Greenbee Basement Boutique room #1 octos

Haha I know @Floyd I was advised by a few people not to but I did. Kinda the story of my life had to learn myself I guess. It definitely not a good idea tho. Everything going in the res this round

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Yeah I need to find the turbo method again now that I know how to mark it. Do you happen to know if it in the tale of two tents thread?

Not sure where it is

take dixie cup, cut 3 holes in the bottom , so when you go to set your plant, use the dixie with holes, water into the dixie. Holes only at bnottom feeds water down in a thinner column than just pourinmg over the top .
Fill to level 1 only, do not water over top. When they hit rez, let them suck it down , then fill to level 2


Got it thank you so much I’ll give it a go.the plastic Dixie or paper?

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Plastic 3 holes spread out in bottom , about dime sized holes

Riding back home figured I’d share some photo from my drain to waste days. Here some of my first grow. Didn’t make it to the end. Had to leave town for a week cause my grandfather passed came back to webs and cluster of spider mite on my buds in week five or six of flower. Broke my heart but I unleashed hell on those spider mite. I could hear them screaming from the fire pit lol

Here my second grow and my first successful run

Third grow was autos

Grow four another auto run

Everything else I believe already in the thread. It crazy how much changed when I started using octopot.


Things use to get out of hand. Plus idk wtf I was doing. I hopped around reddit, riu, ic mag all of them but it wasn’t till overgrow things started changing and I found the octopots

Those other systems require more care and maintenance, with you away from your grow so much I can see why you where having issues. Glad you found a system that works for you

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Yeah they needed a lot more attention. Not only does the octopot make growing easier. My inputs are ATLEAST 50% less. Less water less nutes saves a lot of money in the long and short run. The octopot are cheap compared to some other systems


I was thinking about it what you save on the octopots with nute and water. The time you save not having to mess around with other shit and it comes with detailed instructions on how to grow top shelf flower all you have to do is be able to read and a little math. For me it a no brainer I wish I would of started in the octo but I’m glad there here now. I think a lot more people with be on board in the future. The photo don’t lie


Totally agree, I am on board with octo, not having to baby them everyday is a huge plus, you can actually have a life. Not only that but the excellent product you get. Really is a excellent growing system


With out a doubt it made a lot of things easier. I just wish I had more space lol. Been thinking about ditching the tent and just using the room but we will see I do like the control on a tent

I just went tentless lol

I needed the ceiling high Octopots grow monsters they take over the tent quickly

I just for the larger fan and a bigger carbon filter


I am getting ready tobuild a room in garage and have been debating to do tents or just build separate rooms inside the room


I think I’ll do a couple more run in the tent. That is til the itch gets to much to handle lol. More square feet equals more octopots. I think I’ll go check out the garden before I talk myself into it.

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I really enjoy the tent. It easy to control your environment. Now I just pretty much control the tent with the lung room and no problems holding steady. I don’t know if it would be the same in a open room. Maybe panda plastic or something

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Yeah I’m thinking about adding 4 small ones there 12/12 jut for space reasons

Lol give me an inch I’ll put more octos lol



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That’s my thinking to. I’ll be at work adding up the numbers if I did this two more octopot would fit lol I probably should get the eight I have running all at once first haha

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I got busy last night tied everything down. Finished it up this morning. I split a stem or two they wasn’t haven’t I had to pull a couple by the ear. The “G13” are a couple strong girls they did not want to bend. The blueberry, oreoz and BMR wasn’t to bad just took my time. Had to wait for the ro tank to fill but had enough to give them a gal each of recharge. The shit was gone this morning you wouldn’t know I added anything. Going to up the nutes a bit hopefully I don’t burn but I think they want it. Going to flip tonight get flower started I got a week or two left out of town during the week so It probably not the best time just going to do what I can do.


Looks like those girls are ready for flower action, that tent is going to fill up fast, those octos are on point this time, let the show begin.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: