Greenbee Basement Boutique room #1 octos

Got it. So far I’ve been tucking everything i can and I’ve removed probably a FULL 2 gallon bag of leaves an larf from the tent total. Today is day 31 of flower i think. I’ll get in there this weekend and check it all over real good and do what i can to clean it up for some better flow. I’ve been wanting to go through and remove all the buds that aren’t producing much or not getting enough light just been to damn busy. That how it goes tho gotta make hay while the sun shining

Yeah i like to tuck as much as possible but this is a little different situation. The octopots wanted to give me a slap for thinking a trellis was enough to contain there power lol note taken. It honestly not that bad. the only thing that has me a little worried is the buds fall or laying on each other and humidity but so far i haven’t had any issue keeping it right at 50 and that without a dehumidifier i think my basement like 38%rh right now in the winter


Fans and plant yo-yo’s are your friends lol

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Haha i actually do need to find some good yoyo. I have some i ordered from Amazon and there absolutely terrible over half didn’t last one run before they wouldn’t retract.

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Quite the sea of green you have going there man looking really good. I think I’m just a couple weeks behind you.

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I appreciate it. I’m day 32-34 flower. Things are just chugging along. Hopefully I’m home tomorrow but most likely it going to be Friday.

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Got lucky once again and home on Thursday. I really enjoy sharing that first peek when i get back so here ya go

Dr.blaze G13

Dr.blaze Oreos

Seedsman blueberry


That is a beautiful garden for real…I can’t get over how flat your canopy is. Gonna be a kick ass harvest I bet

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Also Blue moon rock definitely the smallest out of the bunch but has a very pleasant smell

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I appreciate it man. I couldn’t tell you how many feet of soft tie was used but A LOT haha week 6 is right around the corner. Going to try and recruit my girl to help do some defol she has no problem cutting leafs lol there just plants to her and I’m perfectly okay with that lol


Does anyone know if long bottom leaf is a strain that’s obtainable?

Damn bro you are straight up destroying it with this grow :metal: Your canopy management skills are epic. Is that an 8x4?

Well done!
200w (3)


Thanks for the kind words. Yes it is and i remember thinking man if i had a 4×8 I’d have all kinds of room two grows later and I’m trying to decide if i should go tent less haha. I’m stoked for this spring Co op to get some great genetics. I’m starting to get some confidence in my ability to read the plants this is without a doubt my healthiest run to date.


Another busy weekend i didn’t do much to the garden just nutes and cleaned up some. Building a separate area to veg n pheno hunt almost complete. Need to assemble some ducting still but it all coming together. Should be a good summer i have a couple great strains to hunt through. Have a great week OG


They are putting on weight, and looking good. How is your humidity doing in there? How big is your veg area gonna be, what kinda lighting you going to use in there?

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It hasn’t went above fifty even after i attached the carbon filter. I think everything going to be alright. There getting pretty greasy and putting off some pretty strong smell.


your just fine in there!

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Yeah everything going to be good. I do wish i would of trimmed up some of the small buds but summer around the corner and i need some bubble hash and tincture lol

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soooo many tops! starting to put on some weight, looking good man.