Greenhouse and grow tent

I have a neat little greenhouse in our backyard and a 4x4 grow tent with a 1000w Giixer and spider farmer sf2000 grow lights. I started some veggies and a couple bag seeds and am comparing which better performs.


Welcome to OG, so you are growing the same plant (clones?) In two different locations? One in a greenhouse, the other indoors? Final question, but what hemisphere are you in? As it is winter here in the northern hemisphere, the plants may begin flowering due to the short days.


Welcome to OG-- a neat climate too! :wink:




Sounds like a fun experiment! And drooling over the fact you are starting veggies already! hah


used to have a gh and am now growing indoor …my gh was in southern az …long growing season …it was much much better then the indoor …how ever how the gh preforms will depend a lot on where it is … i was able to get two grows a year out of it …one in early spring and one in the summer …good luck truly miss the greenhouse :slight_smile:


Two grows a year in the greenhouse would be really fun. We are lucky to get a 10 weeker to finish in time up here without light dep, greenhouse, and more dollars and time…@Dalorean I’m bettin on the greenhouse lol. Always interesting to see real folks testing out the latest led tech. Pulling up a chair.


it took me awhile to get the timing right on the spring grow …they had to finish before the days got to long… had to black out at the end if they did not finish by mid april …had a couple plants that went hermi when the days got to long for them before harvest …not a big deal since it did produce some fem beans :slight_smile:


Welcome to OG! I too am jealous of your weather. Snow here😔. Looking foreward to watching you grow!!

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Pulling up a chair, really interested in spider farm performance.

Ya I’m in the Deep South by the gulf so it’s year round here! I originally had the weedie growing in my woods then I went to check on it and it had little pistils on it! I got so excited I transplanted it and moved back into the greenhouse so I could oogle and google over her flowering already! Being the hours are low and the cold spells probably triggered her into flowering I was really surprised!

Here are my marigolds. The smaller one is from the greenhouse and the bigger one is from the grow tent! I’m running 16 hrs in the row tent so it makes sense, plus there’s soooooo many cloudy and rainy days here so I’m sure that’s slowing down the growth of the greenhouse plants. These pictures are a week old I’ll try to better compare the growths and soon I’ll start some more weedie seeds and compare the growths.


River lady I used to live in the white mountains in Arizona. I got tired of the dry I had to leave. But I sure miss those mountains out there. Oh ya I have just the one female plant I had a male and got rid of it. I I’d tie 2 cuttings off the female and they are in pots with sammich big over them. I don’t have root hormone so we will see if they root.

I’m sorry that y’all are still dealing with snow!! Do y’all have indoor grows going? Do I just look at your profiles to see what y’all got going?? I’m very open to input being my first garden and grow so I’m new, other then reading here to learn the green thumb ways.


the days are short right now so any plants you put out will go into flower …used to have a small grow cab in the gh and would put the babies in it at nite …this did 2things kept them from flowering to soon and kept them warmer …it was a bit of a pain moving them in and out but i only did it for a month or so …

So all plants, whether flowers or vegetables all get triggered into flowering stage from the light cycle??? Interesting! Thank you for your input. So now my weedie is flowering I really want to put her into the grow tent so she can bloom to her potential, it’s literally been cloudy almost daily and there’s slow growth. But I’m worried she will go back into veg state even at 12/12 since it’s barely10 hrs light in the day right now. Or should I just keep in the greenhouse?

no not all plants …

The grow tent plants are doing amazing they are coming in thick and healthy I’m super excited about that. The weedy plant seems like it’s growing slow but after looking at the last pic she has almost doubled in size. I don’t remember how the buds grow so I don’t know how far I’m on track with it’s max performance. I’m kinda bummed cuz my wife does not want it in the greenhouse anymore cuz it’s all you can smell and it can’t go in the grow tent in the house so off to the woods with her I’m afraid😭 the woods are thick so I don’t know how much sunlight she will get and mess up the grow performance. I’m just leaving in greenhouse for now tho


The greenhouse peppers are looking great. The stems aren’t as thick and they aren’t flowering yet but the grow tent pepper is thicker with more leaves and is flowering now. Why I have no idea. But it’s fancy


The grow tent sunflower is effing substantially exquisite! Strong hardy fellow unafraid of the endeavors of this earth prepared for all things unknown. The greenhouse sunflower turned out to be a sad stringy poor sap with barely any drive. They grew y’all and lanky and needed transplanted so I put by the side of the house so hopefully a possum will eat it and end it’s sad little existence.