Greasy's Journal

lol, it’s definitely not a smell you really want lingering around, especially not on your clothes and stuff. People will probably start offering you Gas-X :laughing:

Glad the sprays went well, fingers crossed you got everything covered and killed. Everything is looking great despite the issues, they’ve all grown quite nicely for you!


I used Safer’s premixed wettable sulphur.

Yep, smelled like a weird fart last night.

Again, thank you both for all the guidance here. I feel like I had a bit of a growers meltdown the other day, and you guys helped walk me through it. In general I’m very level headed and calm, but I got a bit emotionally reactive when finding this second round of PM, and was lucky to have everyone here talk me down. I’ll keep posting the results, but am thinking positively that these plants will have ditched their PM!


:crossed_fingers:t2: for ya man!


Weird, only 0.4% sulfur. That’s as low as sulfur content in milk. I use Bonide which is listed as 90%. Maybe something about measuring by weight vs volume. No idea, but if it stinks you should be “safe” rrrr.


Oh premixed, my bad! Makes sense.


Good news, the PM seems to have been beaten within the tent. No sightings since the second spray down of sulfur. I will note that sulfur is tough stuff to get off leaves that you have sprayed on, so I can definitely see why it shouldn’t be done once flower has set in. Seems like a great tool to have in the arsenal. Also did a thorough look through of the roots on all my pots to see if I had gotten the root aphids going around, but so far so good on that front. Couldn’t see any visible larvae or mature aphids, but did find plenty of worms and rolly pollies!

I had been out of town the past week, so everyone is a little overwatered by the sitter, but should even out with a couple extra days to dry out.

Rainbow Belts 2.0 - Double Dosidos
T-1000 - Blueberry

Also flipped my little tent 7 days ago. Interesting to see how plans will flower in this tent. The Grape Pie’s still are looking a little weird from revegging, when they started flowering as I rooted them. Have a lot of single and three leaf blades.

Rudeboi OG - Grape Pie
Rudeboi OG - Grape Pie

Seedling tent is also starting to fill out. Will start transplanting and putting a few outside in the coming week or two.


Good to hear about the PM. Fuck that shit haha.

You’re gonna put some plants outside now? Why? Will they start flowering and finish up before spring rolls around and they start getting more than 12 hours of sunlight? Just curious.


Very cool. Seems like our Rudeboi OG should finish around the same time. Mine are on day 21 today but here is a pic from a few days ago.

Also, I second what Syzygy said, I’ll have plenty of seeds for you when your move is over and we have some of the same cuts already, so I’ll have those if you want them back as well :+1:t3:


Plants put outside this time of year, won’t reach the potential of a summertime or indoor plant by any means, but growing them out now can still give me an idea of the potential of different crosses, which I can then decide if I’m more interested in growing later. I’ve found that if I put a plant outside in February while it’s in it’s veg cycle, it will continue vegging for another month or so before transitioning to flower, and then will finish up around the end of May. If I throw out six plants I’ll get like two ounces of bud. Last year around this time I threw out a couple Mothers Milk F2’s and a Loompa’s Headband x Chem D and really enjoyed the smoke from both those strains. Buds were a little loose due to lack of sun, but I was still able to get good effects and terps from them!

That is cool! Looking forward to comparing results!

Appreciate that! Thank you for following along!


Had a pretty fun surprise in the mail today. I got my hands on my grandfathers candy making books. He passed away fifteen years ago, and my uncle recently found them going through some of his stuff. I’m pretty stoked with these books. Like finding lost relics in time. All his handwritten notes and adjustments still in them. Thinking I’ll be making some infused butterscotch and toffee candies this weekend with some weed butter already on hand!


Those books are rad! Glad to see the tradition continue… I really enjoyed all the candies I got to try from you, especially the caramels! Let’s see some butterscotch.


Plants are still trucking alone here. I think all the defoliation during early flower definitely stunted them a bit, but the PM is gone, and I’m on schedule to have everything finished up before I start looking for a new place to live. I’m very thankful I’m able to grow these clones out given the difficulty they faced a few weeks back.

Main tent 35 days flowering
Rainbow Belts 2.0 - Double Dosidos
T-1000 - Blueberry

T-1000 has the three bladed OG leaves which I think is pretty cool! It also has this “fresh weed scent” that I get from OG strains picked up from the dispensary. I don’t really know how to put this smell into words, other than I associate it with good weed. It’s a little bit sweet, and almost like some kind of fancy men’s deodorant. It is definitely a scent that I find OG related weed, so very excited for this one!

The Rainbow Belts 2.0 is stinking up the tent and sure is leading the way on frost!

The Blueberry cut is by far the least impressive plant to look at, but she has that unmistakable Blueberry scent to her.

The Double Dosi is a small little plant, but looks like she is going to fill up with little golf ball nugs. So far the least scented plant. Hoping to see her develop a little more scent

Medium tent 23 days flowering

Rudbeoi OG - Grape Pie
Rudbeoi OG - Grape Pie

I really like the structure on the Rudeboi, nice and bushy!

I’m also pleased to report that I’ve been seeing some serious improvement in my clone rooting percentages. I think a lot of the advice I have received from many of you has been really helpful, and I’m attributing the increased rooting strength to, soaking the cuttings in cold water for 20 minutes, and then re-cutting, taking the cuttings from the bottom of the plant vs. topping, and the addition of a heating mat at medium high heat. From the main tent I’ve got the Rainbow Belts, Blueberry, and Double Dosi backed up, and hoping I’ll have a T-1000 soon!

Rooted cuttings in soil that I’m beginning to harden off

Cutting still in progress

Having plants back in the yard has also been bringing me a lot of cheer. Regardless of whether or not they get much yield, seeing the happy plants in the sun always brings me joy. I’ve got 3 T-1000 hybrids from @iamyou_youareme including his GG#4 cross, Agent Orange, and Key Lime Pie (top 3), along with 3 Sun Ra’s (bottom row)


Oof! That was difficult to read. I’m still catching up with your thread but that’s a heart breaker, especially since you were so stoked to grow this one. I’ve got two Sherbert fallen soldiers going now. Will report back. Thanks for the detailed write up as usual.


Good to hear from you dude! I was actually talking with @ramblinrose about this the other day, I need to stop writing smoke reports before weed is cured more than 60 days, as this strain has changed so much the longer it has cured. I basically left it alone for a couple months as I was so disappointed in it, and recently discovered, it has grown into this real funky, fruit cheescakey flavor, with some real potency to it. I now take back my recommendation not to grow, and will go ahead and overwrite that part of my report. Lesson learned on my end to stop judging strains before they have proper time to cure, I just never have very much indoor left by the time I harvest each new batch, so I end smoking half of it before it’s even ready!

Edit: Shoot, it looks like I don’t have the ability to edit that post anymore


No way, that’s crazy! I’m happy to hear it turned around for you. This plant never ceases to amaze me! Some plants turned to shyte after a few months and some get better. The layers of complexity and discovery with this plant is mind boggling! Anyway, thanks for the update bud.


Following up from my last update, I’m feeling very proud of how much more success I have had with clones this go around than in the past. After 19 days rooting, here are the results from this last batch of clones:

I know some strains root more easily than others, but I feel like I know have the process down, where if I take 4 cuttings from a plant, I should be able to back it up, assuming it’s not a finicky rooter. Before without a clear cut plan I was getting about a 33% rooting rate, so this is a huge improvement!

Here are the rooted cuttings that I’m keeping around:

Clear cups sure have been a game changer in knowing how well roots are developing! I’ve been keeping my plants labeled by using different colored twist ties around the stem .I can see how easy it would be to lost track of which clone was which. How do you guys do it?

I also wanted to take a step back, and really think about the value OG provides me, and how I want to spend my time here. I know many, myself included, have been a little frustrated by how many growers have become fixated with accumulating seeds, and from the outside perspective, almost seem to have lost sight of the reason we are here, to grow dank weed, but after reflection, just because I want this place to be something doesn’t mean others will agree. I think there is room for all of us, and I just need to better curate the places I’m hanging out on the site, so I can ignore what I don’t enjoy.

I started this journal just about two years ago, and as I scroll through I have made huge progress as a grower through maintaining this log, and developing relationships with those following along who are actively mentoring me in developing my skillset with MJ. When this journal started, I had been growing for a couple years, and felt confident taking a plant from seed to harvest, but really, was flying by the seat of my pants, and ultimately underutilizing the plant due to lack of knowledge. I’m by no means an expert at growing now, but I feel like my foundation for working with the plant has really opened up, and I’m becoming more self sufficient than ever. I’ve had a couple successful small seed runs, am dialing in a cloning process, and am now running multiple tents. I want to thank you all for all the help you’ve provided in getting me there, and the fun that it’s been doing it! I’ll try my best to not fall into my natural tendencies of being a crank, and trying to more patient and understanding of other perspectives on the site, and look forward to continuing in the grow journey! Spring is right around the corner, time for plants to really flourish!


I don’t haha. Clone, that is. I feel like I have all these seeds, no room or time to keep moms and clones. But I really should start taking cuts of certain things, just because I’d like to make my own crosses. At the same time, though, I’m like,”But then you’ll just have even more seeds…” haha.

Still… I do wanna start making some crosses. And I really wanna make f5’s (I guess they’d be f5’s) of Bodhi’s Apollo 11 f4 seeds.

The different-colored twist ties do seem like a good way to keep track of everything. I saw you used the rooting puck method for the clones, too; that’s what I’ve done the couple (unsuccessful) times I’ve tried to clone. I have a couple aerocloners, too, probably try both methods next time I take cuts.

I did the same a while back and dig it here a lot more now haha.


This is what I do.

I use masking tape to write on. The clear cup on the inside of the red Solo also is labeled thusly.

I’m glad you decided to stick around brother. Your pictures speak for themselves about your abilities too. No doubts here. lol


Here’s how I do it.


I use a DYMO handheld label printer for pretty much everything nowadays. Think it was like 25-30$ or something 5+~ years ago. Not sure about now. The 1/2" label tape isn’t that costly (10$ for a 3pack or something like that) when you consider how long it lasts for plant tag applications… The thermal labels hold up over time unlike sharpie markers and the tags are always legible. Great for home made pollen chucks as well in my experience. Adhesive seems good enough to hold onto plant tags even after a year outdoors and never had any issues in tents. Works directly on pots, tags, label tape, bags, cloning machines, plug trays etc. Can even get different color tape rolls to color code things if necessary.

Sticks to semi-dirty plug trays

No problem sticking to cloner. I can even peel off the label afterwords and stick it on a plant tag when done without issue…

Have used this kind of tape label before and it works great with the labels. Have had sharpie markers fade over time on them. Good for marking pollinated branches or whatever.

Mostly I just use it on plant tags. I often put a label on a plant tag when sprouting seeds and then throw the tag in a ziplock with the wet paper towels that the seeds are germinating on. Dual purpose and labeling process from the beginning minimizes chances for problems or confusion…

Also use the labels for the mason jars at the end… Either in the jar without exposing the adhesive or directly to the mason jar lid… Good for keeping track of specific phenos because again it wont deteriorate like a sharpie over time.