Green Bodhi Sail Haten

Haha, don’t worry about it, dude. It’s just bitchy OG’ers being bitchy. I’m still gonna follow this log, just because I’m interested. It was kind of weird that everybody who “liked” your post on that Bodhi thread got notifications when they moved your post and created this thread. Or whatever haha! I don’t know the “tech terms” for what happened, but I’m here for your grow regardless.


When you say notification? An actual alert or just shows you have a notification? I don’t get either lol unless I log on. 🤷

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Yeah, just when you log on. I don’t have the Overgrow app (does that exist?) on my phone or anything. But yeah, that thing in the right hand corner where it alerts you to new posts or whatever on any of the threads you’re following (I follow a lot haha), I’ve been getting alerts for your thread since last night. I dunno. No big deal. Like I said, I’m following this thread regardless of how it got started.

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I’m not sure there’s that much “hate” in the comments (aside from a couple comments). Unless the definition of “hate” has gotten much looser and now includes any comment/perspective that’s not glowing/resounding support. :man_shrugging:

From my perspective, while Green Bodhi is on the short list of breeders I don’t respect and won’t actively support with my wallet, I’ll still look at other people’s grow pics when they grow his stuff. A grow is a grow in that regard.

That said, I will continue to help make sure people know Green Bodhi is not Bodhi.


Dude, seriously… I’m so sick of,”Wha??? You don’t unconditionally agree with everything I say?!? And sometimes you say things that don’t align with my world-view??? You’re racist!” or whatever haha! I’m not even that old, but I weep for the future haha… Gotta wonder sometimes how a generation that was raised on the internet is gonna turn out. Kind of looking a little bleak so far…


From my perspective It everyone was pretty hard on dude. I just didn’t want to get everyone’s panties in a knot. :rofl: lol jk I just figured out this dude existed. Lol


I hear ya. IMO stating an opinion isn’t hating as long as someone can back up their opinion with logic/evidence, even if it’s a negative opinion.

I’m sure Green Bodhi isn’t all bad, but I don’t care for the energy I’ve seen him put out via social media. I’d assume his gear is probably hit and miss just like a lot of gear. Looks like you’ve got a nice one running there though.


Hey bud sorry for the delay pm me I believe we could work out something

I skipped through the drama above. I really only like weed pics on weed forums :smiley:

I grew out two Sail Haten, which I like to call Hail Satan. Anyway, this pic is from one of the clones I kept. I planted her at my friends house, threw in some 4-4-4 and it’s on a drip irrigation. That was a little over a month ago. Full sun till 3:30, next to a pool so lots of radiant light, 100+ degree weather… she’s eating it all up like a champ! Hail Satan is good :metal:


… a lil while later …

All Hail Satan :metal:


Definitely will have a nice harvest and I don’t blame you one bit for skipping all that craziness above. So you have ran the sail haiten before? Or did I miss understand? :facepunch:

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yes, I ran her before indoors. I had two (from the three fems I received) and this is the one I kept. This the frist time outdoors

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a month and a half later…

I gave her some Epsom and some assorted organic dry nutes - still getting some yellow. No budding yet, either


That one ^^^ fell over. There’s a whole story, but I was over there last night and snapped this. I’ll take some more and post them


@Zanzibar sucks about the 3 post thing. Look forward to the pics

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That turned out really good looks :fire::pray::facepunch:

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Thank you, @neogitus
Here’s some of the Fallen Over drama… it’s very exciting :smiley:
The lights were left on till mid November, and then most of it fell over. Still finished up nicely