Green Bodhi Sail Haten

Ah, okay, I didn’t know about all that. I don’t listen to podcasts and I only follow like three people on IG. Barely ever go on IG, too. Okay, well, then, fuck Green Bodhi haha!


Literally the anti-thesis of everything Bodhi. It’s pretty fucked and I think Bodhi is the only guy nice enough to let this jerkoff ride his coattails. Brace yourselves, there’s a Bodhi/Green Bodhi Potcast coming up apparently. Probably going to send me off a cliff.


I’m betting it’s a Patreon-only episode. Those seem to be designed to be more promotional in nature…at least judging from what people said about the most recent Bob Hemphill Patreon-only episode, where most of the q & a was more around pimping the newest seed releases more than actual information or insight into breeding.


I thought this strain was named Sail Haten for all of us who hated TF out of that stupid Sail song a few years back …


I suspect that it’s a play on words. “Hail Satan,” but flipped. @FattyRoots posted a podcast here about the origins of the name, but I cannot listen to podcasts. I dunno why. I just can’t. I won’t haha. But if you can and you’re actually interested, there’s a podcast about it near the top of the page.

I couldn’t stand that song, either. I do, however, kind of dig “Sailing” by Christopher Cross. Yacht Rock, baby!


If it’s gonna send you off a cliff, don’t listen to it! Eliminate everything that irritates you from your life. It’s so easy to do. I don’t understand why somebody would willingly subject themselves to something they know is prrrroooobably gonna piss them off. I’m not talking about you specifically, I just mean in general. Twitter, IG, whatever. Seems to me like people are there to be in a rage about whatever. Very strange.


Apparently Green Bodhi is some kung fu kid guru haha, he decided to collab with Mass Medical because he was getting ‘bullied’ online and GB beats up bullies(his words not mine). Some one wrote Sail Haten on a thread trying to troll so he decided to use it as a piss take

Bodhi and GB are pretty different humans from what I gather, GB is about flexing and Bodhi is in it for the love… even if he does believe the earth is flat :joy:


Wait. Are you saying bodhi is a flat earther?


Um… Okay? Still not clear what “sail haten” has to do with beating up bullies. Online? Beating up bullies online? Am I understanding this correctly? Haha!

Whatever. I’m not the one growing this shit.


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No comment haha

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Yes, that’s what he’s saying. Me and Fatty talked about this a while ago. Apparently, Bodhi hemmed and hawed when he was asked about that on some podcast. Fatty listened to it; I didn’t. It’s kind of an inside joke. I think.

This is one of the myriad reasons why I don’t listen to podcasts. I really, really, don’t wanna know too much about people. The more you know, the more you’re like,”Uhhhh, okayyyy, this guy’s a fucking weirdo…”


No comment? You already made the comment…

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Yeah sorry mate inside joke and what @minitiger said

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It’s an inside joke, dude, that’s all. But if you prevaricate when you’re asked if you think earth is flat, odds are good you think earth is flat. It’s a pretty straightforward question and an easy answer.

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What?!?! How did I get in this thread. Bodhi is definitely NOT a flat earther. He’s a well educated and well traveled dude.

Green Bodhi continues to post conspiracy bullshit while innocent people die needlessly around the world.

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Then quit following him. I really don’t understand this urge from virtually everybody on the internet to be “mad online” all the time. If you don’t like what Green Bodhi’s posting, quit following him. I have no idea what he’s posting, but if it makes you mad, just delete that motherfucker. Bam! Problem solved.

Again, THIS WAS A JOKE. It’s an inside joke between me and Fatty. I guess it shouldn’t have been shared amongst people who weren’t privy to it. Or something. Jesus…


Just out of curiosity, are people from the Bodhi thread still getting notifications from this one? I got a few last night, no idea why, but I’m thinking it’s because the mods moved the initial post, since it wasn’t actually Bodhi-related?

I just keep thinking about @Blueridge the next time they log on, being like,”Wha??? What happened to my log???” hahaha!!!


My bad, I think I got it moved by me asking about the photo… so now everyone is automatically following this. I’ll just crawl back in to my jungle lair

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Well, I mean, it needed to be pointed out. If you didn’t do it, I would have.


I had no idea my post would bring all this… idk anything about either. But I’ll definitely never post any of his genetics again. So much hate for someone nobody really knows. Might just be the way he is to have threads talking about him and people go for that shit.

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