Greenhighlander grows

Nature is only ever nature . There is no good or bad there just is . That is actually the beauty of nature . Us humans on the other hand . What any other animal does to eat pales in comparison to the unbelievably sadistic system we have created. Not a single material thing that everyone strives and sell their first born for , does not come with a shit ton of blood on it . Blood from much less morals then a squirrel simply looking for a meal .
That being said I wonder if the eating baby bird thing is one of the reasons every dog I have ever had hated the fuck out of squirrels ? hahaha


That’s a baby blue jay!

They kick he eggs our of nests, then insert their own.


Nasty tree rats


Funny you should mention that. The I have seen the blue jays raid robins nest a couple times over the past few years. I have found a few of the smashed egg shells on the ground afterward. AND I didn’t think that the feathers quite looked right for a robin .
SO the robins were actually protecting what they thought was their bastard step child of a blue jay . Hilariously beautiful


For sure. That’s been going on for millions and millions of years. Way before we ever got here. Still, that doesn’t mean I wanna see it haha. One time, way back, a buddy of mine put one of those Time/Life nature videos in the vcr, about killer whales. They were swimming up on shore, grabbing baby seals and then dragging them out a few hundred yards offshore. Then they’d let them go and toy with them. Swim underneath them and slap them up into the air with their tails. Drag them underneath the water and then let them go, only to chase them down again. It was some of the most disturbing shit I’ve ever seen. Killer whales are the only animal in nature that plays with their prey.

Anyway, ever since then, I’ve been like,”Fuck killer whales…” haha.


Definitely. My girl thought I was insane when I was like,”I wanna get a pellet gun and shoot the squirrels that crawl along our fence,” haha. And honestly, I don’t really wanna do that. But kind of? Haha!

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I can’t seem to find a good enough picture confirm if that is a baby blue jay or not

Here’s a picture of some baby robins I found last year, hope it helps.


Definitely looks like it could be a Blue Jay though. Good for you on saving it. Last year one of the ones in the pic I uploaded flew into the backyard and the dog got it. The other 2 made it and I’m pretty sure I saw them this year flying around too.


That yellow beak looks pretty similar to the second picture greenhighlander posted.

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Thanks that does help . I am guessing the one I found is a blue jay hence the blue feathers it has already. Really interesting that the Robins were protecting it because they hate Blue Jays lol


Have you ever had a bird before? They’re actually pretty fucking cool pets. I dated a girl who was pretty into them in my late-20’s, she had a couple Sun Conures and a Green-Cheeked Conure. They’re really loving and pretty smart, too, considering the size of their brains.


Some people around here will hunt and eat them. I’ve been offered some a couple times. “Tree rat? No thank you. If you have any other game I would be happy to try it.”

If I had to survive, ok, but I’m not near that yet.

I’m 98% sure it is.


I put the call into the local wildlife rescue place. Just waiting to hear back from them about someone coming to get it .


Jesus Christ, I knew you kinda lived in the sticks, but I didn’t realize you were THAT in the sticks. Motherfuckers eating squirrel? Aren’t there any grocery stores near you? Haha!

Still… Just outta curiosity… How do they say it tastes? Haha! Is it good? And don’t say,”Tastes like chicken.” I think if I was cooking squirrel, it’d be well-done, for sure. No medium-rare squirrel for me, thanks.


The Blue Jay named Robin is being picked up in the AM .


It’s starting to feel like Greenhighlander’s Grow and Audubon Society in here. Seriously though, keep up the good work.


@minitiger You’ve never seen a cat play with a mouse? They can keep it going for days, until it dies from a heart attack and exhaustion rather than their wounds.

@anon60559124 Thanks for saving the bird.




I’ve heard kinda nutty and kinda greasy.

There are rednecks closer to you than you think, trust me. You’re just in the wrong circle. Lol


Dude, I’m a sixth (SIXTH) generation Floridian. The “redneck circle” starts with me. And since I don’t and never will have kids, I guess it ends with me, too haha!