Greenhouse males vs outdoor males

Cross breeding Humboldt Sour Diesel / Durban Poison. The catches - The D.P. matures much faster than the HSD. And, the plants in the greenhouse are maturing faster than the plants gron beside the greenhouse. The wierd: In the green house the female HSD is budding before the male HSD. Usually the other way around. But out doors the HSD F is just showing the first sign of flowering. The D.P. F outside is ready and raring to go. So…I stored some D.P. pollen and have bred a branch of the indoor HSD anda breanch of the outdoor D.P. But I want to breed both plants with the HSD. before too long after breeding with D.P. So…I cut a few male HSD branches from the green house and stuck them in a jar with a SMALL amount of nutes under florescents on an 11/13 schedule. When I see pollen on the white paper I 'll know it’s time to collect and breed.


Female outdoor, HSD topped 3 times just beginning to bud


Female D.P. bred with D.P.


Greenhouse Male HSD I’m forcing under florescents.


Bud(s) of greenhouse HSD breed with Durban Poison ( Note the tag)

These are very early buds. Some time back I read, buds should be bred soon as possible. I’ve not done that in the past, but but due to the differences in maturity times, I’m breeding buds early as possible.


Don’t know how I missed this but I’m pulling up a stool for this one! The HSD really stretches huh?

Yes it do. But The ones in 3 or 4 gallon pots in the little greenhouse aren’t nearly as big and i only topped them once. This the female HSD in the greenhouse about 8 feet. Could have kept her to 6 feet, maybe 5 if I topped her a few more times.

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You’re making this too easy for me


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I do have some skill at obliviously feeding a fire don’t I? :laughing:

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