’m with you, in that I’m going to push for it. I don’t need the bud, and if the PM persists, I’ll just trash it. I’m a little less hot headed than I was a few hours ago, and it comes down to this, would I rather have no plants for the next few months, or a potential struggle with the plants I have? I haven’t not had a weed plant in my life for a good four years now, and I imagine that would be depressing in it’s own right. I’m still so new to clones, that I think I’m a bit over excited and still seeing them through the lens of scarcity, to where it’s like if I kill them they are gone forever. I appreciate your level headedness in pointing out that I can always find them again. I just want to grow this T-1000 damnit!

Appreciate you stopping by. I don’t have any LABS. I think I’m going to run with Schmarm’s plan and just strip em pretty thoroughly, spray with sulfur and hope for the best.

Appreciate that.

I’ve got three fans in there, two on the walls, and like you said, one on the bottom facing upwards. There is a lot of air moving in there, but also too much humidity and plant matter. I’m always playing with fire jamming so much plant matter into such a small space. Luckily enough this is my first go with PM inside.

I appreciate everyone chiming in today. It’s nice to feel the support of all you guys and take in feedback based on all the experience you all have. I always see other growers getting hit by set backs, and have known my time would come, and lo and behold here it is! I’m fortunate to have a good supply of bud if thing don’t pan out, and can always go back to dispensary life for a bit if need be. I’ll let you all know how things progress.


Most excellent! I’m glad of that. :slight_smile:


Good deal! I think you’re on top of it… and like Schmarm was saying with PM it’s more about the infected plants being in contact with other infected plants and everything touching and spreading that way. I know there’s much debate about how PM spreads, not trying to open that can of worms, and I hope I never have to.

Don’t worry about it. I was all hyped when I started getting all these clones, but I realized that they’re all just plants that someone else likes and thinks are special. There are some standout ones, that are definitely worth hanging on to and breeding with, but I don’t doubt that you could find something just as good in a pack of seeds. Also, its really about personal preference… you could grow that T-1000 out and hate the way it smokes or makes you feel… I mean I like it (and I’ll have that one around for awhile), but growing and smoking is a very personal thing for me. So me taking in all these clones recently is really just my own personal exploration with different varieties to find out want I really like growing and smoking. Also, Archive restocks most of those clones pretty regularly, so I can hop over there anytime :+1:t4:

I think you should go for it if you’ve got the time and energy to spend on it. You’ve got nothing to lose really, if it gets worse, then scrap the project. We could all learn from your experience too, to let us know if the common methods are effective.


If having plants around adds stress to an already stressful situation like moving then it’s a no-brainer to me. May be a diff story if you consume a prodigious amount of herb daily and don’t have enough to carry you through the move. I’m sure you could find special cuts whenever you decide to start up again and if not any seeds that I have are always available if needed… Supposedly the 88g13hp crosses are quite resistant to PM also.


Will she, though? Did she already tell you that or are you just assuming that that’s what she’s gonna do? I only ask because we were renting our previous house and the dude who owned it didn’t do that at all. Mighta been because my girl redid one of the bathrooms and the kitchen out of her own pocket while we were living there (I was like,”Are you fucking crazy?!? That’s what landlords are for!” haha), mighta just been because he was super-chill. But yeah, man, I dunno if them showing the house while you’re moving out is a given.

Pssshhhh, I know, dude, it’s fucking NUTS. I’m actually super-glad my girl decided to buy a house when she did, like 5+ years ago. Our mortgage is cheaper than the rent on a shitty two-bedroom apartment in, like, Van Nuys or some other shithole city haha.

Did they? I don’t think I’ve heard about that, but that’s awesome. Airbnb is the fucking scourge of humanity haha, one of the biggest (if not THEE biggest) reasons why rents and property values have risen so disproportionately relative to income etc, not just in SoCal but all over the US. I fucking hate Airbnb haha.

Anyway, yeah, dude, don’t trash those plants just yet haha.


Unfortunately that’s what she has done with the other unit on my property. She’ll get it down to a couple days in between tenants.

Not a California thing, just a San Diego ordinance. It’s a real blessing though, hopefully will get more places back on the market for locals. It’s not like the neighborhood where you can see the ocean down every street needs more sea shell signs that say “this way to the beach”, which seems to be a requirement for airbnbs here.

For sure. Gonna go for it and fight on but with this in mind:

That’s very kind! A day after finding the surprise I’m seeing things more clearly, and am less worked up about it. Always more to grow, just can’t get caught up in sunk cost thinking paired with the idea of scarcity .

This is great perspective! Good to take a step back and realize I’m not losing treasure, and that I’m in this to learn about what’s out there, and how it compares to seed plants I grow. I can smoke all these classic strains from a dispensary, but I am hoping that growing them myself will give me a much deeper understanding of the strains.


Ok, they are all stripped and sprayed with sulfur. I sprayed them really heavily, and now they have some leftover residue on them. @schmarmpit would you let the sulfur stay for a while before giving them a rinse?


Were the ones on the left sprayed? Not seeing much residue on them. Ones on the right look proper. But as long as the sulfur water touched them then the mildew should be wiped out on contact.

I would rinse off the residue before flowering starts. Don’t want the sulfur dust getting in the flowers.


They were. It’s strange how some of the plants I sprayed have residue and others don’t. I really drenched them to the point where there were definitively no leaves that were not soaked.

Ok, they got sprayed yesterday afternoon, so I’ll rinse them off tomorrow. Give them 48 hours with the sulfur on them. They’ve been flipped for seven days, so good to rinse them before they start their pre flower cycle. I gotta say, I smelled pretty funky for a while yesterday after spraying every plant I have with sulfur. Even after a shower I could still get slight wiffs of sulfur throughout the evening. Glad the tents don’t smell now that they are fully dried at least! Thanks for the guidance here!


What kind of sulfur are you using? Does it say “wettable”?

I’m thinking you’re in the clear. Rinse them off good in the next day or two and let the show begin! I’m excited for you, and got my fingers triple crossed. Even after all the stripping they still look nice and bushy.