Green Therapy at Mr.Magoos

Absolutely man no problem! So my grow style is organics as well and I’ve been looking to make my set up as easy going and cost effective as possible. To start I was only using dry amendments. You can find those at home depot or Lowes. I use the tomato and herb blend for veg it’s got a higher nitrogen ratio. And I use flower power for flowering ( I have to buy that on amazon). Both are cheap and get the job done. Have you looked into any of build a soils products?

I have watched many build a soil videos on YouTube. I’ve learned so much from them. I haven’t actually had the chance to try any of their stuff as of yet. I’m trying to find the easiest, cheapest, most sustainable way to grow. From the looks of their videos, they definitely meet two of those criteria. I can’t say I’ve checked their prices though. Are they relatively reasonable? @OHGrow21666

This is a clone of that diesel-like seed I popped. This is my first attempt semi-outdoor.(vegged as long as I could inside, then threw it outside hoping to get 10 weeks in before frost.) I ran into either nutrient lockout( pretty sure this was it because I started watering from the hose. Who needs pH they said. Its organic they said lol) or nitro deficiency. I started pH’ing water again, and after about a week of basically zero growth, I added some bone meal and…wait for it…fox farm synthetics :frowning: So I can’t say this plant is fully organic, but I was in a pinch and my baby was suffering. So I chose her over the soil. Anyone have some tips for a better way to have approached this?


If it was a nitrogen deficiency next time just make a tea with worm castings. If you don’t want to buy air stones to make tea just top dress with worm castings and water in. Be sure to water in throughly so its spread out to as much of the root ball as possible. It’s way quicker than using bone meal. Build a soil is pretty reasonably priced. They’ve always got sales going on as well. The dry amendments that I mentioned earlier are cheap for sure 8lbs of the flower power ran me 20 bucks and they’ve got a 12lbs bag of the herb and tomato which I use for veg at home depot for 27.


I do use those as well(need to get some more i think I had a straight “bone meal” from them but not positive).I’ll have to try those out next go around. I guess they have mychorizae in them? Do you top dress or find that reammending is enough for the cycle? I just top dressed my indoors with bat guano (light top dress) and a little more bone meal.

They don’t have mycorizae in them. For that I would recommend recharge I know a pound is 40 bucks but they do have smaller sizes. I bought a pound a year ago and now I need more so it goes along way. I also didn’t use it as much as I do now. I use the amendment blends at 2 tablespoons per gallon of soil. For the tomato and herb (veg) flower girl (bloom) or the 2-2-2 all purpose. I use that amount for reamending at the end of the cycle too.(plus compost or worm castings) Amend every 4 weeks. It’s roughly 26 or 27ish days worth of food.

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I’m going to go grab some today I think. I have some seedlings getting going and want to give that a shot on those.

That’s what’s up. I ran just tomato and herb and the flower girl plus wormcastings organic soil from home depot for the first 2 years with pretty good success. Throw some recharge or mycos in there with some micro nutrients like big 6 from build a soil that will kick it up a notch. Then adding compost and or good quality worm castings (not from home depot) will take you even further. All cheap all easy to apply. It baffles me how much time hydro growers spend on bottles and watering.

I’m glad DR. Earth is working for you. Tea’s are fun. I did some bone meal and it soured on me. Man it was ruff.

I have a huge compost pile that I use for my outdoor garden, but I haven’t really done the research on how to get it inside without all the bugs

I’m not sure about that either. maybe quarantine it 5gal bucket for a week or 2 and buy some neem oil just in case.

Found these mealy bugs on my pineapple sage plant!
“Mealybugs are insects in the family Pseudococcidae, unarmored scale insects found in moist, warm habitats. Many species are considered pests as they feed on plant juices of greenhouse plants, house plants and subtropical trees and also act as a vector for several plant diseases”
I’ll get some updates on the ladies soon. I’ve been super busy but the sherbanger later in flower appears to be suffering a deficiency. I made a bat guano/ molasses tea over 48 hours, arated. We’ll see how she adjusts.


The outdoor plant is looking good! She making a comeback. I hit her with a bat guano tea I made over 48 hours. She seems to be much happier!


Howdy, pulling up a chair , sherbanger looks :fire:
Tag me on those puck crosses

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Looking great MaGoo!! Keep up the great work on all fronts


Ps. I’ll be watching from the corner :sunglasses:

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Hey there all! Sorry about the long delay between posts. It’s been pretty hectic down here, but we’re alive and well! So here’s whats been going on.

I left the bathroom door cracked on accident(which I know better) and kitty started nibbling on my Bubba! Hoe ass!

I flipped the sherbanger clone into flower about a week ago, and she is stretching faster than the aliens on space jam! Reach for the stars (in this case leds) muhfugga!

The sherbanger deep in flower has started to fade somewhat early. That deficiency early on really hurt her I think. I appear to have some kind of pest as well. Theres small dots on some of the fan leaves. I think my next grow, I will probably switch back to synthetic, and here’s why. In a 3x3 grow, indoors, if you’re going to grow organic, I’m realizing you need to be a VERY clean person, and that’s just not me. When I am able to grow outdoors, organic just makes sense. What do yall think?

Here’s a seed I popped from the sherbanger seeds my buddy gave me. Its definitely a different pheno. She isn’t even similar to the other plant. Different look and waaaay different smells. She’s growing super weird with these chunky nugs on top, but not much going on lower.

And last, but not least by any means, here is the sour d(closest thing I can relate it to). I’ve grown her out three times now, this will be the fourth. She is definitely my favorite, although she doesn’t yield shit. I cut a clone during flower, then revegged her. She made it out of the chaos!

As always, I’m open to advice and criticism! I appreciate yall stopping by! Magoo out!


Trim day! After 14 days in the fridge, safe to say i had a good dry


Maybe one of yall can help me out. I was just thinking how awesome it is that I yielded(or my sherbanger, I should say) somewhere between 2 and 3 zips. I know that’s nothing crazy by itself, but the fact that I could do that under 100 watts is bonkers to me. And that’s just one of the 4 plants that can fit in that 3x3. So let’s pretend, for the examples sake, that I grew 4 clones of this sherbanger, and let’s just say the yield is 2.5 ozs. So if I grew them all at the same time, then harvested at the same time, I could in theory get 10 ozs off 100 watts!! Is that awesome or what?!?
I know there’s people that say equivalents don’t mean shit, but that’s ridiculous. We went from old tech to new tech. So where say an old light might pull 1000 watts, according to the par meter, I can pull the same umols at 100 watts.

Enough with the ranting. I think this is the formula, or at least close to it.

10x28=280grams per meter ²
280g’s ÷ 100 watts= 2.8g’s per watt.
I did not expect such stellar results. Lol I just got tired of blurple weed, and went with the cheapest option that “made sense”.

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Hey MR.MaGoo,
Lovely thread!
If I had not found cannabis in 1971, I would have been dead, by 1973, from alcohol poisoning.
I was total drunk at 12-13 years old.
An old guy, suggested I try weed, he got for me.
It did not happen like a lighting bolt, but by the time I was 14, I was starting at a vocational school.
I learned a trade, and built a life, raised some kids, had a few wonderful careers, got great grand kids now.
Your on the path, forget the harsh, focus forward, you got this!!


Whats poppin OG fam?!? Here’s my sherbanger shot of the day!