Greenbee Basement Boutique room #1 octos

Yeah typically id say 3-4 weeks depending on strain. Maybe some of the long flower time sativa are different haven’t grown anything like that yet


Just got home a day early. Garden looking good. I did have a little surprise i have a blueberry fem freebie from seedsman and the buds seem to be purple it would be my first if so. Would this be a purple pheno? temps been 78-80


I’ll have to get a better photo with my gf phone

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Got a couple new toys. Now i can sex and clone. Ill leave the 4×8 for flower


So I’ve been looking up the blueberry and purple doesn’t seem to rare in that strain. Debating if i should try to clone and reveg? I’d hate to lose something special i could have kept


95 percent of the time Purple bud is not as good as its companion non purple sister

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I do agree
I would run killingfields the purple lady was absolutely beautiful a stunner but not as good as her light green sister

Still good weed though



I did not know that but it good to know. I guess I’ll just watch this one grow out and see what she becomes.


You can reveg also it may be special

My last grow everything turns purple lol deep purple also

Love the color

Some plants do this due to genetics some due to low temperatures

All good weed


A little free time this morning getting nutes ready now. Going to try to do something to get a little more light to the screen. Maybe I’ll just remove the buds that are getting much light idk but something going to get done :+1:


Garden is really looking great, those octos are rocking :love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture:. Great job there is going to be major bud porn soon…got my popcorn popping…:grinning::grinning::grinning:


I’m trying to be patient lol there is a wonderful aroma when you open the tent. It won’t be long till it my front yard lol Amazon had 4 inch carbon filter for 29 dollars today look just like the ac infinity cf. Even the box just with a different name so i pulled the trigger suppose to be here tomorrow. Switching these girls over to some mod bloom nutes. Should start stacking and swelling up for the next couple weeks.

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Octopots are full fans are set all is ready for another unattended week lol can’t beat a octopot. I waved the white flag on the leaves. I swear i cut one the next day three grow back. Main goal now is to try and keep the buds from touching. Should be a pretty impressive Friday here the photo right before i closed up shop for the night.


Outstanding looking tent! Just beautiful, very nice work in here!!!q


Thank you. Yeah six plants in 4×8 tent with a trellis may of not been my best choice lol it definitely crowded as long as i can control the humidity i think I’ll be alright. I can keep it around 50% as long as we don’t get a lot of rain.

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Your good to 62 or so, IF ya got air moving in there, hope you do

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2 12 inch fans up top and one tower one 10 inch and one 6 or 8 in monkey fan below the trellis. And exhausting the tent is 2 4 inch ac infinity inline with PVC pipe vent to outside maybe three feet away. It should be alright. If the buds a touching would that increase the chance of bud rot or mold ?

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Yes, remove any fans that block buds or airflow too.


that’s what I do as well brother