Greenhighlander grows

Strawberry Headband


I will be back with the DS F2 smoke reports but that is it for my indoor for this season . I have to have everything shutdown by the end of May because of major work I am having done on my house . Kinda wish I hadn’t of wasted those seeds I popped but I was hoping the contractor was going to be way behind schedule like they usually are . But he isn’t .
My medical license is only for indoor but I am allowed 4 rec plants . I will be putting Koko , SH , and DS F2 #1 outside . Haven’t decided on the forth one yet .


DS F2 #3 is first up for the smoke reports .

Smell : I have n idea how to describe the smell . It is really intense and something I have never smelled before .

Taste : Very smooth smoke with an almost chem type taste

Effect : 2 puffs in you can feel it in your eyes . They get quite heavy . Nice and potent and very indica like.

I am gonna leave out the jar appeal category as you can all decide that yourselves.

This is really great smoke but not better then any of the others and it yielded the least by far.


Yeah, I cut down my first of the three I have from @MadScientist. I had taken one branch a few days earlier. It had a strong nice smell. Today when I opened the jar I smelled hay. Had I not been a hay farmer I wouldn’t have been able to figure it out.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


I know the hay smell all too well . I always found it would happen when dried out too fast.


DS F2 #2

Smell : It has a very unique smell that I can only describe as a sharpie marker mixed with a flavor packet from Mr Noodles .

Taste : The taste is all kush .

Effect : This is very stoney weed. It takes a bit to kick in but when it does it is a very nice , potent hybrid effect . It might even lean a bit to the sativa side . Certainly not the KO indica I am expecting.

I really like this one . It actually has a very similar effect to the Strawberry Headband . Just not quite as potent.


DS F2 #6

Smell : Very generic and benign weed smell

Taste : Almost non existent .

Effect : Very fast and hard hitting . This is a very heavy potent indica . Makes a really good sleep aid and also has good nausea fighting abilities.

This is what indica lovers dream of . It is super duper smooth smoke that packs a real KO punch .


Wow, that nug looks so different from the other two. Total absence of red pistils. How many more phenos do you have to review? This is starting to get interesting… Not that it wasn’t interesting before haha, I’m just sayin’…


Awww yeah, DS #6 was that shiny leaf one with very little stretch? Does it remind you of trainwreck still?

My favorite for medical benefit was always the super shorty pheno. Mild vegetal kitchen herbs and juniper smell and flavor, not much yield and kinda unimpressive until you smoke it. Then it’s like

Keanu Reeves Whoa Face


It had lots of red pistils I just pulled them all off cuz I thought it looked better … There are 3 left.


Ya #6 was the frostiest and shortest of the bunch . It has zero trainwreck terps left. #6 is really good but not in the top 3 of the 6 potency wise , and it was a close second for the lowest yield .


DS F2 #4

Smell : Almost like black pepper but with a touch of cologne or something . Very unique smell .

Taste : The exact opposite of its smell . Has a cologne type taste with just a touch of peppery to it .

Effect : Seems to be a combo of both fast hitting and creeper . After starting off kinda rushy it settles down to a very enjoyable relaxation for both body and mind . It is very potent and long lasting.

This one I am fond of . None of its buds were large but all were rock hard and it yielded the second most.


Love those bud shot :seedling:
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


DS F2 #1

Smell : Smells just like classic purple kush

Taste : Same as the smell . It is delicious and goes really nicely with my usual half hot chocolate half coffee morning cups lol

Effect : It hits before you even exhale for the first time . Another one that hits fast and hard but also seems to have a gradual creep to it as well . Not a heavy body effect but does give a feeling of physical relaxation but not tiring at all . This is really potent, long lasting , feel great while outside doing things , weed . Surprisingly effective for nerve pain and just an incredible feel good all around effect.

I really really like this one and will absolutely be keeping it around for a bit. It also yielded the most.


Daaaamn brother, nice work with these bud/smoke reviews. I needs to get my hands on some of these Dank Sinatra F2s, love the descriptions. Especially #6, smell : bland, taste: nothing, Effect : knock you on your ass! Lol, at least that’s how it sounded in my head when I read it. :grin:


DS F2 #5

Smell : Classic Afghani . Not Kush but Afghani . I really do not know how else to describe it.

Taste : Can only be described the same as the smell . Almost skunky but not quite .

Effect : Very hard and fast hitting HEAVY indica. This is the perfect night cap weed for winding down the day . Very potent and I haven;t stayed awake long enough to comment on just how long lasting it is lol

This one has reminded me of classic Afghani from early on . It is also the one that had a few weird calyx . It tied for second on yield .


Sounds like some good smoke out of this round. Makes me want to revisit the Dank Sinatra in the future. :slight_smile: #1 sounds similar to the bbskunk pheno but not quite blueberries.

Haha that’s what I do too! :slight_smile: Half chocolate milk, half coffee. :slight_smile:

Which was your favorite and how many / which are you gonna rerun? Were any of them medically good for you in the long run?


Ya man my gut just can’t take straight coffee anymore . I learned that a year ago or so . I think I might even cut out the coffee completely.

#1 is def my favorite . At this point I believe it and #2 are gonna be kept around . I noted any medical benefits I noticed in my smoke reports. They all may have some but I made particular note of the ones that excelled and were stand outs for the benefits they gave.

I can say without a doubt anyone who runs 6 or more females are going to find some real magic in these DS F2 .

Big thank you to @Torontoke for gifting me these and also to @nube for making them .


I quit drinking coffee fifteen years ago. I’d drink a huge Starbucks venti black coffee and then I’d take a nap. I was like,”What’s the point?” Be prepared for some serious headaches the first week or so. I actually used green tea to kind of ween myself off of the coffee, just because the headaches were really bad.


I completely gave it up last year . It was actually making me puke on a very regular basis . Pretty much every day, and that was with very high quality or shit quality coffee.
I actually didn’t get crazy headaches at all last year . First time in 28-29 years I stopped drinking at least 2-3 cups of coffee a day . During extended periods over the years I was drinking much , much more then that. TBH not really sure why I started adding it to my hot chocolate last year. I felt noticeably better not drinking it at all .