Greenbee Basement Boutique room #1 octos

Yes, CripXmas A and B


I’ve never tested bean for anyone so I don’t know what exactly I’d I would need to do? I’ve never heard of krippy either so I don’t really know what to be looking for. But I does sound like a pretty kick ass plant. I’m expecting to be done with this run mid or end of April.

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Thanks for asking. Well it’s the same as any grow you post the progress on and what you see, like and don’t like. General comments. That kind of stuff. Does the plant excite and give curiosity to what its buds will be like… As far as Krippy, that’s the base of the line yes, however it’s not about that. It’s more about intensity of flavor of pine/gas/mint and funk. So it’s about seeing if all the strain terps came together in a super pine mix plant that’s eyeball popping potent, and you can compare it to G13. I say this is way stronger than G13…it’s OUT THERE if you get my drift :rocket: Krippy for all intents and purposes that most people don’t know of is Pre-OG FL Kush.


It actually helps breeders to have testers of varying ability. It allows insight in how the plant will grow in many different setups.


I’d love to grow them I just don’t know when. I’m not 100% certain what my next run is. I still need to get a cloner and another light to be able to get through the male n female. I’d hate to lose the chance to try krippy I just can’t say certain that would be my next run.

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Yup @Joker is absolutely spot on about testing. Different environment and varying skills.

Fair enough and I respect your wanting to plan ahead. I’m going to keep things open until the beginning of June for the outdoor season as other such as yourself aren’t ready. So I will send out every 3 weeks a maximum of 8 packages if that’s how many sign up. My A is going to be tighter availability than my B by about 4 times, so I’ll have one longer than the other. It sounds like you would want B anyway as that’s the Krippy pheno. A is the Xmas bud. If that’s the case, just let me know when ready to run the B and I’ll send it.


Sounds awesome and thank you. I just hate to agree and something happen. And I want to get everything in order I’ll be keeping up with the thread thanks again

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Glad I’ll be home tomorrow two octo went empty today I’m thinking it will be alright till tomorrow afternoon. There definitely getting there I can tell there ready for some attention. I’ll give them a little extra love tomorrow evening



Won’t be an issue . They can go several days from the sleeve when rez is dry. I let my rez go dry dry between each fill anyways . They will be fine, and btw, they look good


@Jetdro I appreciate it! So far it been a great run just working on getting it dialed in and keeping the plants happy. My environment is pretty spot on I follow the pulse vpd and ventilation part of my job. Still playing with the octopots pots. Things seemed to gotten a lot better after I quit top watering. Funny how that works. I’m thinking I’ll up the feed 10% I don’t want to burn them but I’m curious what the can handle I believe I’m at .4 EC right now


It’s not funny at all how that works it was engineered to work exactly like that and I can’t understand these people top dressing and pouring over the top it’s just it’s just wrong


What you have to understand is you’re doing constant feeding unless you’re running straight Hydro no one else is doing that. What I have found works best is to use a very good nutrient that is 100% complete and supplies everything the plant needs and then feed it very light. The 100% constant feed Means EC or ppm can be much much lower


Yeah it doesn’t work I didn’t have the roots I expect once I got the soil out of the sleeve I cut it in half and there was my roots in the grow sleeve. I meant funny as your the one that advised not to haha. Chris really does have the octopot figured out.

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People put the water level to high when they start the plants they raise the water level too fast they put too much water over the top when they plant it. They tend to pack the soil too tight and the sleeve wicks up a ton of water. The plants roots will set up residence where they find that water so if they find it halfway down that’s where they’re going to hang sure some will make it to the Rez but only wispy small ones. once they set up in the middle of that sleeve it’s very hard to get them to go down they don’t really have a need too.

The whole key with these parts is getting them to route properly if you do that the rest of it’s easy. The wedding cake that I have in tent one never routed properly. they have fought me tooth and nail and I was forced to water over the top two times. Took several weeks for them to finally give up when I let the rest go dry and search to the bottom. they damn near died but they found it and have mostly bounce back.
My tattoo seems to be suffering the same issue. all through early veg everything appeared fine now almost to the flip they’re showing all manner issues and it’s directly related to the same problem. this damn wedding cake doesn’t route very easy nor fast and I guess they set up in the middle of the sleeve again like they did in tent one. A very slow or poorly routing plant doesn’t do well in the octopots I’m finding. I also know how to spell rooting but I’m doing voice to text and it just refuses do use the word route of course now that I mention that it certainly does of course


Yeah there was a learning curve switching from dtw coco. That what I started growing in what worked for dtw just didn’t seem to have the same effect with the octopot. I’m just going to keep plowing away at it get some more grow under my belt. Hopefully get my buds to resemble yours

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If you plant them out of Dixie’s use the turbo method and feed only 1 teaspoon per gallon throughout the whole damn cycle you’ll have exactly what I have if you have a good genetics

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I agree you dont want to pack the soil to tight. But it can be too loose. I found that out when my ICC all started falling over when they started putting on weight.
That was the loosest I had packed them yet. Too loose.

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Post # 10 Top watering defeats the whole purpose of the Octopot.

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I’m pretty sure I did all these my first run. I thought pack firmly meant make a brick apparently. This I only my 6 or 7 grow ever I’m still learning what a healthy plants looks like. I think I’m having the same rooting issue with the blue moon rock it just seems to be lacking compared to everything else. I haven’t topped watered this run at all except when I planted them and I can already tell a major difference. I can’t wait to get In to flower and watch these octo perform. Routing rooting I know what ya mean. I go back and read my shit all the time like there no way anyone goin to understand this haha.

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I also kept my water level high my first run. This run I haven’t had more than 2 gal in the octo at a time. Part of the reason two plants are empty right now lol I’m pretty much sticking to the book on this one. Chris laid it out all I need to do is follow it.

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