Greenhighlander grows

Roots on Koko

The cuts of the seed from Wolfpack F2 #1

I didn’t take cuts from any of the Wolfpack F2 I ran last year or their parents . Very rarely have I ever had any take this long to show roots.


Hell yeah! I can’t imagine having an unopened jar for a year. I run out between harvests! :weary:




From left to right . Koko , Wolfpack F2 #1 seed , SH


Wolfpack F2 #1 seed

SH gettin no love as usual lol


Impressive trunks. Are you supplementing silica?


Ya they have really taken off the past couple weeks .
I do not specifically supplement silica . These gals are running on the same soil mix I use indoors minus the EWC and with bloodmeal also added.
I use Alfalfa meal , fishbone meal , Power bloom , EWC , and crushed oyster shells. All Gaia Green products other then the EWC and oyster shells . The bloodmeal used outdoors is also Gaia green.


Gawd, I love pics of outdoor grows. I so wish I could grow outdoors. They way nature intended haha…

Looking good. Seems like that Wolfpack f2 quit throwing those trifoliates, huh? Are any of those plants flowering yet? I blew up the pics, but didn’t notice any flowers. My eyesight sucks, though. Seems like it’s pretty late for anything to not be flowering.


Ya man I really love outdoor plants and wish I lived where they could finish.
Both the Wolfpack F2 seed and SH have grown out of the three bladed leaves. Which is pretty normal from what I have noticed from 3 fingered leaved plants over the years.
Nothing is flowering yet. Which sadly is very normal for here . I don’t get a frost until the first/second week of November , thanks to be so close to the coast . But sadly the sun dies right off by the middle of October. At best I get 6 weeks of flowering on outdoor plants.


Why is that? Are you guys still getting lengthy days or something? I was in upstate NY last weekend and noticed that the sun was fully down around 8:30pm or so (fucking growers, always making note of shit like that haha), a little later than here in SoCal. Not sure when it was rising, though. I woke up at 7am both days I was there and it seemed pretty bright out. You’re in like BC or somewhere, right? Kinda the same latitude as upstate NY?


My plants are preflowering late this year too. I’m in the pacific northwest at about 45 degrees north. My males haven’t even shown yet.

We are about to do an inspection to look for preflowers, wish me luck haha.

My harvest is going to be coming in november at this rate. I can usually harvest by mid october. Not sure what the reason is.


I am just too far north for the daylight hours to hit right. 4 hours south of me plants have already been flowering for a bit and some at 5 hours south will be done by the end of Sept.
I am in Cape Breton Nova Scotia . It is light out here at 530-6 am and not dark until 9pm + still . If I remember right I am right around 46 latitude.
But ya south of Halifax on the mainland even a few decades ago , was good for an end of September harvest on most strains. I lost a month of flowering give or take , going 5 hours north.


Wow, how fucking weird is that? Is the earth tilting on its axis or something? Very strange…

I picked up a girl from Halifax once, at an after-hours bar when she was on vacation in LA. Ended up falling in love with her (I never fall in love). She was awesome. Begged her to move to LA. She ended up working for NASA. Never came back to LA haha.

Anyway, yeah, real weird about the flowering thing. It can’t be climate change, right? Because climate change has nothing to do with when the sun sets and rises. That could only be happening because the earth is tilting or something, right?

Swear to gawd, I’m terrified that I’m gonna become some weird-ass hermit “the earth is tilting, the earth is tilting!” kinda freak haha.


I met a girl in Toronto many moons ago , fell in love , then fell out of love after 4 years with her. A year or two later I got a phone call from her telling me to fly out to LA that she had finally made it . I told her to go fuck herself and hung up . I later find out she was in that Twilight movie series lol
The flowering hasn’t changed here. It is the same as it always was . I just find it weird there is such a difference from here to where I grew up and first grew weed a few hours south.
As for being some weird ass hermit . I have to say , it is more enjoyable then I ever expected lol


Do you still have her number? Give her a call! That’s a bread-winner right there haha.

Dude, seriously… I was just talking to my girl, won’t get into what prompted the conversation, but I was like,”It’s just me and you, baby! Five years, we’re moving to the middle of nowhere and FUCK all of our friends!” haha…

She’s actually more inclined to live the “hermit life” than I am. I’m a big Party-Thrower and hanging with everybody and socializing. But I’m getting ever-closer to just getting the fuck outta dodge, buying a farm, throwing up a few “No Trespassing” signs and calling it a life. “Don’t even think about setting foot on my property!” haha.


Haha you’re going to be my neighbor


I think it would be great but having a long beard is a deal breaker for me. Itchy :rofl:


No doubt. I’ve only been shaving once every few weeks for the past eighteen months or so, can’t stand it. I dunno how those assholes with the huge beards do it. That shit rattles around and scratches up against my pillow, can’t fall asleep when I have that stubble growing for two or three weeks.

When I go hermit, I will absolutely be an extremely close-shaven hermit. Those big beards aren’t even a good look. All my friends are women and none of them wanna fuck dudes with beards; we’ve talked about it haha. I think the guys who grow any kind of facial hair only do it it because they don’t have anything to say. They think it’ll make them more “interesting.” But it doesn’t. Your stupid mustache/beard doesn’t make the chick you’re trying to pick up wanna fuck you. You’re boring. A beard won’t change that.


I grew the beard out once and then said never again lol I have a home I don’t feel the need to look homeless .
Beards are for dudes with no hair on their chest , legs , or balls that don’t exist lol


I only shave every 2 weeks. Any longer than that I can feel it curling back in on itself, and as you said, on the pillow etc. I shaved a moustache once, as a joke, and it was a bad joke.

But, I do like the idea of living in a cave.

Mrs Foreigner is game but the one thing she needs is high speed internet. Everything else is negotiable.


Hahaha!!! Classic. No lie, I literally LOL’ed when I read that.


I agree with her. I need high-speed internet, too. Otherwise, I couldn’t talk to you.