Green Bodhi Sail Haten

Its def confusing. I thought green bodhi and bodhi were the same for a long time myself. Your plants are looking good! I was looking at Sail Haten but havent pulled the trigger yet. What kind of smells are you getting?


I agree. They look real good.

Again, don’t delete this thread, @Blueridge!


Haha oh ok cool I just didn’t want to mess the thread up being I’m not to tech savvy. Lol I appreciate the kind words bud I’ll definitely shoot over and check out your time bandit grow. Thanks bro


Lol I had no idea they were different people but I was wondering why bhodi seeds had fems. Right now it’s leaning to the hazy kush side but has some really interesting terps coming through in the last few weeks. I ran 3 and I’m really only impressed with one at the moment but still a little early. And thanks for the kind words brother


I’m so not tech-savvy, either. But I think the mods may have moved your post from the Bodhi thread, where you originally posted this. That’d explain why I’m getting notifications, anyway. I think? Haha, I really don’t know.

Anyway, I just checked the genetics of this cross, sounds good. Honestly, the pics you posted really kind of remind me of the Time Bandit I grew last year, with that sort of “fat nugs/gap-y internodes” sorta plant structure.

Yeah, that’ll never happen haha.


Yeah I really like the structure of the sail and nice chunky buds like you said. Definitely has some weight to them I look for a nice yield.

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I was gonna say, too, I think you may wanna hold on to that pack of Time Bandit. I liked my first run of it so much that I grabbed two more packs of it from headie’s during their last 4/20 sale. Gave some of my harvest to my friends Erica and Jo, who both really like Indica-type strains and they went apeshit over it. They’ve tried pretty much everything I’ve grown for the last few years and still ask me when I’m gonna grow the Time Bandit again haha.

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Oh really well that changes everything lol I need to head over and check out your grow lol. I’m a indica guy myself.Most Sativas are to racy for me. What flavors did you get from yours?

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Ummmmm…. shit, man, I’m trying to remember haha. It tasted good, I remember that haha! I’d have to look at the smoke report, I really don’t remember. But it was great weed, for sure. You really can’t go wrong with anything from Bodhi. I’ll have to look at the smoke report, which is in my grow log.

One thing I do remember: I wasn’t really feeling the Time Bandit at the time, like when I was smoking it. I had a lot of other stuff to choose from and was really only smoking the Time Bandit before bed. But now, I miss it haha. That, to me, is always the sign of a good strain. I chopped them last September, which was just a really weird time, with the quarantining and the fact that me and my girl hadn’t left the house in like six months and all that shit. Weird headspace, ya know?

The fact that my friends still ask about it is another good sign. I think you should hold on to that pack haha!


Damn bro you killed it on that run. You have changed my mind now lol. Beautiful plants bud and interesting read I’m going to go back tomorrow and finish reading it there’s some good information in there. I appreciate you reaching out and letting me know how fire the time bandit is.


Yeah I believe I’m going to hold on to it buddy and thanks again. Really enjoyed your journal can’t wait to finish it.

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I’ve been saying the same thing @minitiger and it always made me weary to buy green Bodhi but I see people growing some heat from them too🔥

I’d be down to swap a few seeds @Blueridge I have one of Cannarado’s WiFi crosses that would go good together and I’d toss you some of those and you can toss me some of yours…AND you come up on a free pack of my Lavender Frosting!! :peace_symbol:


Your talking about the time bandit? And I’m actually running cannarodo now. I have there bundy about to finish up i also have there granimals.

Yeah, sorry, man, my grow logs tend to get chatty as fuck haha. I just scrolled through it myself, haven’t looked at that one in a while. The actual TB smoke report is post #313 or #315, somewhere around there. Real good weed, for sure.

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id really like to see some pics of your bundy’s you should make a small grow journal


It just seems like piggybacking to me. I mean, I’m aware that Bodhi and Green Bodhi have a relationship, they’re friends, whatever. But come-the-fuck-on, dude. Pick a different name.

Reminds me of how Soma called one of his strains New York City Diesel, even though his strain didn’t contain any Diesel genetics. Fuck off, dude…

All that kind of shit does is make me think that you’re so un-original that you can’t even come up with a decent name for yourself. And that, to me, is a bad sign. Although I do agree that the few times I’ve seen Green Bodhi grows, shit looks good. This thread is a perfect example haha. I wouldn’t buy any of their gear, though.


Yup! The Time Bandit! I have the TriFi Pie (TriFi x Grape pie)!!! :grapes: :pie:

And the Frozen Margy

The name similarity contributes to tons of confusion, including at least one person ranting about what a nasty, mean person Bodhi is when they met him–which is the polar opposite of all other reports that say Bodhi is a really nice guy–only to later find out they actually met Green Bodhi.

To be honest, I’ve never heard that Bodhi and Green Bodhi are “friends”. I believe they’re acquaintances and that Bodhi doesn’t take any issue with Green Bodhi’s name. When I think of Bodhi’s friends I think of Doc D and Strayfox–who have gone on seed procurement trips with Bodhi and share a lot of Bodhi’s clones and/or use a lot of Bodhi’s work in their strains. But since Bodhi is by almost all reports a genuinely nice person, it’s probably easy to think of him as a friend–at least in the way that you call people on Facebook “friends” even if you’ve only met them once in your life.

I actually ended up unfollowing Green Bodhi on IG last year because I couldn’t take any more of his sharing of and pandering to “covid is fake” info. In the past, he has also really talked up his charitable contributions, but in a “celebrity publicity tour” sort of way. Again, that’s my impression, but I definitely don’t hold him in the same league of “good person” as Bodhi of plantmoreseeds.


If you want I can message you a few pics I wish I had kept better track of the bundy but my next round is going in a journal.

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This X10000. Green Bodhi is a carpet bagging prick disguising himself as a “nice guy.” Dude admits he’s not a breeder in his Future Cannabis Project interview where you can see him for the real sheep he his. Really wish someone would punch him square in the face.