Greenbee Basement Boutique room #1 octos

Starting a new grow in a new tent upgraded from 4×4 to 4×8. Also will be my first run of octopots growing 2 white widows, 2 snow caine× cake fighter and 4 lemon g×88g13hp. I’ll be posting and keeping this updated as much as possible. Dropped the beans last night hopefully a couple days till sprout. Running sunshine advanced #4 kelp4less products and some jacks products in octopots


Octopots, I’m in


Be watching this one for sure… are you running soil pots and octopots? What kinda lighting are you using in the 4x8?


Go for the grow!

:green_heart: :seedling:


Have fun with your grow.



Still getting things squared away with the new setup. Started the seeds Sunday night and checked today 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 tails. Paper towel method with a touch of kelp4less cloning powder. Made a quick setup to get them going while I setup up the vents and octopots. I’m using sunshine mix 4 advanced with a little added casting and perlite. It coming together tho instead of flex duct I’m using 4 inch PVC idk if it will be any better but it looks a lot better. Hopefully I get it done by Friday but we will see still gotta work still gotta be dad. I’ll keep ya posted


Im interested to see how it goes with WC in the mix. I use straight Promix HP. All the nutes comes from the rez.

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Yeah I’m not sure honestly. This is my first ever octopot grow. I’ve always used WC in my mix so figured why not I do plan to use less than normal maybe only 10 percent. I’ll also put some humic acid, enzymes, azomite, myco and tricoderma all lighter than usual. I’ll still be feeding through the res with a mix of jacks and kelp4less products.

I’m going to do once or twice a week top watering with compost tea

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I guess you know your only supposed to water once. When you first transplant. Top watering defeats the whole purpose of the Octopot.

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I’m running eight 6 gal octopot. Sunshine mix 4 advanced. I have two mars fc-e 3000 now and hopefully by flower I’ll have another or a fc-e 4800

Yeah I’ve seen that posted several times but Chris has recent videos of him saying you can water from the top once a week to add microbes and such. Maybe just water enough to not create run off out the bottom I’m not sure but I’ll experiment


Haven’t seen the videos, but I’m looking forward to seeing how your experiments work out. :smiley: :+1:

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I can send you a link after work. So can a plant not take up nutrients from both water and soil roots?

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I would certainly think so. But the way its exsplained on their website Octos arnt supposed to work that way. Im sure you have seen this.
Anyway I guess we will see what happens. I run them too, so the more I know about what works the better.

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Yeah I’ve watched a lot of the information videos and it may totally fail but I grow for fun so I’m willing to take some risk and experiment. I’d hate to have to give up my compost tea it took awhile to get that dialed in and the plants absolutely love it and respond positively quickly. Also I want to say I’m not being disrespectful in anyway. I have a lot of respect for you and all the other members and value your opinions. I was planning on running jetdro nute and schedule the dude has amazing looking garden. but after some thought I know there more than one way to skin this cat.

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Absolutely! Im actually doing Jetdros nute schedule now. I can only hope to have the same kind of results as him.

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I hear that he does a great job. The forward growing schedule seems to work great. I’ll keep things posted

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Everything moving smoothly with everything now above ground and looking good. I did find something I’ve never seen and would like some help. One of my lemon g regular seeds from bodhi has three cotyledon I’ve only ever seen two since I can remember. Is this a mutation? And will it bring me luck?