Some Questions On Male Plants For Breeding

I have a cross between Dinamed CBD x Cherry Wine F2. I took 50+ seeds and thinned them out to about 30 ‘females’ and 5 males. The thing about them is I had the plants on 24 hr lights and six developed balls and have since dropped much of their load. I gather it is strange, that the males did their stuff without needing to go to 12:12. So are these males any good to pollinate the plants with when the females show? And if they are viable males how do I tend them to keep them alive to use on the next generation? It is not like they were put in flower and could be re-veg’d. I Googled trying to find information on keeping on keeping males for plant breeding and the best I could find is on some selection criteria and a whole lot on how to spot a male to remove it from the females. So if anyone has some words of wisdom I am more than happy to have you drop by and give some much needed direction.

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How are you females acting are any showing flowering ?
I personally would not be happy with the super early males as they shouldn’t be flowering, are they root bound ?


No, not root bound. If they flower early and without going to 12:12, maybe passing these traits to the females would be desirable?

About a week ago.

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From what I understand most folks don’t like the super fast males as they are usually a gateway to hermaphroditism, I personally find it hard enough to produce good stock with normal plants.
Do you see any female hairs on the males ?


@Budderton any idea?

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No, they look all male.


I wonder if its from latent hemp genetics behind the cbd line , I know its supposed to be sativa but I’ve heard that before


I always discard males that don’t hold in veg. Theses are the ones that would pollinate first in nature and we all know what happens if you leave cannabis to its own shenanigans outside. It’s goes back to hemp in a few generations…


I think you might be onto something @lunchpale :grin:


Some males kept from cutting, due to age can have a couple of pollen sacks similar to some female cuttings having afew pistols in veg Then you get some males that bolt, meaning despite keeping cuttings for a short period or sometimes for years will reach a time they will just fully flower out an wont reveg an will flower till they die be it 8 week or 20 based on their genetics. Then you have certain strains that have issues like auto flowering. I know some hemp genetics have auto flower issues too, not sure if any are in the chery wine version your using but some ideas to look at


But it is CBD that I am chasing and not THC, from what I have read many CBD strains are hemp derived.


Yeh, kinda out of my wheelhouse. Maybe those are the high CBD males, showing hemp like characteristics?
I like to be able to control when my plants flower so I’d avoid re enforcing the auto flower expression… That’s Just me tho…:peace_symbol:


I also like photos for the same reason. I have been searching for an answer to the early males but not having much luck. Read posts on people getting males that do their thing without having to go into flower but people just yank them with no information on if the males were used to breed with.

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you got 5 males and 6 developed balls?? 6 what?? 6 females developed balls? your plants either have autoflower genes, or light stress. plants need a dark period for the soil and microbes and root zone and foodweb and nutrients mumble jumble. i would try 20/4 veg

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Sorry, I just kept the 5, the first male I had I separated from them and eventually I trashed it.

So you are saying that going from 24 to go to 20/4 on the males? I have the rest of the plants in 12/12 as of last night.

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im saying try veg with 20/4 next round. maybe that will not trigger the auto gene if they get some dark period. this round is pretty much done for them since they all fully flowered.


But if there is an auto gene and you do not trigger it in 20/4 it would still be the same plant as the one that is grown in 24 hr light. So if you use the pollen from either you should be passing along the same genes. Will the pollen from these plants give me a low THC seed? If it does I can live with the auto part.

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so i see you have a CBD x CBD f2. if both are high CBD low THC then the majority of the seeds will result in CBD low THC.

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Theoretically that is true but the two plants were not that similar. And the F2 is not guarantied to be low THC. The Cherry Wine did give me a bit of a buzz. So I am trying to find the plants that would give a high CBD/THC ratio. The question is would these male be an acceptable daddy.

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i noticed that the F2 have both CBD parents, but maybe the grandparents had some THC in them. with breeding there is no guarantee, mostly hope. if you want something more certain, try selfing. as for acceptable daddy, i would not choose F2 as breeding partner. since f2 has the most variants.

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