Greenbee Basement Boutique room #1 octos

What’s his sched? Thx

Great journal man

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I use Jacks 20.20.20 at the beginning instead. I also add silicon and epsom. But follow this schedule otherwise.


I do use the 20/20/20 and cal net till transition

I tweaked it a bit
With the feeding schedule you’ll also need some 10/30/20

At start of 12/12
Weeks 1&2 of transition stay with the 321 ( you already own it the mix gives you almost the same npk
Week 3 ,4, 5 use the 10/30/20 at this point stop the 15/0/0 (cal net ) npk =1/3/2 add Epson salts as needed
Week 6 ,7 use equal parts 10/30/20. And 5/12/26
Npk = 1/2/4
Weeks 8,9
Use only 5/12/26 till finished week 9 decrease the ppms as you go
Week 10 normally done

Now just to shake things up week 3 throu 5 you can add a bloom booster like a 0/50/30 the increase of potassium and phosphorus help the buds stack

I normally feed at 500 ppm and increase but you may want to incorporate the ppm chart



Man work has being getting crazy busy. I’ve been lurking but not much time for anything else. I did manage to win some of Doug’s blue kush pollen tho. Didn’t get to do much in the garden. Tied things down Friday and letting it ride. I couldn’t believe the difference in root this run compared to the last top water. A terrible photo but there loaded with roots. Back outta of town tomorrow.


wow, they all look very healthy, they filled up that net fast. Be interesting to see how fast they use up your reservoir. You might have to raise your net.

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There raising the net for me lol. I’m surprised there no slack in the lines holding it up yet. They have some strong stalks and branches that are starting to get woody now. I’m happy these girls have been pretty easy going there starting to drink heavy. I put four gallons yesterday I’m thinking it should get me to Friday. Work picking up but I’m going to update as much as possible.

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beautiful sea of green man!

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I appreciate it. It definitely starting to get away from me hoping they quit stretching soon I’m running out of spot to tie branches lol

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haha, I feel ya, I’m on my first photo grow, did a couple of auto grows last yr. so still a noob. I have them in a 5ft. tent and am quickly realizing…I’m in trouble :rofl: I just bend and tie and do what I can w/ the net. I’m an Octo-Only grower now and am hoping autos do as well as these 2 photos.

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I haven’t tried auto in the octopot yet but i would think they would do good

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well, I’m about to find out. What I have read is they stay in veg a bit longer which would be a good thing to help them establish a bit more. I’m 2 wks in and so far it’s nothing like the 2 photos I’m growing - they were ready for topping at 2.5 wks and had crazy big fan leaves coming in - now the size of plates. First time with Octos and only a couple grows behind me.


With thi autos I would only fill my bags to about 12 inches tall
About 3 gallons of soil
The roots will hit the res quickly


I don’t understand the allure of autos unless it’s that you don’t need two tents or two light schedules .


Morning @Papalag

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When I first started growing weed I did run fem autos for like 3 grows just to see how the plant grows and what to expect

I believe it’s that perpetual grow is easier I guess put a plant in the room every 2 weeks soon enough one goes in as one comes out every 2 weeks


For me, I just don’t have the room, height wise to do a photo right.

@Papalag :+1: that’s just what I did.


I ran a 60 inch hi tent and always caped the head room

So I did scrog style and learned how to super crop
And lst everything

When I started autos where not as developed as they are now

I do stick one or 2 in when I’m short on weed


I always seem to have room in an otherwise boring veg room for an auto or two. :grin:


I tried the autos in a dtw setup and got good yield but i just prefer the regular seeds there not as stressful. You mess up an auto and that pretty much it for a decent crop atleast in my experience.


Made it home a little early this week. I had to check things out and it looks like a little defoliation and a few to tie down. Beside that all is good and looking healthy
