Greenhighlander grows

Did I really forget to send you those? Like, no shit? I swore I put a pack of those in every single letter I sent out. I’m truly sorry. Remind me and I’ll send some with the next pkg I send you. :slight_smile:

Some of the DS F2 that @torontoke grew had leaves that remind me of the Narada from Star Trek:

Those afghani genes are crazy sometimes. Imagine what they’d look like outside. I remember bodhi posting pics of jurassic leaves from some afghanis awhile back.

I know you’re only 10 or 11 days in, but how’s the stretch? Can’t tell in the back of the tent.


Yeah, I just checked again, thought I might’ve just been fucked up when I posted that. But they’re not there. Seriously, though, it is not a big deal at all. Like, sooooo not a big deal haha. I don’t know when I’m gonna get around to growing what you did send me, probably be better if you sent them to someone who’ll grow them out in a timely fashion.


Stretch has been pretty minimal . Thank fully as #1 has my light very close to maxed lol
I have been able to keep it above 20c during lights out so that may be helping. #1 & #2 were the first to show they are flowering. #6 is the only one without any sign of " flower heads " yet.

Oh and these came yesterday but didn’t get them out of the mailbox till today . Gotta love Christmas in February . Thanks as always dude


@nube, always with the personal hand-written notes haha…

@anon60559124 Black Triangle f2’s, huh? How long before you think you’ll get into those? I definitely wanna follow that log whenever you start it. I’ve got two packs of the f1’s, considering running some next grow. Everything I’ve read about them, though, is that they’re hit or miss. Which I guess isn’t any different than any other f1. It does seem like opinions vary quite a bit with those Black Triangles, though.


I have no idea when I might run them . I agree with the mixed reviews but have seen a number of really great plants from the BT F1 . Numbers and luck of the draw


This has been my experience anytime I have smoked it. Hits fast and strong then gone by the time you turn around . Should be called sucker punch lol


Was talking to my Dr today because it is time to renew my prescription for weed. It has been 10g a day since I first got it years ago. That allows me to grow 49 indoor plants.
Well my Dr told me today that they are now being told not to write prescriptions for more then 2.5g a day . Funny how they are telling Dr that but I can still go and legally pay hundreds of dollars to some website for a script to grow hundreds of plants.
What a fuckin shit show this attempted corporate takeover has been.


That’s been my experience with Delta 8. Kind of disappointing.



Well, I just went to the vape store and got 3 of their Delta 8 vape carts. I was wrong. These are pretty damn good. It’s good to have these available when Im out of weed.



One last shot of the Mutant Wolfpack F2

DS F2 #1 is still stretching . #4 has prob stretched the most since flip.

The 2 Koko in the back of this pic are the fastest to flower set which makes sense

As close to a full tent shot as I can get. It is missing the one Koko


All the DS F2 cuts have perked up and I am happy with the growth of all seedlings . Always makes me wonder why people try to feed them as it obviously isn’t needed until this point.
They broke soil 15 days ago

And today

Only 2 Wolfpack F2 were culled . One runt and one mutant


Wasn’t sure if you had tried your mix in auto flowering strains. I was thinking about trying it for a few. Do you think I should go with a smaller pot? Or stick with 7 gallons?


I have never done autos , but I would think you may want to up a few ingredients and stick with 7 gal for it to last the full grow. Actually maybe you could just up pot around the same times as with photo and put into the last pot just prior to flowering. I would think that planting in a 7gal from the start would greatly hamper growth like it does with photo plants.
But again no experience with autos .


Thanks for your suggestions. I understand you havnt done autos but I figured with your experience with this nutrient/soil mix I’d be crazy not to ask for your suggestions.

Which ingredients do you think you might up? I plan on doing an experiment so will try it a few different ways with an auto. I’m really use too.

I usually start my autos in a cup then uppot one time to the final size and give them small waters till they get bigger not to slow them down. Your guesses are pretty bang on I feel.

I appreciate the help man even if it’s just guesses I’m all about trusting the gut.


Contact @ReikoX for all things auto and soil. You’re welcome!




The green crack grown outdoor in humboldt was always awesome, I would be stoned like an idiot for hours after a half joint of that stuff.
Maybe there are multiple versions in other parts of the US, or maybe it needed to be grown in that environment in order to reach its full potential.


Yeah, I gotta say that the Green Crack I got in LA was pretty gawd-damn good, too. Always been a fan.


I couldn’t care less about green crack . It seems enough do that a thread should be started :stuck_out_tongue:
I do however enjoy hippy crack IE buster dust and dry sift


could very well be :slight_smile: I have never grown it smoked something from a dispensary

that someone got from Cali

so really I do not know only telling what I thought of what I smoked no more no less

I glad it works well for you

all the best and be safe



That was always black market, the green crack name was really frowned upon by most of the legitimate dispensaries. (somewhat unsurprisingly)